![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/ZTfAF.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/3Rgg1.png)
MotM #7 finalist! Score:Balance: 7.8 Aesthetics: 7.6 Intangibles: 7.2 Average: 7.5
- Rotational symetry. One third on each side of your main should be equally attractive and similiar, although not identical in layout.
- Small high ground pods with ramps next to the left hand third. There is a one three square gap that allows units to pass shoulder to shoulder. + Show Spoiler +
- XelNaga Watchtower spies the middle platform and the narrow chokes next to it. It also neutralizes the advantage of the LoSB line on each side of the middle platform.
- Reaper backdoors between third and other player's main (in close positions spawn) - narrow paths which allow for small cliff-jumping units (or collossi) to pass by. Tanks can be dropped on the path, but can only siege the area behind the mineral line.
Players: 4 Map size: 152x152 (playable, incl. air) Resoruces: 16 regular bases XelNaga Towers: 1 in the map core Short main-to-main: 146 Short nat-to-nat: ~120 Cross main-to-main: 179 Cross nat-to-nat: ~155 Main size: 30 CCs
Textures + Show Spoiler +
Published on EU as TPW Core Delta.
+ Show Spoiler +Summary ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LM2iU.jpg) Short main-to-main ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/zWlFG.jpg) Short nat-to-nat ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/rC8ZI.jpg) Cross main-to-main ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/MDk9L.jpg) Cross nat-to-nat ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Wa4k5.jpg)
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A balanced/playable version of Delta Quadrant ? 
Looking nice, good balanced layout and visualy as good as it gets with that tileset. Not sure why you got those ramps up to the unpathable highgrounds in the middle of the map though. Aesthetics I guess?
looks good, gonna play some games later
@Archvil3 I had no thought of Delta Quadrant when I made the concept for this map I agree, the tileset was a test, I'll likely change to comethign with better blending textures.
The ramps onto the high ground is a small feature. Part of that high ground is pathable, so you can build a pylon there, drop medivac load of troops, hide banelings, etc. Perhaps it shoud be bigger to affect gameplay more, but I don't want to make that third much harder to defend.
@Mereel cool, let me know how they go and what you think of the map after that A known bug is that the mineral lines are not always balanced or optimally placed.
ok there are some problems with the mineralz but u will fix that anyways. a really huge thing was the terrain texture at the natural, its the same on highground, ramp and lowground in front of it. i had to search the ramp.....i really couldnt see it.
u better change that too^^
Ah so this is the crevasse clone you were talking about I guess?
@Mereel Yeah it's the tileset limitations that forces me to use the same texturing .. I'll prob change the setting.
@FlopTurnReaver - lol. No there are no XNTs on the low ground
Those blue and yellow lines rond the side are those the play bounds and the veiw bounds in the map maker? cos when ive messed about in their thats what i thought they were if im wrong just ignore this bit but it seems like your cutting through some mineral lines etc although it does look fine on the analyzer just make sure their is space for drops etc around the main nat as it will be verry easy to secure 3-4 bases otherwise as you get into the mid game.
I really like it, my only recommendation is to add symmetrical rocks at one of the 3rd/4th base locations. This is the way delta quadrant should have been made.
There is a mineral patch at the 2, 3, 8, and 9 oclock bases that is blocked by the two in front of it. I think this is what Mereel was talking about. Also, I prefer having a square or two of breathing room from the blue boundary line at all outlying points, but it's up to you.
The layout is sort of generic but it's quite a bit more interesting once you get to 3 bases or more, because then there are two push paths and the center terrain comes into play. The ramp outside the lefthand third is sort of random, I'm not sure how it would be used. Because of the direction the ramp points it's hard to use it defensively, and you can't really attack from it except for tanks. So it's mostly a hiding place and a pylon spot, it seems to me. But that's fine because it's better than a hole in the ground.
The righthand third is quite wide open, it seems scary depending on the situation. It might be better to provide a defensive choke structure, but that would throw off the layout a little.
Anyway I quite like it, but I feel like it's boring, even though I can't pin down any particular insufficiency. The middle is really interesting actually. I think the first 4 bases is why I feel that way, because you really just defend some open ground with two paths in. This leads to a large fight with two big armies off a 2base economy, with less back and forth action.
[edit] Regarding above statement, a better player would meet an attack at the forward choke points, which makes for a more interesting game. So it's good that it rewards forward position like that, and may be the answer to my concerns.
Nevertheless your sense of proportion is shown here again, nice work.
@Elgear sort of. It's the blue line, but it's not accurate. I'll increase teh map for some more airspace I think. Thanks for poiting out, a valid point.
@Whiplash Destructible rocks blocking the CC placement? Please elaborate why that should be on Delta Quadrant and on my map. Are the third and fourth terribly close to the main and nat?
@EatThePath Your feedback always seems insightful and clear to me - and thus valuable What is it you like about the middle? I think that's the only opinion you don't elaborate on.
That the map is somewhat typical and booring beacuse of it's openess has been my concern as well. I'm trying to add details that will add and twist the smaller features of the map, without comprimising the map layout.
I'm with you on the point that I two big armies fighting in open space on 2 base economy is not very GG. With back and forth action you mean harrassment? Or do you mean armies dancing around one another trying to get the best positions?
Good point about the forward chokes. Did you notice that there is a 2x4 doodad in the middle of the wide path?
Map Update I've done some smaller updates that adressess some of the concerns. OP updated with images.
* Changed the cliff type of the nat ramp, so that it's easier to spot. * Mineral lines updated, should be playable now, although I havn't been able tot test yet. * Extended map playable bounds to 150x150 from 146x146 for some more air space around the map edges. * Adding LOSB-pockets outside the nat at the siegeable edges ... which are also cliff-walk/jumpable.
I made some adjustment to the more awkward feature - the small high ground by the left-hand third.
I deemed it OK to choke up the map a little here, since it'is so wide open in general. Now, there are two ramps on each side, and only small units can move across easily. There is space for 3 pylons or 1 pylon and 2 cannons, for instance (or 12 Sensor Towers 
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/HsETU.jpg)
I think more space will make the high ground too much of deathball advantage. Those could camp and harrass the third. The area also helps creep spread and have room for 3 spine crawlers. Mainly, I guess, it will be used for 'safe scouting' with a worker to see if the opponent will take a third. Scouting overlords will be more vulnerable compared to a unpathable high ground, but that also adds some tension to the gameplay.
The left hand possible thrid should be slightly more easy to protect now and the right hand would be slightly harder, unless you make use of the high ground.
Do you think this is a change to the better or no? Why?
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/EwrRv.jpg)
I think you should just open that center area with space.
On April 29 2011 16:24 IronManSC wrote: I think you should just open that center area with space.
I'm trying to accomplish some unique map feature here Any good reason why I should make a hole instead? Please elaborate.
Looks like a mech heaven 
Maybe remake the 4th bases as golds instead?
This is such a cool looking map. Next chance I get I will definitely try to play some games on it. I wish that Blizzard maps were more like this instead of Delta Quadrant....
Map looks really sweet! Definitely would like to see on NA
Looks beautiful, I foresee nice counterattack routes. Love to see this on NA!
The new raised position with ramps on both sides is much better for fighting off tanks there. It's much simpler for devious flanks too (like speedling runby). Overall it just seems much more dangerous. This is a step in the right direction to me. Putting a pylon up there will be a landmark in the progress of expanding and moving out on the map as a Protoss.
The more I think about it, the more I like it; excellent example of exploitable terrain.
Currently re-making the tileset from space to lunar. I think the pink construction vs the pale ground and sand is quite nice and clean.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EFmy1.jpg)
I'm also debating wether I the nat is too easy to defend or no. The standard nowadays seems to lean towards the un-safe nats of XNC and the like. However, the rotational symetry imbalances causes me to pause and think twice about adding a second ramp or backdoor to the nat.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6DiwP.jpg)
I wish there was destructible ramps, so that the player may destroy the second ramp in certain matchups and close position tvp. Note that the ramp creates a shortcut to the right-hand third.
Also, I added rocks to the narrow path close to the middle, overseen by the XNT in the centre (not seen on this pic, see OP for overview image).
Your thoughts on this?