![[image loading]](http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n202/laszmosis/Crota_Tournament.jpg)
Hello Team Liquid Community!!
I announce to you today Crota's Season One Team Tournament!
As you can see in the banner he has some of the top starcraft 2 teams competing it off, including:
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/16.png)
Participating Players:

![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/24.png)
Evil Genuises
Participating Players:

![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/55.jpg)
Participating Players:

![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/images/teams/62.jpg)
Participating Players:

Here is the Tournament Plan
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3 weeks of round robin, 1 week finals.
Each week one clan will be versing another
For eg. Week 1: Team 1 v Team 2, Team 3 v Team 4
Week 2: Team 2 v Team 3, Team 1 v Team 4
Week 3: Team 2 v Team 4, Team 1 v Team 3
(This is just an example)
Each Team Match up will consist of 5 Best of 3 matches.
All 5 matches will be played
These will consist of Four 1v1 matches and One 2v2 matches.
The two teams with the most wins, after the 3 weeks of round robbins, will be in the finals.
The team with the most wins gets an advantage in the finals which will be they get to pick the first match up against their opponent.
The finals is a straight 5 game matchup. Four 1v1's, One 2v2. Each Best of 3s.
Each Best of 3's is worth $250
The team that wins the most of the 5 games will win an extra $1250
All 5 matches will be played, even if a team has 3-0 or 3-1 , the extra matches will be played just like in the first 3 weeks.
This will allow for the losing team to redeem themselves and try to make $250 per Best of 3.
This means the total prize pool that is on stake is a total of $2500 ($1250 + 5x$250)
(All this better explained in video)
Each week one clan will be versing another
For eg. Week 1: Team 1 v Team 2, Team 3 v Team 4
Week 2: Team 2 v Team 3, Team 1 v Team 4
Week 3: Team 2 v Team 4, Team 1 v Team 3
(This is just an example)
Each Team Match up will consist of 5 Best of 3 matches.
All 5 matches will be played
These will consist of Four 1v1 matches and One 2v2 matches.
The two teams with the most wins, after the 3 weeks of round robbins, will be in the finals.
The team with the most wins gets an advantage in the finals which will be they get to pick the first match up against their opponent.
The finals is a straight 5 game matchup. Four 1v1's, One 2v2. Each Best of 3s.
Each Best of 3's is worth $250
The team that wins the most of the 5 games will win an extra $1250
All 5 matches will be played, even if a team has 3-0 or 3-1 , the extra matches will be played just like in the first 3 weeks.
This will allow for the losing team to redeem themselves and try to make $250 per Best of 3.
This means the total prize pool that is on stake is a total of $2500 ($1250 + 5x$250)
(All this better explained in video)
Week 1 Match Ups
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![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/gFVgW.jpg)
Week 1 Links (Crota will be updating this youtube video, linking the different matches for easy finding and viewing.)
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(links are to game one)
Mousesports vs Fnatic
Strelok vs Sen (Unfortunately Sen was unable to play this match due to scheduling issues so Strelok won this match by default)
Mana vs TT1 Watch Here
Morrow vs Fenix Watch Here
HasuObs vs KawaiiRice Watch Here
Ghosta|Syck vs TT1|Sen Watch Here
Evil Geniuses vs mYm
LzGaMeR vs ClouD Watch Here
Axslav vs Sase Watch Here
iNcontrol vs Paranoid (replacing Xlord) Watch Here
IdrA vs Mondragon Watch Here
Axslav|StrifeCro vs Mondragon|Cloud Watch Here
Week 2 Match Ups
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![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/W9CvO.jpg)
Week 2 Links
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Links are to game 1 and links to next games can be found in description bar.
Evil Geniuses Vs Fnatic
iNcontrol vs Sen
LzGaMeR vs Fenix Watch Here
Axslav vs TT1 Watch Here
IdrA vs KawaiiRice
Axslav|StrifeCro vs TT1|Kawaii Watch Here
Mousesports Vs mYm
MaNa vs Mondragon Watch Here
Morrow vs ClouD Watch Here
HasuObs vs Sase Watch Here
Strelok vs Xlord Watch Here
Ghosta|Syck vs Mondragon|Cloud Watch Here
Week 3 Match Ups
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![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/sZi0f.jpg)
Week 3 Links
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Evil Geniuses vs Mousesports
Axslav vs MorroW Watch Here
iNcontrol vs HasuObs
IdrA vs MaNa Watch Here
LzGamer vs Thorzain Watch Here
Axslav|Strifecro vs Ghosta|Syck Watch Here
mYm vs Fnatic MSI
Sase vs iefnaij Watch Here
Xlord vs Fenix Watch Here
Mondragon vs TT1 Watch Here
Cloud vs KawaiiRice Watch Here
Mondragon|Cloud vs TT1|KawaiiRice Watch Here
(warning spoiler)
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Congratulations to Mousesports and Fnatic.
Mousesports came first place in the round robbins with 13 wins
And Fnatic just edged out in front of EG with 6 wins for 2nd place.
So this means for the final showdown between Mousesports vs Fnatic, Mousesports gets to choose the first match up between players of both sides for the advantage they gained for scoring most wins in the round robbin.
All 5 matches of the best of 3s will be played.
The team that gets 3 or more wins, wins the whole tournament and will get $1250.
For each win each team secures they will get an extra $250.
This means that if a team were to be 3-0 or 3-1 they still have a chance to win a bit more money!
Gl hf to both teams!
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Note: I will make fake links for series that go 2-0 for game three (leading back to game two) to hide spoilers for set outcomes. Links for game three overwise in 2-1 series will be as normal.
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GAME ONE: + Show Spoiler +
Thorzain vs Fenix Watch Here
GAME TWO: + Show Spoiler +
Thorzain vs Fenix Watch Here
GAME THREE: + Show Spoiler +
Thorzain vs Fenix Watch Here
+ Show Spoiler +
GAME ONE: + Show Spoiler +
Morrow vs NightEnd Watch Here
GAME TWO: + Show Spoiler +
Morrow vs NightEnd Watch Here
GAME THREE: + Show Spoiler +
Morrow vs NightEnd Watch Here
+ Show Spoiler +
GAME ONE: + Show Spoiler +
Mana vs TT1 Watch Here
GAME TWO: + Show Spoiler +
Mana vs TT1 Watch Here
GAME THREE: + Show Spoiler +
Mana vs TT1 Watch Here
SERIES 4 (2v2)
+ Show Spoiler +
GAME ONE: + Show Spoiler +
Mouz vs Fnatic Watch Here
GAME TWO: + Show Spoiler +
Mouz vs Fnatic Watch Here
GAME THREE: + Show Spoiler +
Mana vs TT1 Watch Here
+ Show Spoiler +
GAME ONE: + Show Spoiler +
HasuObs vs Sen Watch Here
GAME TWO: + Show Spoiler +
HasuObs vs Sen Watch Here
GAME THREE: + Show Spoiler +
HasuObs vs Sen Watch Here
Map Pool and Vetos
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Same map pool line up as TSL:
Terminus RE
Shakuras Plateau
Tal'Darim Altar
Xel'Naga Caverns
Crossfire SE
Each Player will be able to veto 2 maps each.
The player that vetos last gets to pick the 1st map.
The player that loses the first game will get to pick the 2nd map.
Same as the 2v2 Battlenet ladder maps.
Each side will veto 3 maps each as there are 9 2v2 maps.
Crota will be livestreaming his recordings of the game at his Justin TV account at:
He will also have a few guest commentaries amongst the matches in the tournament, with Day9, Kelly, and Drool from RagequitTV.
If you are interested about this tournament please watch these video announcements!
More information will be coming soon and I shall update this post!
For you who are not familiar with Crota, he started of doing commentaries of Warcraft 3 replays a bit over a year ago and transferred more into Starcraft 2 when it was released. He is very active on his youtube account, and also regularly updates his Facebook account, letting his fans know what's happening.
Here are links to several of his sites:
Additional Forum thread with updating informatio at sclegacy:
Thank you for viewing this post!
May the force be with you all!