![[image loading]](http://lastopp.no/3/2940de9f91fd54a2757030a22472188f.jpg)
The Gathering 2011 is closing in, and the first of two international qualifiers will be held in this week and the next. The qualifiers are held by the Norwegian SC2-community site, SC2.no, and top 8 will get the opportunity to participate in this years SC2 tournament at The Gathering 2011.
The first qualifier will be held this Thursday (March 25th), and starts at 1800. The qualifier will be casted by two Norwegian streams, and Rage.Quite.TV.
To participate in the tournament you have to go to SC2.gg, and sign up. To register at SC2.gg you'll have to use your battle.net url. (example: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/204587/1/Kjartan/).
There will be used a check inn system, that opens 1 hour before the brackets are released at 1800.
Setup and rules
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- Brackets will be single elimination
- Only the top 8 players from each tournament will go through to be qualified for TG11.
- Ro8 and beyond will not be played. These players will be eligible for a pro-gaming ticket.
- There will be given a 7 day time limit to show proof of purchased ticket.
- Every round will be Bo3.
- Every player will veto 2 maps each
- Walkover is set to 10 minutes, when times expires the series will be given to the one
- who showed up.
- A player can ask for a 7 minute break in between series, but not between games.
- Check-in will open 1 hour before the tournament starts and closed 15 minutes before start.
- Players must also meet up at #sc2.tour on QuakeNet while the tournament is ongoing.
- All matches will be played on the EU servers
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- Shakuras Plateau
- Typhon peaks
- Shattered Temple
- Terminus RE
- Xel`Naga Caverns
- ICCup Testbug
- Tal'Darim Altar
Additional Rules
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- If any of the players disconnect during a game, the players themselves must try to sort out if a game should be replayed or not. If no agreement can be reached, you must contact an admin. Be prepared with a replay of the game.
- If a disconnects happens before 5 minutes, the game must be replayed.
- It is prohibited to use any forms of bugs, cheats or features in the game that are unnatural or gives a player a notable advantage.
- If you suspect your opponent of cheating, contact an admin with the replay at hand.
Spectators are not allowed during any of the games. This is to prevent ghosting. - The host of the game will lose that game if the other player reports it in. If none of the players are hosting the game, the game must be replayed if a player requests it.
- Admins and casters have their own rules, read on
- Admins are allowed to enter, delay and halt any game on their will.
- Only official and approved streams will get the opportunity to stream matches from these tournaments.
- A player can stream from their own point of view. But by doing so they accept the possibility that the other person might watch the game. If you are going to stream, please do sowith a delay, 5-8 minutes. (Own3d.tv has this feature.)
- Approved streamers may ask players to wait a maximum of 10 minutes.
- A player has to provide proof within 7 days that they have purchased a pro-gaming ticket for The Gathering. If a player has not provided proof, the spot will be given to the one who lost in the Ro16 to the player. If this player does not want to participate, the spot will be given to the BYOC-tournament at TG11.
The main thread for The Gathering 2011 can be found here and the wiki page is