Most high ELO players recommend you learn doing the following things to get up to high ELO, as these are characteristics of good players. These include:
0) Must Buy Wards
1) Orders/Follows the Team to Dragon/Baron
2) Regards timings of Dragon, Buffs, Baron, Respawns, etc. and plans accordingly.
3) Destroy objectives and get out with a task, not loitering around trying to taunt the enemy.
4) Excellent last-hitting and farming, as well as knowing when to give up your farm
5) Knowledgeable in organizing and coordinating the team, efficient teamwork
6) All roles need to be understood and played to compensate for team as necessary.
7) Initiates teamfights properly, and doesn't do something stupid like face checking
8) Sees everything going on in the minimap and reacts accordingly.
9) Excellence in the laning phase.
*) Really acquainted with every champion's skills.
I don't do any of these things. I am a bad player. Playing with me or against me exasperates good players if it doesn't outright piss them off. Yet somehow I am up here, and you are down there. That's because being a good player and brute-forcing your way to high ELO are two different things.
Here's Caller's methods to get your ELO up.
Method 1: Make someone decent to play on your account.
This should be fairly obvious. Having someone who's 1800+ ELO play on your account tends to have positive impact on your ELO, as they are decent and can usually 1v5. In addition, they'll play actual legit champions, helping to hide your previous 0-4 record in ranked as Mordekaiser. However, not everybody is as good as getting on their knees and bobbing your head as I am. That's why there are other methods.
Method 2: Only play Tanky DPS.
Despite being one of the more useless roles in a 5v5 arranged, Tanky DPS champs are an easy way to raise your ELO, because you can stomp idiots 1v5 with them. These include champs like Renekton, Mordekaiser, Irelia, Jarman IV, Olaf, Xin Zhao, and so on.
But wait, you say. These champs don't offer anything to the team. All they do is do damage and are hard to kill.
No shit, I say. If you kill the enemy guys that can hurt you, all that's left are guys that can't hurt you, so you can kill them too. And since 9 times out of 10 Zilean will be speeding himself up to put a bomb on your Amumu while you are about to kill Ashe with your Mordekaiser Ghost up on her, you will usually get away with it.
So what if Mordekaiser is the most useless champion for a team since all he does is push lanes, steal farm from the carry, and have no CC. Mordekaiser can 1v5. And at low ELO, that's all you need.
Method 3: Request to Get Carried
By "Get Carried" I don't mean duo queue, because the game likes to compensate for your duo queue by giving you 3 Class AAA retards, instead of the usual you + 4 Class B Retards. Rather, I mean you get the good players on your team, and you pick on their weak players. This is usually best done by picking a champion good at somping baddies, like Mordekaiser.
Method 4: Dominate and lead your team.
This skill is what I call "Yelling." Yell at your team and tell them to do things. Yell at them to take Dragon/Tower/Baron/Gank. If someone else tries to take command let them/overrule them at your discretion. Don't be a prick about it, but be a hardass. Usually, you need a champion that can give the aura of command. I recommend Mordekaiser. People tend to listen to a big man in metal suit than some pansy as catgirl that shoots lasers.
Method 5: Exasperate and aggravate the enemy team.
This skill is what I call "Trolling." Ban random champions and don't follow the "standard" picks. Say random Korean and Brazillian catchphrases in all chat. This will accumulate overtime into a big passive taunt to be placed on you. Meanwhile, the squishier members of the team will be less likely to get focused down. In order to deal with this taunt, I suggest playing a champion that can handle the damage. Someone like Mordekaiser.
Alternatively, you can actually do all of the things that good players recommend doing.
This is not recommended due to time constraints. Why would you want to play 300 games when you can play 50 games as Mordekaiser and get just as far?