great > Choker (loser is also known as ZerO)
"I want to beat Jaedong and change the paradigm of ZvZ"
- Thoughts on your first MSL final? ▲ I can't believe it yet. Maybe I'll start to understand the gravity of it once I get home and watch the VODs.
- You must have big expectations for your first final. ▲ I think all progamers dream of this situation. I would be ecstatic if I won, but I'm not anxious or anything just yet.
- You can be the first Samsung KHAN Zerg winner. ▲ Our only winner is Stork, and I'm planning to ask a lot of players with final experience. I'm not going to be like JangBi and enter the Kong line.
- Jangbi, Stork, and even KHAN in PL always finished second. ▲ I'll try to break the pattern (laughs)
- Your domination in Game1 was important. ▲ The concept was to dominate Zero by showing him a style which he has never seen before. I practiced Hive tech until my wrists hurt, but the overall philosophy was that.
- You lost in the only Hive game, Game2. ▲ I planned the game with Hive in mind for every game. For Game2, Zero played exceptionally well and I did lose, but I had fun and I played an entertaining match. Even after the match, the overbearing thought was that I played a fun game, rather than I lost, so it was satisfying in its own way.
- Did you 9pool because of the loss in Game2? ▲ I already planned to do that, but I had Hive tech in mind for that game too. Luckily the opponent showed a small opening, and I was able to exploit it.
- Your planning for multiple games really shone. ▲ I learned a lot from Survivor (lol). I looked at all my losses, and I watched Zero's past VODs. I even studied his Overlord scouting patterns, and I think that helped a lot.
- Whoever wins in the other match, it's still a ZvZ. ▲ I think anyone in my situation would want to play Hydra. But I want to beat the best player, so I hope that Jaedong advances. If the game goes standard ZvZ, then I think I would be at a disadvantage, but I'm going to show him a brand of ZvZ he has never seen before, and if that happens I think I can change the fans' image of ZvZ. I want to show them how exciting and entertaining ZvZ can be, and I want to lead the change in paradigm. If that happens, a lot of Zergs might imitate my play, and I would be pleased. Right now, rather than winning, I want to have fun at the finals first and foremost.
- What if Hydra wins? ▲ I'll still go to Hive tech if Hydra advances. Not that Hydra is a bad player, but I want to face the best of the best in the finals, so I hope that Jaedong wins.
- All of a sudden, you feel like a ZvZ master. ▲ All the players are being called "The four masters" or "Taek-Bang-Lee-Ssang", but if I win this time, I want to put all the good players in one group. I think that will be fun.
- Final words? ▲ All of our Zergs helped me practice. Chavi gave me a lot of help on Hive ZvZ and all my teammates supported me too. I don't think I can say that I've ever gone crazy practicing, but I want to go crazy for ZvZ in the two coming weeks.
More pictures in spoiler (warning: there be many pictures):+ Show Spoiler +
I would really love to see jaedong in a hive tech zvz
On February 11 2011 07:50 kyzers0ze wrote: I would really love to see jaedong in a hive tech zvz
Ahh, this sentence reminds me of Jaedong vs YellOw. Good times.
Lol Great winning an MSL would be O_O.
MSL continues its tradition of somehow having worse players make it further than osl lol
Wow Zero looks a lot like oGsMC. Dunno why I never noticed before. Anyone else think so?
poor great is gonna have to get a silver medal vs hydra/jaedong
beating zero in a zvz box isn't exactly something a progamer would call an accomplishment I assume
On February 11 2011 07:54 SubtleArt wrote: Lol Great winning an MSL would be O_O.
MSL continues its tradition of somehow having worse players make it further than osl lol
lmao this is so true
silver, calm, kwanro, mind
but then again look at bacchus 2009, type-b made a semi final and yarnc made a final -_-
and don't forget movie
On February 11 2011 07:54 SubtleArt wrote: Lol Great winning an MSL would be O_O.
MSL continues its tradition of somehow having worse players make it further than osl lol
Yeah modesty and Calm are so great players compared to great or Zero.
ZerO won the only Hive tech game and great won all the traditional ZvZs? World will spin backwards.
Wasn't that great who said that he would win in case of a hive tech game?
On February 11 2011 07:55 red4ce wrote: Wow Zero looks a lot like oGsMC. Dunno why I never noticed before. Anyone else think so?
zero is a zillion times cuter than iron. i was so looking forward to zero taking his first ever individual league win too.
I'm going to show him a brand of ZvZ he has never seen before
Oh lol, Jaedong has seen everything in ZvZ.
Great had best not cheer for Jaedong lest he wants to start an apprenticeship into the kong line. He might be the favourite against Hydra though.
Jaedong will devour him easily nomnomnom.
United States5582 Posts
Ohhh man. great is so asking to be sent into the Kong Line, lolz. I can hear Yellow's evil laughter in the background already. "I finally won't be the only Zerg anymore~!!"
And damn, great dissing my boy Hydra?!?? Now I actually don't care if Jaedong beats Hydra; I want to see the Dong show this guy who's boss in the finals. I hope he gets a very heavy spanking. The only good thing that will come out of him getting the gold is the possibility of seeing TaekBangLeeSsang face off against each other in the next MSL, and that's still kinda bad since some people's favorite players are going to get eliminated very, very early. :/
Thanks for the translation! And ah, you're still mad at poor Zero... There's always a next time, there's always a next time. And I'm pleased to see that you added bonus pics. Bonus pics = The icing on top that completes the whole interview.
10387 Posts
If Great really does create a group of death like that......
United States13143 Posts
On February 11 2011 08:23 ArvickHero wrote: If Great really does create a group of death like that...... Pretty sure it's not possible; since both Stork and Jaedong made the Ro8, they're guaranteed to be in different groups.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
Jaedong you got this!
Also, congrats to great.
From the Pictures you can obviously see that Pocari Sweat is the deciding factor. Thanks for translation. Awesome that someone from SAMSUNG KHAN and a ZERG at that is doing so well.
I still believe in the TYRANT though.
Bacchus OSL 09 final repeat incoming
Chavi helped? CHAVI? lol sorry for great, Hydra is gonna win the MSL
That was such a cool interview from great! But, poor kid, I don't give him more than 10% chance of beating either Jaedong or Hydra.
- Whoever wins in the other match, it's still a ZvZ. ▲ I think anyone in my situation would want to play Hydra. But I want to beat the best player, so I hope that Jaedong advances.
- All of a sudden, you feel like a ZvZ master. ▲ All the players are being called "The four masters" or "Taek-Bang-Lee-Ssang", but if I win this time, I want to put all the good players in one group. I think that will be fun.