EDIT: LZ was nice enough to mention more people in the video: "ROFL.. this is a old video from 2009 wcg usa finals (scbw) Me/incontrol/idra/artosis/kawaii/g5/machine/inka (i think that was all of us) "
I was going through some MLG Dallas interviews and I chanced onto an old youtube video of Idra, Artosis, iNcontrol, KawaiiRice riding a carousel in New York City during a WCG a few years ago. I thought you guys might enjoy this.
The riding starts around 1:20.
EDIT: Ulfsark was awesome enough to combine the video with the audio from iNcontrol's rant about horses. Thanks man.
It appears this connection between Starcraft and Horses (yes, with a capital H) is indeed older than we previously believed.
I think we're slowly stumbling upon a SC progamer conspiracy. It would appear that these cyberathletes secretly derive their amazing multitasking and micromanaging prowess from the strange untapped potential that lies hidden beneath the smooth curved backs of Horses everywhere.
Pay 50 dollars for coaching as many times as you want. The pros will NEVER reveal to you that it is the power of HORSES and HORSES alone that provide them with their awesome competitive ability.
Let us call this alluring underground sect, THE EQUESTRIANATI!