have recently taken the project of trying to preserve starcraft history. in that i mean saving the brood war replays that may be lost forever because of sc2. there is so much bw history, i feel like all of it would have been in vain if we do not try to save some of the history at least. I myself have been able to collect about 20,000 replays so far and have about 20,000 that i still know of to download.
so what i am asking you for you to look around your computer and send me what bw replays you still have. i am mainly looking for pgtour and wg ones and tournament replay packs. there is so much needed that i need everything and anything you have to send. really any replays will do.this can be from the simpliest c- auto replay pack to huge tournament replays of the pros from korea and north america.
these replays will be not only given to the community, but saved on data drives just dedicated to save bw replays and preserve the grand and long history of starcraft.
also if you would be so kind but not only send the replays, but please link this to the people you know who would have these replays. so that they can be collected and preserved.
myself personally am sending this via pm to some well known members of the bw scene way back, to see if i can't get any from them. i think this way they can contribute to this project, but their games can be stored on this huge database of replays
Thanks for your time and i hope you have a wonderful day!
P.S. i have downloaded pretty much everything from tl, or linked in a thread on tl. but i may have missed a few items, i'll edit this thread later with the links i've found to replay sites so you can help in this storing project too.
United Kingdom3685 Posts
Why would you want C- level replays? They won't add to "starcraft history" any more than a high school football team's matches will add to "football history".
Anyway, LRM)Game recently uploaded a pretty big replay pack. You can find it on ICCup.com here
from what i see it is progression, like how awesome would it be to see replays of ret when he was just a newbie, i think it would be kinda cool.
and i know about his pack, i have already downloaded it
Suddenly I wish I hadnt deleted all my replays, hehe. I want to see how I and others played like 10 years ago. I used to be an avid replay collector back in those days.
I have very extensive top player replay packs. PM me with your MSN/Skype/AIM and I'll tell you what I have incase you don't.
i need pretty much everything. i don't have a lot of replays (about 20k). i'll pm you my info though
just wanted to update people who are intrested in this project that it has surpassed the 30k mark and still more replays are being found by the hour.
please help by posting not only your replays, but your support, and also talking to those you all know in the community and make this project a sucess. i really don't want to see 12 years of history go down the drain.
so you collect replays just to have them.
well in a way, but when i was orignally looking for replays i found that a lot of them have disappeared over the years. so i thought it would be good to make sure that these replays don't get lost forever. there is so much history in these replays, and i would hate for them to just be dumped away.
All the love that BW has been getting lately is just great. 
masterbreti, you have the replays from ygosu?
Well since i am a noob to the game and am a little bit of a data whore i thought this would be a great project to save almsot everything of the history of starcraft put into replays. its amazing to find a replay of nazgul destroying people in WCG 2001. or a old replay of mondragon. i think that bw was just such a huge part of people's lives, all this history made by the people just thrown away just depresses me.
i auctally just found ygosu, though its going to take me a while to gather a lot of those replays. same with the tl, gosugamers, and iccup replays. there is just so many single replays out there it would be a full time job just to collect the data. I'm hoping to pm nazgul one of these days and ask him if maybe he can't just send a rar of the replays on tl, since tl hosts the data already. also maybe he'll have some replays i have not found yet. I also have been pm'ing some former pros about trying to find their replays and get their replays, or if they don't have any of them anymore, at least support and pass the word on to their circles.
I am also going to post the websites i've found through this, though many of the replay sites are closed down, many are still around.
Edit: also a lot of clan sites (ex ToT) have maybe a few dozen replays on their site, many of them are exclusive to that site, so its also difficult to try to find all the replays from those sites as well, cause there are so many clans and many i don't know about
Gosugamers.net has a huge amount of replays. but some of them might overlap with TL replays...
On January 14 2011 17:21 jjhchsc2 wrote: Gosugamers.net has a huge amount of replays. but some of them might overlap with TL replays...
i have check out gosu gamers, there is a lot there that would be nice, but its lower on my list of things to find since the replays are not going anywhere anytime soon, same with the replays on tl. my main ones i need to get are of old tournament and of the pgtour and wgtour. old iccup replays would be nice as well, i'll have to check the iccup replays to see what they have laying around.
sorry for bumping but i feel this needs to be bumped. in good news project replay has about 37,500 replays and its growing by the hour. but we still need help, more repays are always better.
DEMACIA6550 Posts
THanks Effort, i do have these. they are great games as well
if you ever get around to watching some of the earlier starcraft matches post it on youtube, people used to suck back then also what is your account name
On January 16 2011 07:34 pwnsftw wrote: if you ever get around to watching some of the earlier starcraft matches post it on youtube, people used to suck back then also what is your account name
auctally i plan on releasing the packs themselves one i hit the 100,000 mark. i have a lot of old stuff that would be cool for people to see, though the old stuff is the hardest to get.
will hit 40k this morning. thanks everyone for the support and keep it up by sending me more and more replays.
i want to give this a bump and also state the the 50k mark is slowly coming up. and it would be easier if people would upload their replay pack, or at least spread the word.