This is the next event page
32 Player Internet Sc2 Tournament Just North of Atlanta.
*****$5 fee*****
This will be Hosted at
A World of Heroes
2464 Winder HWY
Dacula GA. 30019
It is a local comic book store
with all kinds of great stuff
to check out during any down time.
************************************************To sign up************************************************
Send me a email at with: (I filled in mine as an example)
First name (or what people call you) : Justin
Starcraft 2 name and code: NoInControl.509 ladder class and points: diamond 316
Race played: Zerg
Phone Number:
List how many you can bring ***Including the ones you are bringing for your self*** laptops count as all but mice
Things you can donate for me to keep for future events just would like to know what for sure so I can start making my list
(Optional) Any ideas you have:
The Main event First prize will be $100
We will have Noon to midnight to be there.
January 29
Main Event 1v1 Tournament
Single Elimination for first two rounds. Last 3 rounds will be Double Elimination
*I will be breaking up the bracket based on your rank
Once I get all 32 people I will break up everyone into 4 sections
A- Top Tier
B- Second Tier
C-Third Tier
D- last Tier
So in the first round all A ranks will be playing C ranks, and all B ranks will be playing D ranks.
This is the style bracket i am going with
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Other events
1v1 Funday Monday Style tournament Single elimination.
Every one will wright down a Funday Money style Idea. We will put all the best ones in a hat and each round draw one.
2v2 Random Teammate: Single elimination first two rounds. Double elimination last two rounds.
All names go into a hat and I just start pulling them.
Good Luck =)
2v2 Pick Teammate Single elimination first two rounds. Double elimination last two rounds.
And tons of what ever you wanna play once you have been knocked out =)
just remember bandwidth is a issue with this many people so please only Starcraft, Make sure you have no downloads or anything else but Starcraft 1 or Starcraft 2 So things do not get laggy.
There will be some food and drinks there:
Can Drinks 50 cents
Bag of chips 50 cents
Candy Bars 25-75 cents
And Please bring extra money not needed for food. The owner of the store does not even play Starcraft, but has been so very nice and helpful in all this.The least we can do is buy a few things.
!!!Also Magic The Gathering Fans!!!
The place is all about magic cards, They sell single cards so if you are a few cards short of the deck you want this is the place.
The Information Flyer
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If you an extra computer you can bring please do. Some people can come, but can not bring there PC, and if starcraft 2 Runs on your laptop please bring that also. So when you email me to sign up tell me how many computers or screens or keyboards or mice you can bring so I can start making the list and so I can see what we still need.
If you can donate any old keyboards, mice, screens or computers please let me know.
Also I build Computers So if you have parts around that you could donate please do anything ddr2 or ddr3 motherboards or ram. Pata or Sata hard drives any size. 250w power supplies and up.
Any DVD drives. and any dual core cpus, and any Gpus. I just need to build to run low settings.
I will not sell anything donated, I will only make computers for lan parties, and I will also use them to help other local Esports events. Any thing donated that I can not use will be given to charity.
Past Updates and Information.
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I am wanting to host a SC2 Lan party for any SC2 players who want to come. I have never put one on, but i have the space we need for a 30 to possibly 40 person lan party.
Right now I am looking for people to help me plan out details, and make sure we have everything we need.
My aim is Gandr13189 use this to get a hold of me. E-sports is not very active here lets work together to change that!!!!
We have a place 32 max so first to sign up first serve. Sign up will start soon place is
A World of Heroes
2464 Winder HWY
Dacula GA.
we have the place for 12-14 hours was what I worked out
This will be the second to last update the next on will be all the final information.
Lets help E Sports in Georgia grow!
Jan 22 or 29 12 to 12 or later is the time/date I got approved so far =)
To sign up send me a email at with: (I filled in mine as an example)
First name (or what people call you) : Justin
Starcraft 2 name and code: NoInControl.509 ladder class and points: diamond 316
Race: Zerg
(Optional) Any ideas you have:
I will post final info tonight about what all is going on. I can go ahead and tell you $100 first prise.
also title your email "sign up"
and if you have questions you can aim me at gandr13189 or email at just title the email "Question"
Looks like the day is going to be the 29th. I am not getting emails. Thats how i am doing the sign up. Right now there are three people who are signed up. Do not tell me on here your in. Email me with the info from above filled in.
And I keep delaying the final info because people are giving me good ideas=) I think ill hold off for a few more days to take more in.
This is what I know for sure:
The place
The day (the 29th unless poll changes hardcore)
and for the main event the first ranked player will get $100
There is a $5 fee
so if you could make sure to set aside that day please do.
$5 dollor fee + food and drinks so $20 is recommended.
there will be really cheep drinks and snacks there also to save you some money
50 cent cans 50 cent bags of chips.
thats about it for this update, but guys come on start sending those emails!!