![[image loading]](http://www.elevengaming.com/mwc/images/stories/fp/fp_1.png)
The main event will be a 128-man max, double elimination brawl with some of North America's best. With more than $1500 in cash and prizes for this event alone, it promises to draw big names and great play. CatsPajamas will be casting the whole main event live! Find out more about the main event, including the rules and map pool here: http://www.elevengaming.com/mwc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=137&Itemid=431
Prizes 1st - Alienware Laptop ($800 value), ThermalTake "Frio" CLP0564 CPU Cooler, $300 cash 2nd - XFX Radeon HD5850 PCI-e video card, iLugger 27" 3rd - ThermalTake "Shock" Gaming Headset, Razer Lachesis Gaming Mouse, ThermalTake tri-LED Case Fan 4th - Razer Lachesis Mouse First person out: ThermalTake "Cool all your life" inflatable balloon hammer
The two-to-tango event will be a 2v2 arranged team event with a prize pool of more than $500. Two's teams will battle it out to see who's the best. Find out more about the two-to-tango event here: http://www.elevengaming.com/mwc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=139&Itemid=432
Prizes 1st - Two viewsonic 22" VA2231W Widescreen LED Monitors, Two ThermalTake 2011 Calenders 2nd - Two Razer Lachesis (Banshee Blue) Gaming Mice, two ThermalTake 2011 Calenders 3rd - Two Logitech Desktop USB Microphones
The precious metals event is for our "noob" friends - available for players ranked platinum or worse by the battle.net ranking system. Have friends that aren't Starcraft masters? Bring them to play this event, and win some of the over $200 in prizes! Find out more about the precious metals event here: http://www.elevengaming.com/mwc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=140&Itemid=434
Prizes 1st - ThermalTake "Azurues" Optical Gaming Mouse, ThermalTake AF0018 Case Fan, ThermalTake AF0007 External USB Fan 2nd - ThermalTake AF0018 Case Fan, ThermalTake AF0007 External USB Fan, BigFootNetworks T-shirt 3rd - $15 Newegg Giftcard, ThermalTake "Cool all your life" inflatable balloon hammer, BigFootNetworks T-shirt
The Battle Royale will be our FFA event. You can lie, sneak, make alliances and double cross, but remember: only the winner will take the prize pool home Find out more about our FFA event here: http://www.elevengaming.com/mwc/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=138&Itemid=433
Prizes 1st - Killer2100 Gaming NIC Card, Razer Lachesis Gaming Mouse, ThermalTake "Dasher" Gaming Mouse Pad.
Overview North American gaming organization elevengaming has partnered with Best Western, LANDOGS, and our other sponsors, to put on one of the largest midwest LAN events of 2011. With space for more than 100 gamers, three days of SC2-related events and more than $2000 in cash and prizes, this event promises to draw some big names and great play. First place in the main event is guaranteed to walk out with more than $1000 in cash and prizes alone! (AND we're getting one of those big-ass checks) This is considered a BYOC event. We will have an extremely limited number of PCs (probably four or five) available for rental, but we are not responsible for ensuring you have a place to play come event time. The entry fee for all the events is $30 if you pre-pay or $40 at the door
Thanks, Domino elevengaming www.elevengaming.com
United States2095 Posts
This sounds very interesting. How would one go about reserving a spot in the main event if you feel they deserve it? Just asking because I'm interested! : )
aw. I'll be in Spain. Looks cool though
On December 08 2010 02:15 Sheth wrote: This sounds very interesting. How would one go about reserving a spot in the main event if you feel they deserve it? Just asking because I'm interested! : )
The main event will be completely open to all parties. The only restricted events will be the events for lower-tier players (i.e. we might have a "battle of the bronze" event). The main event will be the biggest event (with the biggest prize pool), and will be open to anyone who has paid/registered, from bronzies to grandmasters.
Is there any option for a spectator fee (for a significant other for instance)?
Damn I could actually attend this LAN if it wasn't during school!
gl with it, sounds like a cool event and it's nice to see something in the midwest
I'll pass this along, maybe someone from VT will be interested in going!
Awesome event. I will be the shoutcaster at the event, so I'm EXTREMELY looking forward to some top players showing up.
On December 08 2010 14:21 vaderseven wrote: Is there any option for a spectator fee (for a significant other for instance)?
There is no fee for spectators, however, spectators are not allowed to bring in PCs or participate in any events. Registered players will have colored bracelets, and will need to escort their spectators into the main game rooms. As I said in the OP, there will be a seperate casting room, and observers are welcome to watch there, even outside the company of registered participants.
Do keep in mind that if this event fills all the rooms to capacity, room will be limited for observers. Please limit friends/girlfriends/observers joining you in the main game room to one, especially during the main event. Big crowds standing behind one player will not work in this setting, if the room is full.
This sounds awesome. I'll try to make it!!!
Cudos on taking the initiative, I hope it works out well for all who are involved. I believe we spoke before,but if you find yourself short handed down the road, PM me, and I can lend a hand on the ground (live in st louis as well). Now... if only it were the 19th through the 21st, that way I wouldn't have to take any days off work because I will be surely eliminated earlyon ;]
Also, I will be sure to pass this onto the other WU guys, I know theyll be interested.
Sounds awesome, will definitely aim at making this, and hopefully with enough practice to compete well in the main event.
the website looks amazing! i'll definitely try to show up
when is the deadline for preregistration? I need to make sure i have no major exams or anything like that, I should be ok to go though. Just being safe haha.
On December 09 2010 05:10 Saig0n wrote: when is the deadline for preregistration? I need to make sure i have no major exams or anything like that, I should be ok to go though. Just being safe haha.
Good question. There really is no deadline for pre-registration (might close like 1-week before), however, at the absolute most, we'd be able to handle like 125-150 people. I didn't think that would be a problem, but I already got a few pre-regs in the less than 24 hours since the site has been up, and at least a dozen additional e-mails. My advice is don't pre-register until you're sure that you're going to come, but pre-reg as soon as you do know. If we get close to the limit, we may have to close additional registrations.
As a fellow team member of xi - elevengaming, and co-manager I am very excited for this event. I feel that we might have a lot of extra time. Plus I'm hearing that a few top teams might bring some of their players or almost full teams. I bet we might have time for like a mini clan war tournament if we are quick. It could be really fun.
Please respond to the thread, PM Domino, or visit elevengaming.com/forum if you have any questions! Thanks -Nizzy
Only downside to this thing is that Nizzy will be there and he might try to come on to me!
This looks like a great tourny everyone should participate!
I may be there, and may even try to compete if I actually get decent. I so need to ladder more often. (12 games XD and I bought it midnight the night it came out. Did really well in Beta, gold ranked, and now I'm better then I was, so maybe.)
Does it cost the $30 just to watch, or to play, or both? (I've never been to nor participated in an e-Sport, so I don't know.)