Many of you don't know me, since I am a long-time lurker (just actually made an account pretty recently), but me and a good friend still consider ourselves pretty involved with the SC community, we watch ALL of the tournaments and try to participate in as many events and things as we can. Tragically, even though we had planned to take the road trip down to Dallas to watch MLG (And HuK's last American tournament for a while q.q) we are not going to be able to make it due to some logistical crap.
So we made a bacon explosion and encapsulated all our hopes and dreams for HuK who is of course our favorite player.
About 1.5 Pounds of bacon weave.
Just under 2 pounds of a mixture of hot Italian sausage and regular Italian sausage
Add some hopes and dreams.
Some more bacon and BBQ sauce / BBQ Rub
Roll it up!
Its cooking now. I'll let you guys know how it is!
E: Enjoying now. And maybe the best thing I have ever eaten!
Me and all my friends at our MLG Party tonight are rooting for you HuK!!!!