Given the limited number of UK based starcraft players, this will be a resource for anyone looking for fellow countrymen in bw and SC2
+ Show Spoiler [SC2] +
+ Show Spoiler [Adeeler] +
in-game: Adeel.209
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: London
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [AdrenalGBR] +
in-game: Adrenal.587
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Durham/Newcastle
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Durham/Newcastle
+ Show Spoiler [Adya] +
in-game: Adya.837
race: Zerg
level: Plat
location: Aberdeen
race: Zerg
level: Plat
location: Aberdeen
+ Show Spoiler [Affluenza] +
in-game: MrAffluenza.309
race: Zerg
level: Silver
location: London
race: Zerg
level: Silver
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [Airdraken] +
in-game: Airdraken.942
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
locationlymouth (term time)
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
locationlymouth (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [AzN_Xin] +
in-game: Xin.372
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London (term time)
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [Azza] +
in-game: Azza.394
race: Terran
level: Diamond (though only for 2vs2+, don't often 1vs1)
location: Nottingham
race: Terran
level: Diamond (though only for 2vs2+, don't often 1vs1)
location: Nottingham
+ Show Spoiler [Cbear] +
in-game: CBear.599
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Edinburgh
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Edinburgh
+ Show Spoiler [ChaosSmurf] +
in-game: ChaosSmurf.389
race: Terran
level: Gold?
location: Glasgow)
race: Terran
level: Gold?
location: Glasgow)
+ Show Spoiler [ComusLoM] +
in-game: Comus.105
race: Random
level: Diamond
location: Middlesbrough (term time)
race: Random
level: Diamond
location: Middlesbrough (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [dahornnn] +
in-game: dompunisher.924
race: Protoss
level: 700 Diamond
location: not given
race: Protoss
level: 700 Diamond
location: not given
+ Show Spoiler [Daenad] +
in-game: Daenad.160
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Belfast
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Belfast
+ Show Spoiler [DMcKechnie] +
in-game: DMcKechnie.728
race: Protoss
level: Gold
location: Glasgow
race: Protoss
level: Gold
location: Glasgow
+ Show Spoiler [DrN0] +
in-game: Vega.483
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [Dtee] +
in-game: Dte.101
race: Terran/Random
level: Diamond
location: Cardiff
race: Terran/Random
level: Diamond
location: Cardiff
+ Show Spoiler [FearMe.UK] +
in-game: FearMe.509
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Coventry
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Coventry
+ Show Spoiler [FEiN] +
in-game: FEiN.991
race: Zerg
level: High Plat / Low Diamond
location: Loughborough
race: Zerg
level: High Plat / Low Diamond
location: Loughborough
+ Show Spoiler [FireBlast!] +
in-game: FireBlast.299
race: Protoss
level: 900 Diamond
location: London
race: Protoss
level: 900 Diamond
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [FuriousX] +
in-game: Fxr.881
race: Protoss/Zerg
level: Gold
location: Northampton
race: Protoss/Zerg
level: Gold
location: Northampton
+ Show Spoiler [Gloop] +
in-game: Gloop.400
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Oxford/Coventry
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Oxford/Coventry
+ Show Spoiler [Gruv] +
in-game: Gruv.631
race: Zerg
level: Mid Plat
location: Berkshire
race: Zerg
level: Mid Plat
location: Berkshire
+ Show Spoiler [Gulf] +
in-game: Gulf.399
race: Random
level: Platinum
location: Glasgow
race: Random
level: Platinum
location: Glasgow
+ Show Spoiler [harenzo] +
in-game: harenzo.443
level: Gold
location: London
level: Gold
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [IsUgO] +
in-game: Mike.195/196??
race: Random/Terran
level: Diamond
location: Cheshire
race: Random/Terran
level: Diamond
location: Cheshire
+ Show Spoiler [JBanKs] +
in-game: BanKs.455
race: Terran
level: Bronze
location: Reading
race: Terran
level: Bronze
location: Reading
+ Show Spoiler [jtype] +
in-game: Neskobar.321
race: Random
level: Low diamond
location: London
race: Random
level: Low diamond
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [KakashiX] +
in-game: KakashiX.647
race: Terran
level: Platinum
location: St.Andrews
race: Terran
level: Platinum
location: St.Andrews
+ Show Spoiler [kar1181] +
in-game: Kar.310
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [Kerotan] +
in-game: Kerotan.906
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: not given
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: not given
+ Show Spoiler [kerpal] +
in-game: kerpal.502
race: Zerg
level: Plat - ish
location: Durham
race: Zerg
level: Plat - ish
location: Durham
+ Show Spoiler [KryptoStorm] +
in-game: KryptoStorm.800
race: Random
level: Bronze
location: Durham
race: Random
level: Bronze
location: Durham
+ Show Spoiler [KwarK] +
in-game: KwarK.767
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Liverpool (term time)
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Liverpool (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [LeonStarcraft] +
in-game: Leon.909
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Sunderland
race: Terran
level: Diamond
location: Sunderland
+ Show Spoiler [leviathan400] +
in-game: Leviathan.898
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Portsmouth
race: Terran
level: Gold
location: Portsmouth
+ Show Spoiler [LSGamer] +
in-game: LSGamer.545
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Blackburn
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Blackburn
+ Show Spoiler [Lyter] +
in-game: Infernokoi.640
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Birmingham/Sheffield
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Birmingham/Sheffield
+ Show Spoiler [maJes] +
in-game: MaJes.583
race: Zerg
level: High Plat
location: London
race: Zerg
level: High Plat
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [MilkLizard291] +
in-game: MilkLizard.291
race: Random
level: Gold/Plat
location: Sheffield
race: Random
level: Gold/Plat
location: Sheffield
+ Show Spoiler [nekuodah] +
in-game: Skeletonz.846
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Plymouth (term time)
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Plymouth (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [nibbles] +
in-game: Nibbles.747
race: Random/Protoss
level: Low/mid diamond
location: Cambridge
race: Random/Protoss
level: Low/mid diamond
location: Cambridge
+ Show Spoiler [NuclearStar] +
in-game: NuclearStar.781
race: Terran
level: High Plat
location: Northamptonshire
race: Terran
level: High Plat
location: Northamptonshire
+ Show Spoiler [nVusPip] +
in-game: nVusPip.775
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: not given
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: not given
+ Show Spoiler [Nytefish] +
in-game: Nytefish.857
race: Random
level: Diamond
location: Cambridge
race: Random
level: Diamond
location: Cambridge
+ Show Spoiler [Nyx] +
in-game: NyX.922
race: Protoss (and T and Z)
level: Diamond
location: London
race: Protoss (and T and Z)
level: Diamond
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [olias] +
in-game: olias.461
race: Protoss
level: Gold
location: London
race: Protoss
level: Gold
location: London
+ Show Spoiler [Pads] +
in-game: LegacyUK 145
race: Zerg?
level: Gold - low Diamond
location: Plymouth
race: Zerg?
level: Gold - low Diamond
location: Plymouth
+ Show Spoiler [Piy] +
in-game: Piy.961
race: Protoss
level: High Diamond
location: Orkney/Aberdeen
race: Protoss
level: High Diamond
location: Orkney/Aberdeen
+ Show Spoiler [Psychobabas] +
in-game: Psychobabas.???
race: Terran
level: High Diamond
location: Southampton
race: Terran
level: High Diamond
location: Southampton
+ Show Spoiler [Red_Storm] +
in-game: Vequeth.130
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Norwich/Plymouth
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Norwich/Plymouth
+ Show Spoiler [Rope] +
in-game: Rope.707
race: Terran/Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Dublin/Cambridge
race: Terran/Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Dublin/Cambridge
+ Show Spoiler [roguecop] +
in-game: roguecop.332
race: Zerg
level: Mid Diamond
location: London/Warwick
race: Zerg
level: Mid Diamond
location: London/Warwick
+ Show Spoiler [sammler] +
in-game: sammleR.809
race: Mainly Zerg
level: Silver
location: Doncaster
race: Mainly Zerg
level: Silver
location: Doncaster
+ Show Spoiler [Sgany] +
in-game: Sgany.728
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Belfast
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Belfast
+ Show Spoiler [Shimone] +
in-game: Shimone 929
race: Terran/Zerg
level: Silver
location: Aldershot
race: Terran/Zerg
level: Silver
location: Aldershot
+ Show Spoiler [SomaliPirate] +
in-game: SomaliPirate.458
race: Protoss
level: Mid Diamond
location: Birmingham/Leicester
race: Protoss
level: Mid Diamond
location: Birmingham/Leicester
+ Show Spoiler [StarSwinger] +
in-game: Star.283
race: Protoss
level: Silver
location: none given
race: Protoss
level: Silver
location: none given
+ Show Spoiler [TaG)SiG] +
in-game: SiG.???
race: Random
level: Platinum
location: Leeds
race: Random
level: Platinum
location: Leeds
+ Show Spoiler [TarQes] +
in-game: TarQes.860
race: Protoss/Random
level: Diamond
location: Near Cambridge
race: Protoss/Random
level: Diamond
location: Near Cambridge
+ Show Spoiler [Tommylew] +
in-game: Tommylew.227
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: South Pembrokeshire, Wales
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: South Pembrokeshire, Wales
+ Show Spoiler [TonyL2] +
in-game: Tony.383
race: Protoss
level: 300~ Diamond
location: West Sussex
race: Protoss
level: 300~ Diamond
location: West Sussex
+ Show Spoiler [trevabob] +
in-game: trevabob.392
race: Zerg
level: low ish, haven't placed since beta
location: Salisbury/London (term time)
race: Zerg
level: low ish, haven't placed since beta
location: Salisbury/London (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [Uberthing] +
in-game: BigGonzo.283
race: Protoss
level: Mid Diamond (mainly 3v3)
location: Leicester/Birmingham
race: Protoss
level: Mid Diamond (mainly 3v3)
location: Leicester/Birmingham
+ Show Spoiler [UdderChaos] +
in-game: UdderChaos.122
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Bristol/Stoke-on-Trent
race: Protoss
level: Diamond
location: Bristol/Stoke-on-Trent
+ Show Spoiler [Vorgrim] +
in-game: Vorgrim.487
race: Zerg
level: 900 Bronze
location: Devon
race: Zerg
level: 900 Bronze
location: Devon
+ Show Spoiler [wristuzi] +
in-game: wristuzi.421
race: Zerg/Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Manchester (term time)/London
race: Zerg/Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Manchester (term time)/London
+ Show Spoiler [xtfftc] +
in-game: MasterWho.361
race: Protoss
level: 900-1000 Diamond
location: Portsmouth
race: Protoss
level: 900-1000 Diamond
location: Portsmouth
+ Show Spoiler [Zelderd] +
in-game: Zelderd.298
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Nottingham
race: Protoss
level: Platinum
location: Nottingham
+ Show Spoiler [Zurles] +
in-game: Zurles.???
race: Terran>Zerg
level: Diamond
location: Leeds
race: Terran>Zerg
level: Diamond
location: Leeds
+ Show Spoiler [Zrana] +
in-game: Zrana.285
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Derby
race: Zerg
level: Platinum
location: Derby
+ Show Spoiler [BW] +
+ Show Spoiler [Kerotan] +
in-game: iCCup.Kerotan
race: Terran
level: D+
location: not given
race: Terran
level: D+
location: not given
+ Show Spoiler [jello_biafra] +
in-game: RyanM/AZealotOnCrack/InGosuWeTrust
race: Terran/Protoss
level: B-
location: Edinburgh
race: Terran/Protoss
level: B-
location: Edinburgh
+ Show Spoiler [KwarK] +
in-game: KwarK_uK
race: Protoss
level: A-
location: Liverpool (term time)
race: Protoss
level: A-
location: Liverpool (term time)
+ Show Spoiler [IsUgO] +
in-game: Jinxy[MB]
race: Random
level: C/C+
location: Cheshire
race: Random
level: C/C+
location: Cheshire
+ Show Spoiler [Nytefish] +
in-game: Nytefish[MB]
race: All
level: Protoss B-, Zerg/Terran C+
location: Cambridge
race: All
level: Protoss B-, Zerg/Terran C+
location: Cambridge
+ Show Spoiler [Pads] +
in-game: Legacy[MB]
race: Zerg?
level: C/C+
location: Plymoouth
race: Zerg?
level: C/C+
location: Plymoouth
+ Show Spoiler [TaG)SiG] +
in-game: SiG
race: Zerg
level: korean C+
location: Leeds
race: Zerg
level: korean C+
location: Leeds
+ Show Spoiler [trevabob] +
iCCup: trevabob
race: Terran
level: D-------
location: Salisbury/London (term time)
race: Terran
level: D-------
location: Salisbury/London (term time)
SO to be added to the list give your TL username, SC2/iCCup id, race and skill level as well as (optional) current location in the UK.
So I thought it would be worth including general info relevant to the UK SC scene here. If you find anything not on this list, please feel free to post in the thread or PM me about it and I will add it.
in no particular order: <--- UK TL member, player and general Sunderland-based gentleman Leon has a SC2 stream! check that shit out. <--- UK/Ireland SC2 ESL open information <--- Info about upcoming SC2 LAN in Reading