![[image loading]](http://www.polyprepbaseball.com/Northeastern%20Logo.gif)
Chronald here,
Now that the coordinator stuff has been sorted out, I would like to welcome you to the NEU CSL Team thread!
Currently our roster consists of: Chronald Kuma dledwith wtfomgjohnny Nordla pranavgod gale_f0rce Sunchyne
This is stupendous, seeing as we have a full roster. Having a full roster doesn't mean you can't join though! All it means is that we can officially sign-up for Season 4 of CSL when Mark Ha and his crew get everything going.
If you are one of the wonderful students of NEU who plays SC2, send me a PM with your name, b.net email, and current ladder standing, and I can get you on the roster.
My finals for the summer are over on Monday, so I will be much more on top of my non-school shit after that. I'll be sure to add all you of guys on b.net and give you everyone else's email so we can start practicing.
edit: roster, pic, info and shit.
If you don't want to join the team, but still want to play with kids from NEU still send me a PM, and I can get you on our practice list.
My goal for this team is to be the best team in Boston, including MIT and Harvard. I think it is definitely within our reach. So lets practice up, and stomp on some CSL scrubs.
I'm not team-material but I'd like to hang out with fellow Sc2 players in Northeastern.
On a somewhat related note, Orb goes to our school, I think?
I've heard that, but I think there are more than one "Orb" on b.net. If THE Orb goes to NEU we gotta get him on the team haha.
If you want to kick it, or just play some 1s or w/e PM me your bnet email. A few of us have a vent we use too, so that is always nice.
Hey guys sorry i've been away for a little bit. I'm just interested in being associated with the team and practicing and what not to get better. I'm bronze league so obviously i have no desire to be coordinator. I wanna be on the team though!
Okay, well in that case I can take up the reigns of organizing the team for sure.
I'll get in touch with the CSL guys and let them know about the coordinator change.
As far as a roster goes, we have to have 5 people, and can have as many as we want from what I understand.
If you guys want to get on the roster, PM me and I'll compile a list.
As far as skill goes, we are clearly willing to take anyone, because frankly, anyone (with some practice) can be a good player.
Any ideas you guys have for practice times or spots would be welcome. Sadly none of the school computers can really run SC2, so on-campus practice might be hard.
Hey, I'm going to NEU as well and I would love to join you guys. My bnet ID is wtfomgjohnny.905
What... North eastern is getting a SC2 team together... bastards lol
I better start looking for people who play SC2 around Suffolk then...
I'd imagine a good amount of people in colleges in MA play SC2. It'd be sweet if we get nice competition between each other.
I'm pretty sure orb goes to NEU, someone found his facebook profile and his network is NEU, also I'd be glad to join this.
I'm def gonna seek Orb out, even if he doesn't play (idk why he wouldn't) it would be sweet to have him practice with us.
As far as a roster goes, I'm going to edit the OP today with the current roster. I'll just use the TL nicks for this list.
Everyone add me on bnet or facebook. My email is wtfomgjohnny@gmail.com
I'm a NEU student aswell. My bnet id is Sunchyne.738 if you want to add me =)
So yeah, Orb is taking a year off and isn't in town. But he is down to practice with us if scheduling works out.
I can finally get on B.Net today, because I finished most of my finals so I will go through and add all you guys.
Also say hay to gale_f0rce, the newest member of the team.
why is princeton the only school listed on csl?
They don't have registrations up yet. Soon to come from what I've heard from Dan, the guy running it.
Hi I go to NEU but I don't have sc2 atm. I played a lot in beta though and I'd like to join if i could :D. What year are most of you guys?:
Hey everyone, my b.net email is griffinschneider(at)gmail(dot)com if you want to add me
I'm a middler, so at least 2 more years for me.
If you want to join Fobulous, send me a PM with your name, bnet email, and current ladder position/race.
An update for everyone, I would like to get as many people on BNet tonight around 9 as possible. We can get a 1s rotation going on so we can assess the talent we have. Even if you think you will be crushed, doesn't matter with some practice you will get up there really fast.
Again that is 9pm tonight, and then we can figure out a good time for everyone to start practice during the weekend and on weekends.
I'm really glad we got this off the ground, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to find enough people at NEU to play.
I would recommend everyone shell out like 10 dollars and purchase a headset, we can use ventrilo to communicate to simply talking while playing. Plus it's just easier than typing.
Everyone, the registrations for CSL ARE OPEN!!
Go onto the site, and make an account so you can be added to the official roster.
^ that's the place ^