See that tag? No more [SC2B], the time for [SC2] has come. Finally it is here.
A new dawn is rising. Starcraft 2 is no longer barely under the horizon, we see it full view. Over mountains, through vast forests, underneath seas it is fully accessible. No longer forced to content ourselves with multiplayer, with partial map pools and incomplete achievement lists. The full game is right in front of us. A game with a box you can touch, a game that has every feature unlocked, begging for interaction.
Years of planning, coordinating, testing, and man hours in the hundreds of thousands all culminating to this one event. Its time to play, to bring the old back to the days of their youth and bring the purest of joys to the young.
Say farewell to beta, welcome official release with open arms. How many hours of sleep have you lost so far? How many will you lose in the next week? The next month?
Join us as we celebrate beta with a video from Liquid's own TheLittleOne, showcasing play from one of the strongest players to spring up in recent months.