i was playing a game on StarGate, i was playing a bit horrible because i went on the BC's too early. Heres the list of the things i did wrong.
1. Had only 2ports, 1 exp, then went to get 2 extra ports for 4port BC. 2. i thought my opponent was going pure tanks, then when i found out he went wraiths with upgrades, i just realised i was %#$@ed. 3. when i got harrased with wraiths. i had to use goliaths. no advangtage :O, because i had no defense but just a few tanks, and 4 BC's. 4. I had nowhere to expand, since he kinda contained me.
basically how do you TvT with BC's, i know its kinda tricky >.<, i know first u need atleast 2 expos with gas running for success and yeh.
Netherlands13554 Posts
You already answered your own question. 4 port bc with only 1 exp? what the fuck were you thinking :/ Get your natural, get tanks, get an island, get another main, do some dropaction to keep him on his toes, or just flat out turtle, and get bc.
Don't get too many valks though, there's a bug with the Valkyries rocket fire. I think you can only use like, really, five valks at once, otherwise they all jam up, and don't fire.
2 or 3 valks will kill millions of wraiths so you have nothing to worry about there
Netherlands13554 Posts
Valks will die before wraiths are dead sorry -.- (if you only use 2 that is)
MURICA15980 Posts
Finally name changed. Good boy.
Netherlands13554 Posts
Generally I only like BCs when he turtles up hard and you can see its going to be a standoff type game, i.e., boxer vs zodiac. BCs also need proper ground support, so, keep that in mind (otherwise masses of gols will overwhelm you)
concerning earliest reasonable BCs can be from main nat and island and 3 ports max I think.
only use bc in a tvt if u have no other option ( say arround 30 min ingame orso ;o) rather contain/take map/drop etc ~
don't get bc unless you have 4 base or are contained and have 3
On May 10 2004 11:54 SunShine wrote: only use bc in a tvt if u have no other option ( say arround 30 min ingame orso ;o) rather contain/take map/drop etc ~
why not? Isn't bc/tank most solid and effective combo? drops can be intercepted or counter-dropped while bcs with ground support can pressure harder.
If the stupid thing you're playing tries to go for something like tank/vulc contain and you got your natural, you can get the isle and start BCs ASAP.
On May 18 2004 03:32 Beast_Bg wrote: If the stupid thing you're playing tries to go for something like tank/vulc contain and you got your natural, you can get the isle and start BCs ASAP.
sounds like positive attitude and respect towards opponent