TeamLiquid Shirts Available!
Due to popular demand, the TeamLiquid Store now has light blue, winged horse TL Shirts.
The price is $19.99 + shipping, and you can use the special coupon code TeamLiquid2010 for $5.00 off the price (total $14.99+shipping). The coupon code will only be available for a limited time.
Click here to see Chill rocking a similar version of the shirt at Blizzard WWI 2008.
Note: The color on these shirts is more of sky blue than the "denim blue" that we previously printed on. Chill and Kennigit insist that this color is far superior.
LOL at pic
Drat, I was hoping it was a new design but awesome none the less (I already have this one).
Nice, will be getting one of these for sure.
I honestly like the original TL shirt better, no offense to the artist of this shirt. I have the first TL shirt but I'm not sure I will buy this shirt, maybe. Thanks for providing the opportunity. Cool update. Maybe we should start a new design.
Hell ya, I'll buy one. Thanks for getting more of these. Others should buy too. ;]
Oh man. This is much better than a progamer shirt! Can't wait to wear this around school and people saying "I never knew you swam...."
if it was in white i'd proly get it.... love getting the facebook update though
checkout page doesn't seem to want to load
Just ordered mine, thank you so much TL!
Hooray! Ordered one immediately.
Buying one asap
edit: Does this come in a black or white background? I think it would look a lot better in 1 of those shades and I'd rather wait and purchase one of those colors.
What happened to that new design contest???
Order successful! :D :D <3 TL
Calgary25963 Posts
This is my favourite of the 10 or so TL/progaming shirts I've owned. I wear this regularly and it feels great and the colour is good. No offense to mnm, but this baby blue is vastly superior to the other colour.
Awesome, if I have a little spare money lying around I'm definitely getting myself one of these. Absolutely love the design.
Didn't even have to think twice..ORDERED!
Yay they're available again!!
Is the sizing US?
edit: Nevermind, I'm dumb. There is a sizing chart.