Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans!
![[image loading]](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v191/protrozz/honbanner.jpg)
Inspired partly by myself here, I thought it would be fun to set up a friendly HoN tournament within TL. I find HoN to be a great team-based game, and if you can control your rage, a great way to make new friends as well.
The Principle
I want to get people to know each other through this and have a good time. This will obviously be a 5v5 tournament, and format will be decided based on how many people are interested. Players will be divided into teams of 6, to leave room for one player to miss a match. Depending on interest, there may be a lower-level division and an upper-level division. I want to avoid people just making squads with their friends and owning everyone else due to superior play level. The most important thing about this league will be that it is for fun. Nerd rage, while often understandable, should be restrained to at least semi-private conversations and not include flaming people publicly. I reserve the right to kick anyone out of this league at my own discretion, whether or not I am biased. I will kick you out for whatever I see fit, including but not restricted to bad manner, lying about skill level, and inactivity.
The Format
What I had in mind was a sort of proleague-style format, with round-robin into a playoff with the higher finishers getting seeded. Depending on how many people are interested, this may or may not need to be adjusted. Each team will play one match per week, scheduled at any time during the week that works for players. Each team will have a manager to coordinate practicing and match times. Managers should report internal team disputes or BM complaints to me by PM. Each match will be either Bo1 or Bo3 (see poll) and game mode will be either Banning Pick (BP) or Banning Draft (BD) (see poll). Playoffs will be seeded like proleague, but # of teams depends on total signups. Making a clan with all of your team members is recommended for organization purposes but is not required. Whatever ID you sign up with on the signup form will be your ID for the tournament. There will be NO PRIZE, even if someone wants to donate, I won't let you. This is entirely for fun at this point.
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If the game comes out during the league, then people who have not prepurchased will have to be replaced. If there are too many people dropping out, teams will be merged. We'll find a way.
To sign up, fill out this form. ONLY SIGN UP IF YOU CAN BE COMMITTED FOR A COUPLE MONTHS. If you're gonna drop out or get busy sometime soon for a period of more than a week, notify me in advance through the signup form. I want this to run as smoothly as possible. As I said earlier, there will be 6 players on each team, likely divided by skill. Signups will run until 11:59 EST the night of Sunday, May 2nd or until we reach a good number of players (my discretion). Signups may run longer depending on starting date.
The Schedule + Results
The league started Monday, May 10th. The default match time will be 2 PM EDT on Saturday - if no agreement has been come to by that day, that is when you play. I recommend managers get the schedules of their players for each week as early as possible to work out a play time, as I'm sure 2 PM EDT doesn't work for everyone. You will play one set a week for seven weeks, with one week off, and the top three teams will go to the playoffs - #2 plays #3, and the winner plays #1. Winner gets the acclaimed Mensrea No Prize (TM).
MANAGERS, PLEASE PM ME IF YOU CHANGE THE TIME! The default time will be shown until you give me another time. I want to obs as many games as possible, and if we can get live casting that's even better.
Week 1
Team 1 vs Team 6 [2:00 PM EDT Saturday]
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Team 2 vs Team 5 [2:00 PM EDT Saturday]
+ Show Spoiler [Results] +
Team 3 vs Team 4 [2:00 PM EDT Saturday]
+ Show Spoiler [Results] +
Team 7 - no game
The Teams
Team 1
Manager - Glull // Glull
Alur // Alurr
Wonders // okistar
Arhkangel // DoctorOoo
craz3d // Crazed
IcedGreenTeA // Lee`YoungHo
Team 2
Manager - Trozz // Trozz
masturgator // Lorelei
GiftPflanZe // FullCollapse
buckbo1604 // buckboii
Groslouser // Groslouze (never responded to my prepurchase PM, may need replacement)
Gatsu // Gatsu
Team 3
Manager - LeperKahn // Dinosaur
XeliN // Regines
Etherone // Etherone
saywah // saywah
Onca32 // Onca
Doughboy // Doughboy
Team 4
Manager - Solinren // Tipanie
Fishball // Gravien
Incognitodies // IncognitoD
Butigroove // MrSoloDolo
TS-Rupbar // TSRupbar
BrownBear // Brown`Bear
Team 5
Manager - Fatalis89 // Fatalis
deconduo /// deconduo (can't play for part of first week)
Superbia // Imperator
sidesprang // sidesprang
Strayline // Straylight
Manashne // Manashne
Team 6
Manager - Pokebunny // Pokebunny
Kinetic` // Kinetic`
Wala.Revolution // wala
Sadistx // Sadist
LordWeird // LordWeird
Team 7
Manager - iRemNanT // iRemNanT
TheBeardedWonder // ExplosiveSex
hiberna // herpderp0
Patrio // Patrio
ZoW // ZoW
skronch // skronch
Final Notes
I made this thread during a free period at school, so it's sure to be incomplete. Please give me feedback

I hope this works out! Please post any questions/comments in the thread.
~ Pokebunny