LEAGUE IS ON HOLD. All teams disbanded, I'll make new teams whenever I feel like trying to deal with it again. I'll probably just make new signups.
Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans!
Inspired partly by myself here, I thought it would be fun to set up a friendly HoN tournament within TL. I find HoN to be a great team-based game, and if you can control your rage, a great way to make new friends as well.
The Principle I want to get people to know each other through this and have a good time. This will obviously be a 5v5 tournament, and format will be decided based on how many people are interested. Players will be divided into teams of 6, to leave room for one player to miss a match. Depending on interest, there may be a lower-level division and an upper-level division. I want to avoid people just making squads with their friends and owning everyone else due to superior play level. The most important thing about this league will be that it is for fun. Nerd rage, while often understandable, should be restrained to at least semi-private conversations and not include flaming people publicly. I reserve the right to kick anyone out of this league at my own discretion, whether or not I am biased. I will kick you out for whatever I see fit, including but not restricted to bad manner, lying about skill level, and inactivity.
The Format What I had in mind was a sort of proleague-style format, with round-robin into a playoff with the higher finishers getting seeded. Depending on how many people are interested, this may or may not need to be adjusted. Each team will play one match per week, scheduled at any time during the week that works for players. Each team will have a manager to coordinate practicing and match times. Managers should report internal team disputes or BM complaints to me by PM. Each match will be either Bo1 or Bo3 (see poll) and game mode will be either Banning Pick (BP) or Banning Draft (BD) (see poll). Playoffs will be seeded like proleague, but # of teams depends on total signups. Making a clan with all of your team members is recommended for organization purposes but is not required. Whatever ID you sign up with on the signup form will be your ID for the tournament. There will be NO PRIZE, even if someone wants to donate, I won't let you. This is entirely for fun at this point.
If the game comes out during the league, then people who have not prepurchased will have to be replaced. If there are too many people dropping out, teams will be merged. We'll find a way.
To sign up, fill out this form. ONLY SIGN UP IF YOU CAN BE COMMITTED FOR A COUPLE MONTHS. If you're gonna drop out or get busy sometime soon for a period of more than a week, notify me in advance through the signup form. I want this to run as smoothly as possible. As I said earlier, there will be 6 players on each team, likely divided by skill. Signups will run until 11:59 EST the night of Sunday, May 2nd or until we reach a good number of players (my discretion). Signups may run longer depending on starting date.
The Schedule + Results The league started Monday, May 10th. The default match time will be 2 PM EDT on Saturday - if no agreement has been come to by that day, that is when you play. I recommend managers get the schedules of their players for each week as early as possible to work out a play time, as I'm sure 2 PM EDT doesn't work for everyone. You will play one set a week for seven weeks, with one week off, and the top three teams will go to the playoffs - #2 plays #3, and the winner plays #1. Winner gets the acclaimed Mensrea No Prize (TM).
MANAGERS, PLEASE PM ME IF YOU CHANGE THE TIME! The default time will be shown until you give me another time. I want to obs as many games as possible, and if we can get live casting that's even better.
Team 5 Manager - Fatalis89 // Fatalis deconduo /// deconduo (can't play for part of first week) Superbia // Imperator sidesprang // sidesprang Strayline // Straylight Manashne // Manashne
I signed up! I'm not very good though (PSR hovers around 1500, KD around 0.7), so I'd probably be in the lower division, but I would definitely love to play.
On April 28 2010 03:56 Glull wrote: its always great too see someone dedicated enough to set up something like this, so thanks!
You're welcome! I hope it works out, haha.
On April 28 2010 03:57 Wala.Revolution wrote: Do we have a big enough player base?
24 is my minimum.
On April 28 2010 04:14 Eti307 wrote: Ohh very interesting. If any skill level is accepted I'd be interested
Any skill level is accepted!
On April 28 2010 04:22 BrownBear wrote: I signed up! I'm not very good though (PSR hovers around 1500, KD around 0.7), so I'd probably be in the lower division, but I would definitely love to play.
Would there be casting + battle reports of this?
Great! That's fine. Good idea, I'll cast if I have time.
On April 28 2010 04:24 KF91 wrote: You don't have to be in the TL HoN clan to participate right?
Nope, that's not relevant. Anyone is welcome.
On April 28 2010 04:26 ltiy wrote: I only play DotA
I find HoN to be basically DotA but better. I really can't think of any steps back HoN took.
On April 28 2010 05:00 Amnesia wrote: How will you balance the teams?
Wala, I edited your PSR range to 1700-1800, FYI. If I can hit 1700, you are not <1700. I set myself to 1600-1700, so...
edit: Ten signups in less than two hours, and MANY of the regulars in the HoN thread are missing. The majority of the people signing up I've never even heard of! Everyone should hang out in Clan Teamliquid on HoN
I may be in. I'm more of a LoL person than a HoN person, although I've been a proponent for DotA-type games since Reign of Chaos. I'll get back to you by tonight :p
I signed up, sometimes have lag when at uni flat due to a combination of traffic prioritazation on my ISP and flatemate downloads but it is only at certain times and shouldn't be a problem. Looking forward to this tourny and pwning TL noobs.
ID is Regines and am 1600ish if anyone wants to add
I'm planning on allowing managers to figure it out themselves. If no time is agreed upon, the default time will be sometime Saturday afternoon EST (expect something like 2 or 3 pm EST).
Sad to see so few votes for BD I was looking forward to the more varied team strategies.
Actually, take me off the list. On second thought, I have too many other commitments and erraticism in my schedule such that I don't think I could play on a set time every week. Sorry about the trouble Pokebunny.
On April 28 2010 08:13 DarkOptik wrote: Actually, take me off the list. On second thought, I have too many other commitments and erraticism in my schedule such that I don't think I could play on a set time every week. Sorry about the trouble Pokebunny.
It isn't guaranteed to be a set time - scheduling should mostly be done individually, the set time is only there to make sure that teams have to come to an agreement. If there is a scheduling issue (teams can't work out a time) it can be rescheduled for another week.
But I'll take you off, as you wish. No problem, hope your life goes okay
I will signup depending on when the time starts. I do not want to play with my 30% packet loss internet on campus, as well as I will not have access to my computer when I have to move out at the end of the semester. I could sign up as a manager to help manage one of the teams.
That's the internet I have to deal with. Amnesia would know how much I rage over it.
On April 28 2010 08:07 MYM.Testie wrote: I'll play.
To be completely honest, I was hoping you wouldn't. I'm afraid anyone too high is gonna totally carry their team no matter the hero.
Regardless, you're free to join if you wish.
Give him a team of 1100s
if the teams are really random, there won't be a problem. obviously hell be a huge asset, and make any team hes on competitive, but its not impossible to beat testie without a team to support him.
and hes got soo much to teach, how is that a bad thing for anyone?
Currently, there's no one signed up who has marked their PSR below 1500.
Give Testie a team of 1500s and they become 1700 within a week, all he has to do is teach them how to support his carry. If the teams were random instead of PSR balanced, that's even worse - Testie would have a chance of getting good teammates. The goal is that the stronger players teach the weaker players how to play as a team and all the teams end up fairly balanced both within and compared to other teams. Testie has tons of competitive experience and could help a lot more than someone 1700-1800 - Testie would only be the 2nd person 1800+.
Since this is supposed to be a for-fun-only tournament, might I suggest going with all-random instead of banning pick or draft?
Also, would it be acceptable for 3 people to sign up at once? My roommates and I started plaing HoN last august (never played DotA before), and are currently hovering around 1700, and would be interesting in participating if we aren't split up in the group selection process.
On April 28 2010 09:08 Meta wrote: Since this is supposed to be a for-fun-only tournament, might I suggest going with all-random instead of banning pick or draft?
Also, would it be acceptable for 3 people to sign up at once? My roommates and I started plaing HoN last august (never played DotA before), and are currently hovering around 1700, and would be interesting in participating if we aren't split up in the group selection process.
Well, the idea is to encourage people also to learn how to play in a proper team setting. I encourage people to practice and come up with team strategies together. While AR certainly is interesting, I do want to encourage a little teamplay here. Stressing "for fun" was done so people don't end up too upset when they lose, mostly. Basically, it's modeled after competitive leagues but is just for the purpose of building the community. AR can get very messy and stupid, the hero picks often determine the outcome.
As for your 2nd question, only if they are previously TL members. This is a TL league, the point was to not encourage people to just join with a group of friends and own everyone, but to meet more people who have something in common.
On April 28 2010 09:11 OmgIRok wrote: Lol i put my PSR at 1500-1600 cuz it said based off my highest account :p
Oh and no prize pool? eeek
I still dont get the league, but yeah i signed up and yeah
is it gona be like a bunch of players sign up and are put into teams ? So i'll meet new people and stuff right?
Based off your highest account basically means your peak skill level. If you haven't played enough to get to your actual skill level (DotA player) you can estimate higher if you'd like. No prize pool is a necessity in an amateur league, especially on TL - putting money on the line is sure to throw gasoline on the flames during important matches. And yes, anyone signs up, I divide you into teams, and you guys practice/play matches together.
On April 28 2010 09:28 iLoveKT wrote: for the love of asians not 2pm est pls.
That's just the default. As I said, ideally most of the games will be scheduled individually. Do you have another suggestion? Signups currently have 8 Europe, 18 NA, and you.
On April 28 2010 09:28 iLoveKT wrote: for the love of asians not 2pm est pls.
That's just the default. As I said, ideally most of the games will be scheduled individually. Do you have another suggestion? Signups currently have 8 Europe, 18 NA, and you.
Here's the situation come scheduling with a default that sucks for Asians:
"wanna play at x,y,z time?" "can't" "what about a, b, c time?" "can't" "well, we can play at default time, if you can't make it then def loss"
Find a better default time, and you'll save some headaches.
And minimize random shit, if you get on the short end of the RNG, you will not like it and it will not be "fun".
On April 28 2010 09:28 iLoveKT wrote: for the love of asians not 2pm est pls.
That's just the default. As I said, ideally most of the games will be scheduled individually. Do you have another suggestion? Signups currently have 8 Europe, 18 NA, and you.
Here's the situation come scheduling with a default that sucks for Asians:
"wanna play at x,y,z time?" "can't" "what about a, b, c time?" "can't" "well, we can play at default time, if you can't make it then def loss"
Find a better default time, and you'll save some headaches.
Quite seriously though, what time is better for asians that also is in the day for americans and europeans? I refuse to shaft the majorities, lol. 2 PM EST is like 2 AM - 4 AM in east asia. It can't go more than a couple hours either way (Pacific America or Europe will suffer). I'm not gonna give tech losses unless I absolutely have to, as I said, it's just for fun and I'd rather the game get played weeks later than not at all.
lol thats like from 4 months ago when I still played actively. I don't play too much these days and when I do I'm pretty horrible lol. too much rust i guess
lol thats like from 4 months ago when I still played actively. I don't play too much these days and when I do I'm pretty horrible lol. too much rust i guess
Well, if you're below that level nowadays, I can switch you if you think that would be more accurate. I really don't care, I just want to make sure we have balanced teams.
I'm sorry for iloveKT (the only person in Asia right) but USE/S/even C should be the default, so USW and EU players can all play. Of course, if there are only couple USE + 8 EU then EU is good too.
On April 28 2010 10:03 Wala.Revolution wrote: A few games and you'll re-adjust.
RNG=Random Number Generator?
Oh, in that case, if you look at the poll, everyone's in favor of me dividing teams relatively equally based on PSR range.
I'd say you're better off letting people captain and then let them draft their team members. I was referring to the RNG of random heroes which someone suggested earlier.
On April 28 2010 10:03 Wala.Revolution wrote: A few games and you'll re-adjust.
RNG=Random Number Generator?
Oh, in that case, if you look at the poll, everyone's in favor of me dividing teams relatively equally based on PSR range.
I'd say you're better off letting people captain and then let them draft their team members. I was referring to the RNG of random heroes which someone suggested earlier.
People who get first pick and/or know the players better will have too clear of an advantage. Plus, the goal is to not be on a team with all of your friends, but to get to know new people. I agree that the current method isn't ideal, but I don't have a better idea that still conforms to the goals of the league.
No rage allowed? How can you even call this an HoN league. Guess I'm out
Seriously though, how long would this run for? I think you should keep it shorter (May-mid June) to start with. Then, if that shorter league is successful, do more during the summer.
Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans!
news from other thread/hon facebook
looks like i won't be playing this league for more than 2 days
Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans!
news from other thread/hon facebook
looks like i won't be playing this league for more than 2 days
Heroes of Newerth Retail release date has been set. HoN's Open Beta will come to an end on Wednesday, May 12th @ 4:00pm EST, 2 weeks from today. It has been an amazing beta process and we appreciate the support of all our fans!
news from other thread/hon facebook
looks like i won't be playing this league for more than 2 days
Every single signup so far should have now received a PM asking them to confirm due to the retail release. There are 40 signups before confirmation PMs went out, so we should have plenty to continue even with release.
On April 29 2010 02:17 Kenny wrote: I'd be cool to cast this if help is needed for this..I know quite a bit about HoN and have played around the 1850s for a while now.
Wow, nice - you're welcome to cast, I'll PM you once teams are formed and matches scheduled etc
No, but I'm going to. I just want to see if they release it on Steam first. Even if they don't I'm still buying it.
Poke if you need help with anything let me know kk? I can keep up the brackets (as long as someone designs them :p) notify team captains if they have a game coming up etc. I don't have enough time to be a full admin but I can help you manage stuff, and let's be real unless I'm paired with imba players I'll probably get knocked out early.
I think i'm not gonna play, but maybe i can go up and commentate on games as a co caster (i don't have solid comp specs to stream so i wouldnt want to do that)
I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
On April 30 2010 03:00 Wala.Revolution wrote: Why don't we create a channel and everyone who signed up can join the channel from now on and perhaps we can get some good ih going today.
how about channel Clan teamliquid? People should always go there anyways. :o
On April 30 2010 02:03 Alventenie wrote: I think i'm not gonna play, but maybe i can go up and commentate on games as a co caster (i don't have solid comp specs to stream so i wouldnt want to do that)
Id vote for you to be a co-caster (which sounds like fun), since Alvie knows his shit/ Hes a really nice guy ;p
On April 30 2010 02:03 Alventenie wrote: I think i'm not gonna play, but maybe i can go up and commentate on games as a co caster (i don't have solid comp specs to stream so i wouldnt want to do that)
Id vote for you to be a co-caster (which sounds like fun), since Alvie knows his shit/ Hes a really nice guy ;p
On April 30 2010 02:03 Alventenie wrote: I think i'm not gonna play, but maybe i can go up and commentate on games as a co caster (i don't have solid comp specs to stream so i wouldnt want to do that)
Id vote for you to be a co-caster (which sounds like fun), since Alvie knows his shit/ Hes a really nice guy ;p
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
Ideally you'll actually practice a bit with them beforehand and get to know/help people. I'm pretty sure the lower level players know their place and will accept advice, and probably are more likely to accept advice given in a friendly manner.
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
Ideally you'll actually practice a bit with them beforehand and get to know/help people. I'm pretty sure the lower level players know their place and will accept advice, and probably are more likely to accept advice given in a friendly manner.
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
Ideally you'll actually practice a bit with them beforehand and get to know/help people. I'm pretty sure the lower level players know their place and will accept advice, and probably are more likely to accept advice given in a friendly manner.
you'd think that wouldn't you
Why not? I think I fall into that group, to an extent.
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
Ideally you'll actually practice a bit with them beforehand and get to know/help people. I'm pretty sure the lower level players know their place and will accept advice, and probably are more likely to accept advice given in a friendly manner.
you'd think that wouldn't you
Why not? I think I fall into that group, to an extent.
On April 30 2010 02:28 Sadistx wrote: I signed up and will gladly play if there's a team of 1700+ My prepurchase nick is different from what I signed up as though, so I'll be TWD in hon for now.
The goal is to balance the teams.
Meh, I'll probably still play but I retain the right to rage at newbies at any point during the game if they dont listen!
Ideally you'll actually practice a bit with them beforehand and get to know/help people. I'm pretty sure the lower level players know their place and will accept advice, and probably are more likely to accept advice given in a friendly manner.
you'd think that wouldn't you
Why not? I think I fall into that group, to an extent.
I have finals 14th and 17th of May, but would love to participate after ^__^
Just a question - I haven't played much HoN (like I got to know the heroes except the ones being added right now and am familiar with the interface), so no mater what PSR I say, it can't be true as the sample size is so small. How to transition my DotA experience? :p
On April 30 2010 15:01 Vic.nQQ wrote: I have finals 14th and 17th of May, but would love to participate after ^__^
Just a question - I haven't played much HoN (like I got to know the heroes except the ones being added right now and am familiar with the interface), so no mater what PSR I say, it can't be true as the sample size is so small. How to transition my DotA experience? :p
There's a "don't know" option pretty much for that exact reason (dota players).
On April 30 2010 15:01 Vic.nQQ wrote: I have finals 14th and 17th of May, but would love to participate after ^__^
Just a question - I haven't played much HoN (like I got to know the heroes except the ones being added right now and am familiar with the interface), so no mater what PSR I say, it can't be true as the sample size is so small. How to transition my DotA experience? :p
just keep playing the game.
Oh and I can't play with EU players for shit... I'm the furthest I could possibly get from them.
I've played on US and EU servers and tbh the only difference i've noticed is that the EU ones crashed more often than US servers. That was a while back, but I ping insanely well to any server (like under 150 to all of EU and under 100 to all US)
If anybody wants to do some practicing I'm down whenever after 19:00 GMT (+00:00) every day. I work the next 10 days so it'll have to be after that time. Looking for some more experienced players to give tips who won't rage too easily, lol.
On May 01 2010 04:51 LordWeird wrote: If anybody wants to do some practicing I'm down whenever after 19:00 GMT (+00:00) every day. I work the next 10 days so it'll have to be after that time. Looking for some more experienced players to give tips who won't rage too easily, lol.
Message me whenever, I'll be on most of the night (pokebunny)
41 signups atm, Lep will sign up soon I think as well, bringing us to 42. Four people didn't reply to my PM asking about confirmation for prepurchase who signed up before the announcement. Three people are still tentative. That leaves 34-35 confirmed, hopefully we end up with 36.
On May 02 2010 06:34 Strayline wrote: I signed up but never got a PM from you...
You signed up after I added the notice in the op saying that the game would be released soon. Some people signed up before purchasing was shown to be necessary.
On May 01 2010 01:44 Alventenie wrote: I've played on US and EU servers and tbh the only difference i've noticed is that the EU ones crashed more often than US servers. That was a while back, but I ping insanely well to any server (like under 150 to all of EU and under 100 to all US)
imo you feel everything over 100 ping is laggy (laggy as you can get annoyed by it), can ping be different to different people / computers?
Teams will be out tomorrow, I really don't feel up to it today - was in the hospital/ICU almost all of yesterday and this morning, still not feeling too great... got hit in the head by a baseball hit back at me while pitching ;x
On May 05 2010 01:59 Jackal03 wrote: I wanna play, i just don't have a clan/team
Players signed up are thrown into a pool of other players, then are more or less semi-"auto balanced" into teams. So it doesn't matter if you have a legitimate team or not already.
I would like to sign up on like a ringer list or something, as I'm not sure how available I can be, but It'd be sweet to get a game occassionally if someone can't make it and im around. Is anything like that happening? Im 1550-1600ish i guess, have a decent idea about team strategy but still spastic at times lol
On May 05 2010 03:36 ItsPaul wrote: I would like to sign up on like a ringer list or something, as I'm not sure how available I can be, but It'd be sweet to get a game occassionally if someone can't make it and im around. Is anything like that happening? Im 1550-1600ish i guess, have a decent idea about team strategy but still spastic at times lol
I don't really have anything in mind for this, but you're free to message people and ask if you could play with them.
I've got a draft of the teams, but there are 38 people on my list. Not sure what my solution is gonna be, but if anyone would like to drop out then tell me.
maybe the referree's could put me on their friends list, and if a game is scheduled and there's a no show, they can check friends etc. Would fill up their friends list though so I dunno lol
Might have been mentioned in the last 9 pages but...
Any chance on a pure non-purchasing team to shine for the last week/first rounds? :p
"You signed up after I added the notice in the op saying that the game would be released soon. Some people signed up before purchasing was shown to be necessary."
Team 5 Manager - Fatalis89 // Fatalis deconduo /// deconduo (can't play for part of first week) Superbia // Imperator sidesprang // sidesprang Strayline // Straylight Manashne // Manashne
Is it too late to join? I'm pro at Nymphora griefing if you need any spies. Also Pebbles. I can throw overleveled characters into opposing bases to even out the score.
If you don't think your manager is gonna see the teams posted, PM him, it's not my job to make sure people check the thread.
On May 06 2010 20:40 Elegance wrote: Team 4 rigged, Solodolo AND rup on the same team x.x
Every team either has one 1800+ or two 1700-1800s (randomized). I changed Etherone to 1800+ because he hit 1800 and it made the numbers work out better. :<
As it is, my guess are teams 1 and 4 will be the strongest, but who knows! I honestly have no idea.
On May 07 2010 00:41 Incognitodies wrote: Friend requested everyone on my team in HoN. The name 'Kappuccino' doesn't seem to work though, dunno if this was a misspelling or something?
That's the one he gave.. dunno
On May 07 2010 01:04 love1another wrote: Is it too late to join? I'm pro at Nymphora griefing if you need any spies. Also Pebbles. I can throw overleveled characters into opposing bases to even out the score.
On May 07 2010 00:41 Incognitodies wrote: Friend requested everyone on my team in HoN. The name 'Kappuccino' doesn't seem to work though, dunno if this was a misspelling or something?
I screwed up my account, and is back to using "Gravien" for now.
Team 1, Managed by Glull, aka, Llulg, aka, someother stuff, seems to be a fairly well-rounded team. There aren't too many big names here, but doesn't appear like there aren't many idiots either. In heated competitions like this, a group of mediocre players often is stronger than a group of great players combined with idiots. Their manager is also somewhat capable so I'll be excited to see what this team can do.
Team 2 Manager - Trozz // Trozz masturgator // Lorelei GiftPflanZe // FullCollapse buckbo1604 // buckboii Groslouser // Groslouze (never responded to my prepurchase PM, may need replacement) Gatsu // Gatsu
This team appears to be one of the more vulnerable as while it has a decent manager and a few good players, there are some players that have rarely or never been seen before, and thus likely to be inexperienced to some degree. I consider this one a dark horse so far.
Team 3 has a decent manager and is likely going to be fielding Etherone as its ace. The other players aren't too bad as far as I recall, so I consider Team 3 to have a pretty strong chance at taking the TLL Cup.
This team features a host of powerful players and can easily be considered one of the better teams in the TLL. The pair of SoloDolo and Rupbar is very strong, and Brown'Bear and IncognitoD aren't exactly terrible either. Kappuccino is a bit of an unknown, however, as is their manager. Can the relative inexperience of these players be supplemented by the more experienced duos?
Team 5 Manager - Fatalis89 // Fatalis deconduo /// deconduo (can't play for part of first week) Superbia // Imperator sidesprang // sidesprang Strayline // Straylight Manashne // Manashne
This team appears to be fairly decent as well. Straylight, Manashne, and Deconduo are all above-average players in the TLL. Sidesprang and Imperator are also decent. I have no idea who the hell the captain is, but I expect to see some good games out of this team.
This team features the egofest of wala aka Arachnasolomid, versus the manager, [UED]Pokebunny, considered widely to be the top EM player in TLL. Will the team's synergy be able to surpass their own egos? Only time will tell.
I don't know anything about this team. Who are these dark horse contenders, and what will they do? Is there a Zelniq smurf among them? Or are they [5] smurfs? Some exciting games will come out of this lot, that's for sure.
Team 1, Managed by Glull, aka, Llulg, aka, someother stuff, seems to be a fairly well-rounded team. There aren't too many big names here, but doesn't appear like there aren't many idiots either. In heated competitions like this, a group of mediocre players often is stronger than a group of great players combined with idiots. Their manager is also somewhat capable so I'll be excited to see what this team can do.
Team 2 Manager - Trozz // Trozz masturgator // Lorelei GiftPflanZe // FullCollapse buckbo1604 // buckboii Groslouser // Groslouze (never responded to my prepurchase PM, may need replacement) Gatsu // Gatsu
This team appears to be one of the more vulnerable as while it has a decent manager and a few good players, there are some players that have rarely or never been seen before, and thus likely to be inexperienced to some degree. I consider this one a dark horse so far.
Team 3 has a decent manager and is likely going to be fielding Etherone as its ace. The other players aren't too bad as far as I recall, so I consider Team 3 to have a pretty strong chance at taking the TLL Cup.
This team features a host of powerful players and can easily be considered one of the better teams in the TLL. The pair of SoloDolo and Rupbar is very strong, and Brown'Bear and IncognitoD aren't exactly terrible either. Kappuccino is a bit of an unknown, however, as is their manager. Can the relative inexperience of these players be supplemented by the more experienced duos?
Team 5 Manager - Fatalis89 // Fatalis deconduo /// deconduo (can't play for part of first week) Superbia // Imperator sidesprang // sidesprang Strayline // Straylight Manashne // Manashne
This team appears to be fairly decent as well. Straylight, Manashne, and Deconduo are all above-average players in the TLL. Sidesprang and Imperator are also decent. I have no idea who the hell the captain is, but I expect to see some good games out of this team.
This team features the egofest of wala aka Arachnasolomid, versus the manager, [UED]Pokebunny, considered widely to be the top EM player in TLL. Will the team's synergy be able to surpass their own egos? Only time will tell.
I don't know anything about this team. Who are these dark horse contenders, and what will they do? Is there a Zelniq smurf among them? Or are they [5] smurfs? Some exciting games will come out of this lot, that's for sure.
LOL caller
I'm gonna have you make predictions for matches or something, this was pretty amusing.
Soooo... Are we officially starting May 10th? Also, the time for games is listed as 2pm EST on the front page. We're currently in EDT so I'm just looking for a confirmation that we'll be going by EST (GMT -0400) rather than EDT (GMT -0500).
On May 07 2010 16:07 LeperKahn wrote: Soooo... Are we officially starting May 10th? Also, the time for games is listed as 2pm EST on the front page. We're currently in EDT so I'm just looking for a confirmation that we'll be going by EST (GMT -0400) rather than EDT (GMT -0500).
May 10th is the beginning of the first week. EST means whatever time it is for me, so I guess it's EDT then. :<
Anyone wants me? I haven't played since the big overhaul patch but I'm at 1825 PSR rating only playing non-easy mode BP or AP. I'm sure I can get at least 2 of my friends to join with me also (1750-1800 psr both).
Week 1 schedule is in the OP, copy pasted below. Due to 7 teams, each team has a week with no game .
MANAGERS, PLEASE PM ME IF YOU CHANGE THE TIME (you should try and schedule a better time if you can)! The default time will be shown until you give me another time. I want to obs as many games as possible, and if we can get live casting that's even better.
On May 11 2010 01:30 Pokebunny wrote: It's 8 PM CET, but honestly, I'm amazed you don't know common timezones being on an international starcraft site.
Moreso the fact that he can't google the phrase "Timezone converter". Regardless i hope we will be able to get the matches going, seeing how 2 of my team members have been completely absent.
Hmm, I haven't tried to contact any of my team four members yet, but it would be nice to have some contacts, but I assume they'll read this thread and know the time for the match this weekend ;o
On May 11 2010 10:45 Solinren wrote: Hmm, I haven't tried to contact any of my team four members yet, but it would be nice to have some contacts, but I assume they'll read this thread and know the time for the match this weekend ;o
ive played with everyone our team but you and Brown`Bear
I'm on Team 4 and would like to reschedule to Sunday. My campus has a festival thingie this entire week and I've been working with that Tuesday - Friday. I'd like to go as a guest on Saturday xD
I would assume that the purpose of having managers, is that they're able to find out what time their team can play, and then coordinate it with the other teams manager (all via pm) to schedule when the match is taking place - as opposed to players randomly posting their preferences in the thread.
Not sure if that's the right thread for it, but right now there's a discussion with the HoN developer in #Hon on Quakenet. Might be of interest for some of you.
i doubt my team will ever be able to play a match since we are pretty much spread all over the globe, so congratulations to all the people who voted for rating distributed teams.
On May 15 2010 10:01 Glull wrote: i doubt my team will ever be able to play a match since we are pretty much spread all over the globe, so congratulations to all the people who voted for rating distributed teams.
thats all.
Trust me, you guys could 4 or 3v5 and probably still win, lol
On May 15 2010 10:01 Glull wrote: i doubt my team will ever be able to play a match since we are pretty much spread all over the globe, so congratulations to all the people who voted for rating distributed teams.
thats all.
Well if players aren't able to play at 2 PM EDT the majority of the time then they really shouldn't be in the league
I'll give everyone another week to figure things out... since obviously things didn't go too well with team organization, this match being pushed back to next week - play any time between now and next sunday, new default time is next sat.
On May 17 2010 03:28 Arhkangel wrote: Poke you should RM and make it region friendly. There is one guy on out team I haven't even seen once, and it's likely due to timezone discrepancies.
Also ringers are not a bad idea, if there was a way to implement them that would be awesome.
Glull try to give it another shot during the week wadda ya say? I'm free everyday after 10PM EST.
Poke, just drop your schedule and post the entire schedule, let the teams figure out when they can play every game for the entire season. Otherwise what do you think is going to happen for the next match date? Especially when it gets later in the season where the losing teams don't give a damn anymore.
Posts like this upset me. Why don't you try helping or offering suggestions instead of labeling Pokebunny's effort a "failure"?
Seriously now.
You can't cure apathy. Alurr's team didn't even show up at the scheduled time before pokebunny allowed a week-leeway, and today, Etherone and Dinosaur had Doughboy online, but afk, and Mathies - the guy who made such a huge deal about community involvement and getting into a team, etc etc. - online but afk, even though 30 minutes prior, he had said that he would be online at the scheduled time.
How are people supposed to help when the players don't even want to play?
the fucking server bug did not fucking help RAGE ffs seriously ive never been so raged at hon. why would they retail that shit, when you get bugs that make your hero uncontrollable mid game.
also yea half the team decided to afk, it was quite the enjoyable experience.
There was a miscommunication about the times between Dinosaur and I. It wasn't that I didn't want to play and was sheerly afking because of apathy. I've been at every attempt of a practice team 3 has had, except for 1 that was scheduled while I was still at school @_@. And even without the miscommunication, I had surprise company, two of my cousins, came over and I wouldn't have played anyway. Ideally, we wouldn't have two people on our team not respond to a single PM sent out by our manager, let alone not attend any practice prior to the first match. I'm not trying to dodge blame though, that's just some of my justification for having missed the match. Despite this, I'm still at fault and am sorry to team 4 and team 3, and the league :/. And as for MIA members on the team, I don't really have a solution or any ideas other than having a practice round where we see if all the teams are functional, before the real thing. Although people might not take this round as seriously and still might not show up, it can help us find out who's going to be active and such.
I'd love to play in this since I recently bought the game. Hoping you guys can get something done, having a format similar to the SC2GG star cup should be nice, but if people do not show up it really is retarded yes. A slight money prize might help but who'd pay that?