With all the game threads of games coming out this holiday season I thought I would start a thread on a game that is supposedly coming out Spring 2010 that has been on my radar for awhile. It's called APB or All Points Bulletin and what it is, is basically the GTA online experience people have always wanted.
Official E3 2009 Trailer(Sorry had old trailer link before)
Character Customization Trailer
Game play(Also lots of info about the game)
Now its going to be a MMO but APB does not have "levels" in the classic sense of the word. This is more of a skill based game, but you do get levels to upgrade things like your car or weapons. I believe there are servers which allow 100,000 people on each server and in the server there are cities and each city has I believe 1,000 real players, either acting as APB's verison of the cops(the enforcers) and the robbers(the criminals).
so basically its like an MMORPG GTA ? sounds like a neat idea but I based on that first trailer it looks pretty stupid (whats with the crappy voiceover too?)
This game shaping up to be damn brilliant. Beta playtest on sunday evening. Release is schedueled for this June.
It's not an mmorpg by the way. Its an persistant online 3rd person shooter. Skill and PvP is very much the core of this game. Customization does add alot to the variety of the game.
There is no leveling, stat raising or any grindy elements. It's all about having fun and making gangs, having turf wars, commiting crime or upholding justice.
You can obviously get new weapons, new cars, new clothes, minor buffs on weaps/cars/stamina etc. But its still at core based on SKILL.
haven't played the game yet but pretty much everyone I talked to who has tried it out says it's a big disappointment. Sure it's still just beta but i wouldn't get my hopes up
so since it came out yesterday, is anyone playing it and is it any good ? i watched some trailers and it looks fun, im just wondering if its too shallow
Glad I cancelled my pre-order on this before it was released. Funny thing is, that the code you got from Steam, was also the code used for your game on release. So I cancelled the pre-order, and still got the game for free, but I still didn't even play it.
Yeah, i played the beta quite a lot, and there were still a ton of bugs in the game when beta ended. Besides that the mathcmaking system was kindda messed up meaning two completely new players would be matched up aganist three players with the highest level weapons.
The game definately had potetial as it was pretty fun to play, but everything arround the concept was just generally bad imo...
Rumor: APB buyout apparently nearing the "light at the end of the tunnel"
Fans of the beleaguered and quickly shuttered All Points Bulletin may have something to celebrate soon, as the above message recently popped up in the game's patch notes. While the website has been taken down, the patcher is still delivering news. Earlier this month, the message went out that there still may be hope for APB, as the October 7th patch notes reported: "The negotiations continue! Still many groups in the fray, still hope that APB will rise again."
The game was the best and most unique mmorpg ive played in many years.
Despite it being frustrating, the concept of GTA-mmorpg with that level of customization was just amazing to play, especially in an organized clan with good players.
The state of which the game was released in was very bad though, it shouldnt have entered retail in that state.. - bad performance, fundamental balance problems etc.
BUT at the last month of the game, it was really coming around - good performance, recoil and HUD updates and great matchmaking balance changes. It was finally showing its potential, but then they pulled the plug.
The game had a pretty high skill ceiling and steep learning curve so thats why newer player found it so terrible. It was a game that grew on you if you gave it the time.
Hopefully the new company takes good care of it and provides good servers to play on.