I am sorry to disappoint you but this is not about Samsung KHAN but this might be interesting to some people.
Basically this guy makes series of videos about some subject and puts them on youtube for everyone to learn from. Whether it be Calculus, Banking/Money or prep for the SATs it is very helpful. There are so much more topics than the few mentioned. Definitely check this out if your learning anything listed as a topic. If this helps someone great and if you know someone who could use this awesome videos to learn from even better.
The site: http://www.khanacademy.org/
About Sal: http://www.khanacademy.org/faq.jsp
Wish I had this back in high school! I'll share this to as many people as I can. Thanks for linking!
Katowice25012 Posts
I like this kind of stuff a lot because I'm a big nerd. Thanks!
bleh, unfortunately nothing on Operations Research - have a midterm on that this Thursday. Gotta learn that Simplex Method...
oh wow this looks totally awesome, gonna look through a few vids for sure soon
DUDE WTF WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL. Could so use this when i've forgotten everything after getting home and just trying to start homework.
Fuck who needs school anymore, you could just sit home watch videos and do work book exercises and then binge starcraft.
I would like to add that you can find ALL of MIT's courses online for free. A lot of them have video lectures, and hw assignments online. http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/courses/courses/index.htm This stuff might be a little more advanced then what you found, but you can still pick up tons of stuff from the video lectures.
this is really useful since my teacher for calc has been sick and the sub hasn't taught us anything (we spent a 1.5 hours doing 2 problems today). the calc and chem sections are going to be really useful this year.
Sal received his MBA from Harvard Business School. He also holds a Masters in electrical engineering and computer science, a BS in electrical engineering and computer science, and a BS in mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. whao. that's really impressive.
My thirteen year old lil bro has been learning from Khan Academy for quite some time now. It's pretty neat stuff that he's able to follow and understand the videos very well.
that's great work, he's an altruist if i ever heard of one not to mention he's a cerebral stud. i'm kinda relieved that his site wasn't around when i was still in school, with the crappy net connection i had back in the day it would've taken me forever to watch the vids.
5673 Posts
More than 800 videos, are you kidding me? This guy is just awesome. Seriously, what a champ.
What topics do you plan to cover?
My goal is to cover everything. Yes, everything! Most of k-12 math has already been done (although I do need to make 20 or 30 more elementary math videos). Physics is 90% complete. I'm working on Chemistry right now (9/2009) and intend to to Biology next. After that, I'm going to do History. As time permits, I also need to finish the Linear Algebra and Differential Equations playlists. My goal really is to keep making videos until the day I die (which will hopefully not be for at least another 50 or 60 years). Should give me time to make several tens of thousands of videos in pretty much every subject.
What is the long-term goal for the Khan Academy?
I see Khan Academy becoming the world's first free, world-class virtual school where anyone can learn anything--for free.
The videos are just part of the vision. We hope to build out the adaptive software to cover all the topics that the videos cover. We also intend to develop simulation games to give more nuanced and applied understanding of concepts.
This guy is seriously unbelievable. He quit his day job to work on this full time (HE HAS 4 DEGREES FROM HARVARD/MIT!) and he hopes to keep at it until he dies.
wow this is really cool! Thanks for sharing
this is awesome great find.
CA10824 Posts
United States7166 Posts
this could actually really help me for my linear algebra course, thank you
Aw man I need to test out of an introductory physics course and this should give me the perfect preparation. Thanks for linking.
T.T i was hoping for samsung khan
On October 21 2009 02:26 JiYan wrote: T.T i was hoping for samsung khan Give him a few years, he'll get around to it eventually.