On September 11 2012 19:34 Shellshock1122 wrote: Code S Group F Match 2 Sniper vs Squirtle GAME 3 Map: Entombed Valley
0:00 Sniper spawns in the top right Squirtle spawns in the bottom right
2:00 pool first from sniper
2:30 forge first from squirtle
3:00 squirtle's probe delays the hatch at snipers natural for a few seconds before it goes down nexus for squirtle gas for sniper cannon before gateway
4:00 2 gas for squirtle roach warren for sniper
4:30 3rd base from sniper probe scouts the 3rd
5:00 roach warren finishes roach production begins - 6 roaches on the way
6:00 twilight council from squirtle 3rd base cancelled from sniper
6:45 the attack begins and squirtle drops 2 more cannons as his only cannon falls squirtle pulls all the probes at his natural tons of slow lings being rallied down forcefield blocks the natural squirtle begins walling in with pylons and cannons
8:00 13 probes have been lost 2 more cannons finish and sniper backs off 3rd hatch restarded by sniper 30 drones vs 24 probes
8:45 Dark Shrine for Squirtle
9:00 Lair for sniper 2 more gates for squirtle evo on the way ling speed started
10:00 dark shrine and lair finish +1 carapace started DTs are warped in but kind of far away; no detection started for sniper roach speed and burrow started
11:00 first 2 DTs enter the natural and overseer started 1 DT to the main, 1 DT to the natural, 1 to the 3rd
11:45 2 DTs targetting down the hatch at the 3rd
12:00 the 3rd hatchery falls before the DTs can be killed blink started for squirtle and +1 attack 3/4 done
12:45 4th base of sniper forced to cancel by a DT 3rd base of squirtle started more gateways on the way +1 melee attacks started for sniper
13:15 +2 attack for squirtle pathogen glands for sniper +2 carapace for sniper retaking 3rd base and 4th base on the way for sniper blink finishes
14:00 baneling nest for sniper robo for squirtle
15:00 squirtle moving out on the map with a stalker sentry army DTs still harassing 4th
15:30 squirtle attacks the 4th base 5 infestors coming out baneling speed started
16:00 sniper loses his 4th squirtle blinks into the natural and starts laying down tons of forcefields
16:30 stalkers destroy everything easily
Sniper ggs Squirtle wins 2-1! Squirtle advances to the winners' match vs Heart! Sniper falls to the losers' match vs Naniwa!
I hope I'm not getting dejavu now and like Parting last week, Squirtle will produce to lose against a zerg harcore in the loser's final and not advance.