But I agree, we can't do anything now, until we see the results of the lynch. And maybe more clues in Day. If we survive dundundun..
TL Mafia 2 [GG] - Page 333
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United States690 Posts
But I agree, we can't do anything now, until we see the results of the lynch. And maybe more clues in Day. If we survive dundundun.. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Clue Analysis showing that iNfuNdiBuLuM = Mr. Blonde: Day 1: He "comes out of nowhere" (flies in out of nowhere). He "rams" (flies into) DapperDan. This knocked him down, meaning Mr. Blonde must be a pretty big guy. Day 2: He's hiding on the ceiling (by flying in midair?). He "swooped down from above diving straight into Mynock" (perfectly describes how something flying will swoop down and fly into you). Day 5: He "jetted towards" ("jet" being associated with flying) xDark.Carnivalx, and "knocked him to the ground with a punch square in the jaw" (so he has muscular arms). Day 7: He "made his escape through a window" (flew away). Day 9: He "charged through the front door, a move that shattered all the windows" (consistent with a big, muscular guy). Day 13: He "shot across the room" (flew like a bullet?). Day 15: He grabbed a yard rake out of Supah's hands and broke it into two pieces by kicking it (consistent with a strong guy). Day 17: He laid rusty nails all over the ground, yet seems to have no trouble navigating around them (because he can fly?). Day 18: "ZBiR had taken a sharp dive down a cliff which he never recalled scaling into the ground" (because Mr. Blonde had carried him and flown him up there?). Day 19: "His soon-to-be killer jumped from roof to roof waiting for the right moment to strike" (Mr. Blonde is flying overhead?) and "as SiZ.Fantasy was doing so a blade sliced him up like confetti" (his propeller blade?). (I feel like Plexa v2.0 after writing up all that. ^^) Thanks qrs for mentioning a bunch of these connections earlier and motivating me to look through the clues again. ![]() I now feel very confident in our lynch target today. ![]() ydg, do you think you'll change your vote to iNfuNdiBuLuM now? I'm pretty sure all this evidence far outweighs anything we have on CDRdude or anyone else at the moment. ![]() | ||
Canada9103 Posts
As I see it, we'll know we have the right person when we can do a clue analysis similar to the one I posted above (and similar to analyses which Plexa has done in the past), where something from every single day's clues is tied to the person's name / photo / whatever. ![]() Edit: since infun was on both the Mandalor list and the Showtime! list, assuming he is mafia means the remaining two mafia must be on the non-Mandalor list. So I will be focusing my search on the guys I analysed in my earlier post (except CDRdude, since he's on the Showtime! list with infun). | ||
Afghanistan1715 Posts
maybe I'm neither mafia or townie did you ever think about that? | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Note: qrs missed a few of these in his post. Day 3: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Dinmsab has just put away Mandalor's file and was reviewing the clues from the previous crime scene this evening when he heard something smack his window. He stood up to investigate and peered outside to see a man hurling matter at the side of his house from the ground. The man beckoned him to come out but after inspecting his window he promptly gave him the finger and instead went to call the police. But as he was dialing he noticed the phone line had been cut. Irritated he decided to confront the man outside and end his charades. Once he got to the bottom of the stairs though he noticed two other men sitting in wait on his couch. The man on the far side introduced himself as Enigma and the closer man bowed with his hat in hand and referred to himself as California Mountain Snake. Well Dinmsab was getting really impatient at this point and demanded an explanation for what was going on. Enigma stood up and proclaimed "why we're here to rid the world of good, because we're the only ones who can". Dinmsab realized he had walked into a mafia trap, and the footsteps behind him confirmed this. Mr. Orange came down with a pair of wire clippers in hand and bashed Dinmsab on the back with them. Dinmsab used the momentum to dive forward instead of fall and regained his balance after a roll, he was standing right beside his garage door and took the opportunity to escape by going out it. [...] Day 5: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + The majority of the people who left the building made their way towards the rest of the mafia. Meta had saw them and was running towards Mr. Orange and Black Mamba. "Why aren't you calling for help" asked Meta as he reached them. Mr. Orange shrugged and shot him in the leg. Meta fell to the ground and started screaming for help. Black Mamba was a bit alarmed and tried to quiet the man, permanently, but ended up just bruising his face from stomping his foot around. Mr. Orange finally put an end to his bellows and shot Meta in the head, ending his life. Day 7: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + useLess was sitting at home just watching TV when he heard a strange sound from outside his window. He went over to investigate and Mr. Orange jumped right through it and almost knocked useLess down as he flew past him. He quickly turned around and had useLess in a headlock. useLess struggled to free him self and stabbed at Mr. Orange with shards of glass. Mr. Orange broke off and flinched in pain. He grabbed a few shards of glass himself and stabbed through useLess's arms with them. Then to finish him off he made long gashes into useLess and left him to bleed to death. Day 9: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + There was no plan. Five mafia set out tonight to get revenge for those they had lost. MTF was cruising along looking for a friend he had to give a ride home for. What he found was not normal to his eyes. Two men, Eddie and Mr. Orange were holding a man to the ground with their legs and pulling as hard as they could on his arms. MTF screeched to a stop and got out to help the man but it was too late and blood gushed all over the sidewalk as ~OpZ~ was literally disarmed. He gasped in horror and turned in retreat but found Mr. Blue in his way. MTF panicked, feeling his life in serious danger, and plowed through Mr. Blue toward his car. MTF was almost there when a flying object met contact with his neck and severed his head right off. Day 10: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange had the help of Eddie as he went after Vharox. They were following behind Vharox as he was leaving a bar late at night. Once Vharox got his door open Eddie came from behind and grabbed him in restraint. Mr. Orange smashed an empty beer bottle over Vharox's head and it shattered into pieces and made Vharox flinch back in pain. He broke free of Eddie and charged into Mr. Orange knocking him on his side. Eddie tried to restrain Vharox again but had no luck as he fought him back. Vharox started inching his way to his cell phone to call the cops when Mr. Orange was back on his feet this time with a more lethal weapon. He stabbed Vharox in the arm with the beer bottle and then again in the chest. Vharox fell to the ground and Mr. Orange finished him off with a few more well placed stabs. Day 13: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Losing two members that day the mafia decided to pull all the stops and hit the town where it mattered. They were through messing around and Mr. Orange, Eddie, and Mr. Blonde were about to prove that by taking out Fanatacist and Ace once and for all. Ace and Fanatacist were sitting at a desk going over detective files trying to find the remaining few mafia when the three barged into the room. Ace quickly grabbed the phone to call for backup but it was too late as Mr. Orange had landed a dagger right on the phone line cutting him off. Mr. Blonde shot across the room and grabbed all the notes dumping them into a trash bin nearby. He lit a match and set the whole thing on fire hoping this was the last copy the town had to go off. Mr. Orange, Mr. Blonde and Eddie all got out pistols and fired round after round at Ace and Fanatacist who were helpless to stop them. Eddie went up to Ace and he was terrified as Eddie finished him off but firing one last round into his head. Day 16: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange had just finished cutting off unsoundlogics house from the rest of the world when unsoundlogic came out the back door and spotted him. He ran back in and tried every phone in the house but they were all dead. Mr. Orange followed in and cornered unsoundlogic with a knife in hand. Maybe unsoundlogic didn't have anymore fight in him after surviving so many attempts, maybe he felt he was no match, but in the end he put up no fight and just let Mr. Orange stab him down. Day 17: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange always thought out odd ways of killing his targets, attempting to stray from the dullness of his associates. And he planned on acting on this now stronger than ever desire by attempting to kill his target with fireworks. Scorch seemed the best for this opportunity he thought, so he set about waterproofing several rather potent explosives for the job. Once his target was sleeping Mr. Orange made his move, he injected a sedative to keep Scorch asleep while he worked on fireworks into every possible orifice of Scorch's body. Unrolling the long fuse he drug the body in the middle of the street, lit it, and like a little kid ran off to safety to watch in awe. Scorch's body was practically paper at the mercy of these overzealous fireworks as they tore him apart from several points. Many people missed out on a great show. Day 18: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Blonde. Blue. Orange. Cottonmouth. These names rang through the heads of every towns person. Many frantically tried to connect them with individuals within their community, many tried to connect them with neighbors. The names conveyed themes. One was a theme of panic. One of haste and arrogance. One of determination and humor. And one of a hidden agenda. Though the town had been making great progress in evicting the mafia from their once peaceful and flourishing town this evening they felt a sharp fear of pain with uncertainty of the remaining criminals. Within the first couple hours of the night the mafia had all made their move. Amber[LighT] had died first from sharp blades that tore at his skin. Pangolin suffocated in his sleep with no chance to even cry for help. And finally ZBiR had taken a sharp dive down a cliff which he never recalled scaling into the ground. Day 20: + Show Spoiler [Mr. Orange] + Mr. Orange wanted to be a little more cautious but since Mr. Blonde had awoken the neighborhood to his presence he had to act quickly. He made sure all forms of escape were closed off as he made his way to his victim for the night. MasterOfChaos was at his window peering outward when Mr. Orange entered in the room. MasterOfChaos turned quickly around to see Mr. Orange right before he quickly unloaded several rounds into MasterOfChaos's body. | ||
4492 Posts
But, my soul will finally rest in peace soon. ![]() | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Mr. Orange's theme of the person being unable to call for help is the most prominent. In addition to phone lines being cut, preventing people from calling the police or calling for help, on Day 5 Meta says "Why aren't you calling for help?" and on Day 18 Pangolin had "no chance to even cry for help". However, on some days (7, 9, 10, 17, and 20) this theme is entirely absent. These will be the decisive days. Matching the calling-for-help clues to someone is good, but matching the clues on the other days to them will be the final nails in the coffin. As a start, I'll have to contradict myself when I cited one of Plexa's guidelines, but since KF91's name doesn't give much useful material besides "911", perhaps Chuiu made an exception and generated a couple of clues from his quote as well. KF91's quote is "That was weird... O.o" On Day 17, Mr. Orange decided to use an "odd" way to kill Scorch (the fireworks). And on Day 7, useLess "heard a strange sound". These can be linked to KF91's quote. This leaves Day[9], Day 10, and Day 20 to be linked to KF91, since all the calling-for-help clues can be linked to his name being similar to "911", the number you'd dial to call for help. If we can just link KF91 to the clues on these days, then I will be confident that he is Mr. Orange. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
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United States690 Posts
![]() Anyways, it depends on this lynch, haha. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
By the way ydg, you haven't commented on my evidence against infun or changed your vote. Maybe you're mafia? ![]() (I'm jk, but it just goes to show how someone completely innocent can act like a mafioso sometimes.) After seeing how Plexa made similar clue analyses and got them right every time (all the analyses that were similar to mine, that is), I am 100% confident that iNfuNdiBuLuM is Mr. Blonde. Honestly, I don't see how the clue evidence against a person could be any stronger than what we have against iNfuNdiBuLuM, so if you're not going to agree with this then you'll never agree with anything. ~_~ | ||
United States690 Posts
Also, it doesn't matter if I change my vote now, but I guess I will. I thought Hotzhot was Blonde, because there was a scene where he was smirking or something and Hotzhot's profile is "I smile in the dark." I also thought infun was Blue and not Blonde. But your argument makes a lot of sense. If he turns mafia, then when day comes we can see which mafia he is, and if he is Blonde, then jtan as Blue sounds good and KF91 as Orange? I like the "cutting off from 911," since it's 91 and not 911. If he turns green though..we'll just see what happens. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
On July 20 2008 05:57 ydg wrote: I like the "cutting off from 911," since it's 91 and not 911. ... That actually makes sense ... That actually makes a LOT of sense! I'm not sure whether it's a coincidence or whether you can read Chuiu's mind! :O Edit: the more I think about what you just said, the more I'm awe-struck, like "... wow, that's fucking genius". O_O I think if we can discover a really clever interpretation of "KF" like the one you just found for "91", then we'll have KF91 = Mr. Orange set in stone. I'll bet the clues in days 9, 10, and 20 are somehow related to "KF". Somehow... | ||
Canada9103 Posts
![]() It is the hidden beauty created by Chuiu (/DapperDan) and infused into Mafia. | ||
United States690 Posts
I don't think the Day numbers have anything to do with the mafia, haha. But I shall try to find a connection. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
On July 20 2008 05:57 ydg wrote: If he turns green though..we'll just see what happens. If infun turns green, I will be mentally-defeated from this Mafia game. :S It'd be like one of those moments where your entire understanding of something (life, nature, etc.) is suddenly proven wrong, and you're left wondering how you can ever trust yourself again. ![]() | ||
Canada9103 Posts
On July 20 2008 06:14 ydg wrote: Wait didn't you link kf91 to 911? Lol I just said he was mafia before because there were no clues to anyone for Orange, and based on his voting history, and because of his quote and that Chuiu said that someone related to panic. I don't think the Day numbers have anything to do with the mafia, haha. But I shall try to find a connection. I think you misunderstood me... twice. ![]() First of all, you just said that 91 is what you'd get if you "cut-off 911". The language you used to describe it EXACTLY MATCHES the way Mr. Orange has been "cutting-off 911". That's what makes it so amazing, and it REALLY reinforces my feeling that KF91 = Mr. Orange. ![]() Second, you're right: the day numbers are unimportant. I was referring to the Mr. Orange clues on those days. I do not know how to link them to KF91 yet, but I suspect they can be linked to the "KF" in his name, somehow. | ||
United States690 Posts
Day 9 I think he was just a filler for any mafia, since he didn't really do anything except pull. Maybe that could be weird. Day 10 is strange, there is, again, glass breaking. Day 17, no idea, haha. Day 20, there's the "escapes closed," and a window HOWEVER: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_fluoride "Aqueous solutions of KF will etch glass due to the formation of soluble fluorosilicates, although HF is more effective." It only mentions glass though. But then why didn't Chuiu use this part: "Like other sources of the fluoride ion, F−, KF is poisonous, although lethal doses approach gram levels for humans. It is harmful by inhalation and ingestion, highly corrosive and skin contact may cause severe burns." and what's this edit: " foisadaslkf" haha. It was changed "00:43, 8 July 2008 Lchubbs (Talk | contribs) (2,510 bytes) (→References) (undo)" What happened on July 8 in Mafia? | ||
Canada9103 Posts
Edit: reading the post above this one now... Edit 2: actually, going for dinner, then reading it... | ||
Canada9103 Posts
![]() ONLY DAY 20 REMAINS TO BE LINKED TO KF91 Earlier I mentioned that days 7, 9, 10, 17, and 20 were giving me trouble. For the rest, I had found links to KF91 based on the theme of preventing people from "calling for help", or as ydg elegantly put it, "cutting off from 911". Then I mentioned two of these days can be linked to KF91's quote ("That was weird"). Actually, THREE of these days can be linked to the quote: Day 7: "useLess was sitting at home just watching TV when he heard a strange sound from outside his window." Day 9: "What he found was not normal to his eyes." Day 17: "Mr. Orange always thought out odd ways of killing his targets" Finally, on Day 10 it says, "Vharox started inching his way to his cell phone to call the cops when Mr. Orange was back on his feet this time with a more lethal weapon." So Mr. Orange does indeed cut Vharox off from 911. This leaves Day 20 as the only outstanding day where the themes "cut-off from 911" and "that was weird" are not present as far as I can tell. So we need to either figure out how one of these themes is present in that clue, or find some other way to link KF91 to it. | ||
United States690 Posts
I supposed you can somewhat connect the "It is harmful by inhalation" to the sleeping deaths of Pangolin and Scorch, and the "highly corrosive and skin contact may cause severe burns" to Days 7 (left him to bleed after touching him) 9 (he got disarmed after he was grabbed by Orange) 16 (didn't fight back, maybe he inhaled) 17 ("was paper" => corrosive? he did drag him) and 20 (he turned around and died, maybe he inhaled) | ||
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