On May 28 2012 11:33 babybell wrote: I'm at level 57 in act 3 of hell. I see many people talking about leap, furious charge, but mostly ground stomp. I've tried all but for the last 15 levels I seem to be dead whenever I don't have ignore pain on. Is this normal? I swap everything but always keep ignore pain.
You need more gear. Leap and Furious Charge allows for more mobility and is on a shorter cd.
On May 28 2012 11:37 Caphe wrote: I need a good Chest Armor, the one I am using right now sucks really bad. Any suggestion?
Just go to AH and search for all resist, vitality, and strength.
i concider armor as more important than vitality and strengh, although both (if you choose the armor passive) also increase armor slightly.
im currently able to easily farm everything in a2 solo, but i still have problems tanking a3 with ~700 allres, ~10k armor, ~16k dmg (with 5 frenzy) and ~52k HP.
using frenzy (dmg), seismic slam (dmg) - nice against elites, stomp (moveslow), revenge (30%activate), overwhelm (heal), and warcry (resistance). forgot the passives: both armor thingys (+100% armor, 1 armor per vitality) and the one that lowers elemental dmg by 20%
Most of the time i play in group though since solo isnt rly fun
€: i dont like leap and furious charge at all. they seem very situational to me and additinal movementskills arent rly needed if youre acutally a good player who doesnt attackmove till he dies
I've finished act 1 inferno and i've been able to farm is quite easily aswell.
stats: 43.2k hp 420 res with shout 7.1k armor with shout 9k dps (without the 20% from maniac)
What should be my focus so i can climb through act2?
On May 28 2012 11:59 Sif_ wrote: I've finished act 1 inferno and i've been able to farm is quite easily aswell.
stats: 43.2k hp 420 res with shout 7.1k armor with shout 9k dps (without the 20% from maniac)
What should be my focus so i can climb through act2?
i think your balanced out pretty well. youll simply need slightly better gear that ups everything. try to get to: 45k hp 500 res 8.5k armor 11k dps
and you should do fine at most of a2. Obviously, youll still have problems with many elite groups, but thats unavoidable.
On May 28 2012 11:53 KalWarkov wrote: €: i dont like leap and furious charge at all. they seem very situational to me and additinal movementskills arent rly needed if youre acutally a good player who doesnt attackmove till he dies
All the skills are situational... like nearly all your skills can be absolutely worthless.
I don't understand how attack moving till you die requires Leap or Furious Charge. You realize that both these skills are not just "oh shit buttons" right? Both Leap and Furious Charge can be used to avoid frost nova or bursts. This allows you to stay in range for more DPS instead of running away to avoid being frozen or one shotted. Let's not forget about running the content faster by Leaping down levels. The majority of "good" players will use one or the other since its about efficiency, not handicapping yourself -__-
On May 28 2012 12:27 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On May 28 2012 11:53 KalWarkov wrote: €: i dont like leap and furious charge at all. they seem very situational to me and additinal movementskills arent rly needed if youre acutally a good player who doesnt attackmove till he dies
All the skills are situational... like nearly all your skills can be absolutely worthless. I don't understand how attack moving till you die requires Leap or Furious Charge. You realize that both these skills are not just "oh shit buttons" right? Both Leap and Furious Charge can be used to avoid frost nova or bursts. This allows you to stay in range for more DPS instead of running away to avoid being frozen or one shotted. Let's not forget about running the content faster by Leaping down levels. The majority of "good" players will use one or the other since its about efficiency, not handicapping yourself -__-
I agree with you, that those are pretty good to have in solo play (at least one or the other), one of the few ways for Barb to escape the Jailer/Frozen or Jailer/Desecrator combo effectively. (more like the only ways, in fact >.<)
He did mention that he plays multiplayer predominantly though. I believe that depending on the role u fill in the party, you might not have the skill slot to take one of them. I experimented with both, but opted out of them and use Shout (Taunt rune) instead =/
Finally caved in and bought a sword+shield.
Sitting at:
43.5k HP 11.5k Armor 550 Resists 10k DPS
Act 2 seems manageable now.
I'm having some trouble finding a good balance, alot of not-great gear that can go in any direction.
Currently at: 43k HP 6.5k Armor 300 REsists 6k DPS
(Judging by the above poster, looks like I am about 5k Armor, 250 Resist and 4k DPS from Act 2 ;p)
I'm just wondering what is better to focus on, or if a balance is better. I am able to get to 50k HP by sacrificing even more dmg, or to 450 resist sacrificing HP, or to 16kdps, ofcourse being a glass cannon.
I have 1 million to spend in AH, but whenever I look for gear, it seems to be a very marginal increase (+100 armor [i have a few older pieces that have good stats but lower armor] and a few (5-10 points in VIT, for example)),
Should every spot just have the highest vit + str + all resist + armor? Or is it ok to have one slot with +60 resist, and then one slot with +150 vit, and try to balance it out that way.
Really what I'd love to know, (for farming Act 1 Butcher, since I cant even do that yet), what are some guidelines I have to meet? HP must be >? Resist must be >? Armor? DPS?
I find myself easily meeting one requirement (eg. 50k hp) but then failing everything else. Could we draw up a guideline?
Those stats should be fine for Butcher. With 6k DPS, you'll get close to enrage but you should be able to kill him. If you have DPS gear, you'll want to switch out some tanking pieces for DPS when you get to Butcher since he hits like a girl.
It's fine to be stacking a certain stat on a single piece and a different stat on another piece if you're poor. Most of the good pieces will have vitality or strength along with resist.
If you're dying before hitting enrage timer on elites and Butcher than you need to focus on survivabiltiy first. You want vitality and all resist, the two stats usually come together on a lot of pieces. ~40k is a good amount of HP to be at for act 1 imo.
@nik: For farming Butcher you only need to increase your DPS and may be your Armor , up to 9K for DPS is enough. I'd say 8k-9k armor if you are using a shield. Butcher should not be a problem after that and most rare pack too.
For those of you who use Earthquake in your builds. What rune do you use with it?
Thanks for the responses guys, I'm honestly not even sure on the difficulty of Butcher since the elite mobs in the halls leading up to him often demolish me. I had 10k DPS when using 2H, down to 6k with new 1H and shield, I will try to raise DPS a little at cost of hp most likely.
I think I need to respec my build, using a funky life-gain build, could probably do better switching back to the old build. Any standard builds around here? I've been bouncing back and forth between Solo'ing and party games, the latter of which requires alot more hp/arm/resist. Thanks for the help again, since I'm dieing at elites I will change up my build and raise dps a little bit.
Elites are harder than bosses fyi. You don't want to be sacrificing survivability for DPS on trash if you can't even survive yet...
Lifesteal sucks in Inferno, you want life on hit instead.
Standard build:
Frenzy with Sidearm Revenge with Provocation Wrath of the Berserker with Insanity War Cry with Impunity Ground Stomp / Leap / Furious Charge 6th skill can be whatever (eg. whatever you didn't pick before from Stomp / Leap / Charge, Ignore Pain, Earthquake)
Nerves of Steel Tough as Nails Superstition
I've seen a lot of people swap out superstition (including me) for a for a dps passive, usually zerker rage or ruthless.
A lot of elemental damage is plain avoidable, and only an issue on elite mobs anyway, which if killed within your defensive cds don't need to be tanked really. Say you have 12k dps, zerker rage would be worth 3K dps, pretty damn good for 1 passive.
Elite/champ are much more difficult than bosses. I die to every pack in ACT 2 and just kill Magda first time I got to her. Can't really do ACT 2 right now since my survivality is just too low. I do kill stuff fast but they kill me fast too . I am considering to wield a shield now, since for DW to work I will need much much better items which only obtain able if I can progress. One can only farm ACT 1 so much before it gets really boring.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Hmm, I've been using a bit different build with:
Frenzy (Sidearm) Weapon Throw (Bounce) Leap (Launch) Ground Stomp (Wrenching Smash) Threatening Shout (Intimidate) War Cry (Impunity)
Superstition, Tough as Nails, Inspiring Presence
It is mostly a kiting build, Ground Stomp+Frenzy builds fury very fast, War Cry and Threatening Shout are there for the possible ranged skills/vortex and similiar, also give a bit fury when needed. Leap with Launch helps with kiting, use it mostly for running away rather than jumping in. Regen is very good with kiting as I take less damage but for longer time, so Inspiring Presence is for that.
I tried the Revenge+other stuffs build, but I had huge troubles against elites with that, especially the purple laser and setting ground on fire affixes. Maybe I was undergeared at the time? On the other hand, I can't solo Butcher with the build I am using now (not enough DPS - whole ground starts burning before I get him to 25% hp), should I maybe replace one of my skills with WotB? If so, which one?
@Scip: Actually its no point to kill Butcher if you can't farm him. By farming I meant you can get 5 stacks NV and then kill Butcher in a reasonable time. If you only want to kill Butcher just to be done with ACT 1, you won't be able to do ACT2 since ACT 2 is much harder and require much better gears than act 1.
You could just farm SK upgrade your items and then move on to farm Butcher.
Still if you want to kill Butcher just for the sake of killing him: Switch your Weapon throw for WoTB, switch Threatening shout for Call of the Ancient. Basically, you go in, build enough fury pop 2 cd at the same time. Then wait and pop them again, Butchet shoudl be very low if not death the second time you pop your CD. Also switch Inspiring Presence for the one that lower your 2 mins CD skill by 30secs.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
I want to farm him, I can get to 5 stacks nephalem very easily, but even if I have a follower I just can't kill him before he sets the world on fire. Yeah, I think I'll try replacing Threatening Shout, I'll keep it for co-op but I guess it's not that good solo.
hey guys, I want to pick your brain about:
+ Show Spoiler +
making my way through act2,
11,2k dps (unbuffed), 9,7k armor (buffed via 2 passives), resis buffed by warcry
I feel like getting more Reduction from melee attacks running Revenge, Warcry, Earthquake, Wrath of Berserker, Ignore Pain, Frenzy and Warcry, 3rd passive is Boon of Bul-Kathos
max. burstdamage to kill mobs without dying to much
any suggestions?
On May 28 2012 16:34 Fuzzyhead wrote:hey guys, I want to pick your brain about: + Show Spoiler +making my way through act2, 11,2k dps (unbuffed), 9,7k armor (buffed via 2 passives), resis buffed by warcry I feel like getting more Reduction from melee attacks running Revenge, Warcry, Earthquake, Wrath of Berserker, Ignore Pain, Frenzy and Warcry, 3rd passive is Boon of Bul-Kathos max. burstdamage to kill mobs without dying to much any suggestions?
No charge or leap? Do you ever find situations where you wish you had one?