I've been interested in this for awhile and after watching Nony get like 6 expansions every game that I saw him stream yesterday. Played around with it a bit, but it really is all about timing. You make a great push that falls and you can't finish it but hurt your foe's econ a bit. Take some of the extra minerals you have and expand while recreating your army, or if your macro is good enough do it mid strike. So while they're worrying about defending make your income much greater.
Also another tip I've learned is when you have warp gates and expanding outside of your base you need to build 1 or 2 pylons to be able to defend your expansion at a moments notice.
The income to output of a base is 5 if I remember correctly, gateways are 1 stargates/robo are 2 So after that if possible you should expand so you can generate more of any army quicker.