On February 10 2014 23:14 FFW_Rude wrote:On February 10 2014 23:11 FFW_Rude wrote:On February 10 2014 23:09 FFW_Rude wrote:On February 10 2014 23:07 FFW_Rude wrote:
- Pathogene glands and second spire.
- Tons of spores.
- SH pushing the 4th.
- Rain moving to the nat by the rocks.
- +3 shiled ? +2 ? not sure +21armor too. Or +3. I'm tired.
- Fleet beacon.
- WP in production.
- Rain pulls back his army but a stalker squad break the rocks and go to the main.
- +2 flyer attacks.
- Stalkers still alive, killing queens and ovie.
- +1 melee and +1 fleyr armor.
- Void ray and oclo in prod.
- I'm really tired.
- Corruptor in prod.
25 : 00
- Random colo killed in the middle of the map. Phenix are killed.
- Huge zealot arping in the main. WP is killed by corruptors.
- Zealots kills the greater spire and +2 flyer is canceled.
- +2 air weapons for Rain and +3 shield (i'm sure now).
- Another spire and infestors in prod.
- Rain is DESTROYINFG the 5th with storm, FF and a ton of respect.
- Rain taking his 5th base.
- R140/Roro159 (damnit they're both with an R)
- Well it wasn"t that bad. 5th is still alive for Roro.
- 3 stalker harrassing the 4th.
- Colo and infestor in prod.
- Stalkers in prod.
- Rain is pushing in the forth and storm all the swarm host. Corruptors can't kill much.
- 4th is killed. supplys are 191Z/171P (so Zerg and Protoss).
- Rain is rteally fine despise the zerg being maxed.
- BTW the oracle is still alive.
- Rain pushing the 5th of roro. Storming the corrupotrs. Supply are unchanged.
- There's a runby of somesort at the 4th of rain with roaches.
- Here's the oracle defendeing the runby.
-Rain feedback oversserrs.
- Rain have 5colo and a archon.
- Runby at the 4th of Rain is cleaned up.
- P187/Z200
- Vipers in prod. +2/+2 air for Roro.
- 6th for Rain.
- Roro is retaking his 5th in the bottom (ex 44th).
- Rain is pushing the nat.
- Fungals vs storm. Nearly all templars dies
- Runby in the building 6th of rain But he defenses it.
- Zealots runby in the main and in the building base at bottom right. Both defended.
- Oh no. Cute blink micro kills the base.
- Another stargate and +3 aiur attack for Rain.
- Disapointed by the lack of carrier.
- Roro is pushing the left base of rain.
- Zealot runby heading for the nat again.
-Rain apparently have a drak shrine and warps DT to defend his left base.
- Zealots runby at the natural kills static defense. 3 dts get into the main of RORO.
- DT target infestation put but does not get it.
- Roro puhsing the centrral base of rain with locusts.
- Proxy pylon near roro's main is killed.
- DT hitting the bottom lefet base and killing it.
- Rain pushing into the natural.
- Roro is supply blocked. Oh no 194Supply.
- Roro try to rebuilt his base at the bottom left and gets insta killed then build it again.
- Rain is taking the base just top right of Roro's nat but is killed by SHJ.