On May 02 2011 11:08 HardCorey wrote: Queens were fashioned from Kerrigan. They are one of her creations.
Yes; but this is lore. I try to avoid to get too much into the lore details. I kept this queen of blade stuff out because it implies a lot of lore.
To explain the origin if the queens (which are now real hive queens and not just misnomer queens like the old SC1 queen unit) with Kerrigan would explain it within the lore world. It makes perfect sense that the Queen of Blades added zerg queens to support the swarm, so this Blizzard explanation sounds reasonable. But the OP focuses on the role of units. I did include some bits of the official lore for marines and zealots because I could keep it short. Having Kerrigan in the OP (I just mentioned her once, indirectly) would require to elaborate on that. I also kept out lore for other zerg units ("This one comes from planet XYZ and looked originally so-and-so, but now was forced into this-and-that.)
On May 02 2011 09:29 Satallgeese wrote: Sweet, glad you liked the input, ^.^
And yeah, everything is going to have some holes in it, but I'm just alot more satisfied with the general look of things now, haha! Also, feel free to take your time, I don't even care if you use any of my input, ^.^, I was less then sober at the time of writing, hahaha.
Keep up the great thread and the great work, loving everything!
You pointed out some things which required a fix to avoid obvious contradictions with lore or game mechanics. Even though I cannot use everything, I am happy that the OP gets a bit better thanks to community contributions like yours.
Could you be more specific about the Hercules transport? As this ship comes with little or no defense, I would be surprises if it is a battlecruiser class ship.
The description of the Hercules research that those battlecruisers were "retro-fitted" to be used as massive transports. They were once battlecruisers (or at least engineers planned to used them as such) but at some point the weapons systems were removed.
Thank you – I slightly rephrased that part so that the Hercules is no longer called a Hercules class ship.
I also modified the "telepathic" link part and included mind control devices. However I still feel that this part is a bit weak so I am open to suggestions. The mind control should just be mentioned to be possible within limits.
If pylons use energy from the nexus' crystal, why do they continue to work even after the nexus has been destroyed? I don't have an idea, I'm just pointing this out.
The Protoss shields where actually explained before their body? exhibits so much psionic force that when trained and honed along with their superior reflexes they can forcibly erect a shield before impact but it causes a large amount of mental strain hence why they run out of shields. And the EMP disrupts their ability to effectively channel said psionic energy.
Oh and Zealots arint exactly valuable they're the lowest caste in the Khala who train expressly to channel their rage hence why they always sound so angry or boisterous as well as their name Zealot for their tenacity and fervor.
On May 04 2011 07:30 flavorless wrote: If pylons use energy from the nexus' crystal, why do they continue to work even after the nexus has been destroyed? I don't have an idea, I'm just pointing this out.
Good question. I used lore for that part. May be the collar around the Pylon acts as battery which can store some Psi to bridge the time until a Nexus is up again. I think I will add an explanation into the OP.
On May 04 2011 08:09 L6-636536 wrote: The Protoss shields where actually explained before their body? exhibits so much psionic force that when trained and honed along with their superior reflexes they can forcibly erect a shield before impact but it causes a large amount of mental strain hence why they run out of shields. And the EMP disrupts their ability to effectively channel said psionic energy.
Oh and Zealots arint exactly valuable they're the lowest caste in the Khala who train expressly to channel their rage hence why they always sound so angry or boisterous as well as their name Zealot for their tenacity and fervor.
Since robotic units have shields too, I wanted to "explain" the shield without using psi energy too much – as I cannot explain what Psi is in the first place.
But with your input I will modify the Zealot part of the OP.
edit: I now mention Psi energy as possible energy source for the shield.
If pylons use energy from the nexus' crystal, why do they continue to work even after the nexus has been destroyed?
The lore states that pylons are realys of the nexus, which is itself connected to the central warp matrix, so if we strictly follow the texts, they shouldn't. Pylons and assimilators should require a nexus, too. But this post is all about finding explanations to things that don't seem to make sense, after all
"Psi" is some sort of mental power that some living being possess - all protoss do, some humans have psionic powers as well though they are much more limited. It is genetic, the first "psionic human" appeared among the Terran because among the criminals who were sent to the Koprulu Sector were also people who had minor mutations, either natural or artificial, and were arrested for this reason. So the original population had a particularly unusual pool of DNA to being with, and as far as I know there should be very few (if any) ghosts on Starcraft's Earth.
Protoss warriors originally used their psi energy to create shields around themselves, but protoss engineers were eventually able to use technology to improve them and give them their current form. There is obviously a "shield battery" (as the Starcraft 1 building) technology , but how exactly it charges is unknown.
Cool thread! I have two questions though: 1. If the base cant be constructed near the mineral crystals because its weight would harm them, why doesnt a nuke harm them? My explanation: The crystals have electro magnetic properties which would mess with commuunication of all 3 races.
2. How comes we hear the marine rifles fire if its an electro magnetic propulsed fire? Should be silent. So no its not electro magnetic. Its the good ol' firearms.
Also I have 1 big question where I have no explanation: How comes that on open space maps we can hear explosions/shoting? In vacuum there is no sound.
On May 04 2011 20:21 jungeMann wrote: Cool thread! I have two questions though: 1. If the base cant be constructed near the mineral crystals because its weight would harm them, why doesnt a nuke harm them? My explanation: The crystals have electro magnetic properties which would mess with commuunication of all 3 races.
2. How comes we hear the marine rifles fire if its an electro magnetic propulsed fire? Should be silent. So no its not electro magnetic. Its the good ol' firearms.
Also I have 1 big question where I have no explanation: How comes that on open space maps we can hear explosions/shoting? In vacuum there is no sound.
The sound in-game might not be that "correct" sound when we are trying to explain how the tech / stuff works given the parameters that we workout off ( given our universe and understanding of physics, math, science).
Given a metall piece accelerated to a high velocity would perhaps break the sound barrier with quite extensiv force, as a normal gun shot can vary from as low as 600 feet per second up to 5000 feet per second.
This is the basic of Newtons law, the energy a round gets is depended not only on the mass of the "bullet" but also the potential energy that is behind the bullet (the gun powder, the magnetism etc).
edit,1 You can also work in the force the earth pulls on the bullet that makes it go down and hit the ground after X amount of time, if it is a lighter bullet with a higher Ep ( potential energy / read gun powder mix) then the bullet will generally reach farther down range, Note sniper rifles with a special cartridge that have a very high range on them.
You also have to figure out which way the earth is spinning, the pressure from where you shot, the pressure your target is at, the wind, there are alot of variables in any experiment, so we "dumb" it down to a basic rather than take in all the variables.
Terran forces out in the field for prolonged amounts of time use energy in the form of a hyper compressed liquid compound derivative of Vespene. Small cores power the smaller functions of Combat suits, Siege Tanks, Hellions, and small aircraft. BattleCruisers and Ravens operate at such immense levels, and require so much energy that using these cores are simply impractical. Mixes of Vespene, Hydrogen, and Helium create sufficient energy via fusion in the core of the vehicle. The Fusion is contained in such a way that it can be shut down in moments. In particular, the moments right before the systems of the craft fail, so as to eliminate fallout.
The smaller cores of Vespene create an electro magnetic field whenever gamma rays hit them. This energy is so consistent and constant that a VERY powerful current can be harnessed from it.
The cores appear in CMC suits as such:
Jump to 3:05 seconds, and the blueish vespene core can be seen. The vespene is hot enough to lose its greenish tint and become white hot.
On May 04 2011 20:21 jungeMann wrote: Cool thread! I have two questions though: 1. If the base cant be constructed near the mineral crystals because its weight would harm them, why doesnt a nuke harm them? My explanation: The crystals have electro magnetic properties which would mess with commuunication of all 3 races.
2. How comes we hear the marine rifles fire if its an electro magnetic propulsed fire? Should be silent. So no its not electro magnetic. Its the good ol' firearms.
Also I have 1 big question where I have no explanation: How comes that on open space maps we can hear explosions/shoting? In vacuum there is no sound.
The sound is that of the hyper compressed air in front of the bullet breaking through the air.
To expand it further, a tumor can be planted which induces controlled cancer to boost cell division.
Wait... Isn't cancer defined as uncontrolled cell division? Lemme find some other definitions.
Wikipedia: "Cancer /ˈkænsər/ ( listen) (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth"
ncbi: "Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body"
Replace cancer with something like"drastically accelerates cell division"? Or am I just being nit-picky?
To expand it further, a tumor can be planted which induces controlled cancer to boost cell division.
Wait... Isn't cancer defined as uncontrolled cell division? Lemme find some other definitions.
Wikipedia: "Cancer /ˈkænsər/ ( listen) (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth"
ncbi: "Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body"
Replace cancer with something like"drastically accelerates cell division"? Or am I just being nit-picky?
Actually you're right. But a creep "tumor" isn't necessarily a cancer. It could be a benevolent tumor subservient of the hive mind.
Not really something that needs to be changed just some information really.
You say "That rifle needs no oxygen to work." and that's true. But regular rifle's don't require oxygen in the atmosphere either, gunpowder contains potassium nitrate (usually) which has lots of oxygen in it, it's needed for guns to work. But yeah, as said, not really something that needs to be changed since it's true. But yea, no guns, well none of the guns we use, require ozygen in the atmosphere.
Above poster is correct, a gun itself does not need Oxygen to fire. unless your using a musket ( not likely) more in the lines of "the rifle needs no chemical reaction to start the bullet down the barrel, seeing as the magnetic / rail does it the same job req only energy in the form of electricity to function, the required energy is still worrying cause anything launching a bullet is going to require a energy that is quite huge, and this might not be plausible.
May be the geology causing geysers somehow influences the appearance of mineral crystals, too. In some cases,
change the space mark between may and be so you get maybe,
minarelized ---> mineralized
provided by a power plant in the command center itself. might want to go with a fission or fusion power plant or somthing in the lines of that, just so there aint any misshaps.
Also adding that exposure to vespene gas might be the reason that humans have ghost and civilians with "psi" abilities, the scientists are unable at this time to say if it has any long term bad side effect for the user, but a increasing number of ghosts / psi population are known to be eccentric ( dolls, etc)
Scryedo89, I improved the wording according to your suggestion. About the power plant type I don't want to go too much into specifics, but I now changed it to "power generator". The Protoss part already mentions Terrazine as a source of psionic power. Since neither Terrazine nor the related Vespene really explain the Psi force, I try to keep those parts short in the OP.