Hey, my gamer tag is Nemesis, aka Shane (IRL). I am located in NB, Canada. I'm really enjoying all the casters bringing esports to NA, especially for SC2. It's an amazing game. I played SC1/BW a little bit, but not competively/ladder. My goal is to get to high diamond level playing and maybe some day get to pro-status
About the stream:
I'll be streaming games via FMLE on own3d.tv in HD quality. My streams times aren't a specific day or time, but will mostly be in the evenings (ATL). I'll be giving a point of view from terran and protoss. I will try to commentate my own games while playing live to give everyone an idea of what I plan to do and why I do it. I'm open to constructive criticism in chat, so feel free to tear me apart I'll be mostly 1v1 focused, from time to time I'll throw some 2v2, 3v3 and possibly 4v4 games in when playing with some buddies.
Stream URL: http://www.own3d.tv/live/5656
Races Played: