Skype: ShanUCSB Battle net ID: DeltaG.373
Hi every body;
A little about me: My name is Shan; I attend the University of California At Santa Barbara: If i'm not sitting at my desk studying doing graphic art or playing Starcraft you can find me at the gym working out, at the beach surfing or in Ilsa Vista parting. I started playing Starcraft II about two weeks after the game came out, this my first PC game. Ill be playing some good music or talking while I play..
![[image loading]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/kasun/180009_10150138705130027_517210026_8381407_6282317_n.jpg) Thank you for coming... Enjoy the show...
This is how have my hot keys set up: A Delta[G] Hotkey Guide Protoss and Mining: A Delta[G] Guide How to be a PIMP: PIMPing aint easy. How to get 300 apm:300
The equipment I use: + Show Spoiler +mouse:Razer Naga ![[image loading]](http://binarymessiah.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/razer-naga-01.jpg) Mouse pad:Razer Goliathus Massive ![[image loading]](http://www.bjorn3d.com/Material/revimages/Peripherals/Razer_Goliathus/Razer_Goliathus_Stock2.jpg) Keyboard:Razer Blackwiddow Ultimate ![[image loading]](http://www.hitechreview.com/gallery/razer-blackwidow-ultimate/slides/razer-blackwidow-ultimate_3.jpg) Headset: Astro A40 ![[image loading]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41bcY8zFsvL.jpg) Duel Monitors:Sort of.. ![[image loading]](http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b97/kasun/71521_494782255026_517210026_7473290_6026798_n.jpg)
he may not be the best starcraft 2 player, but he's sexy and awesome regardless. good quality. also, his music selection is pretty badass. =)
scout more often: i notice opponents getting away with hidden expos even though you have observers out. also, stop warping in units when you've clearly lost the aggression battle and he's plowing towards your proxy pylon. mass back up in your main so you can push back with a larger, more competent force.
ustream is down right now.. ;( ill post back when its back up
Im Also Top Silver, I Would LIke To Watch And Compare Ourselves Edit: 400~ Points
Going live for the next couple of hours...
today I will be doing a phoenix show..
Redbull on deck.. wanna play all night
New PC and faster internet connection!! should be better quality stream..
Just checked Sc2Ranks.. apparently I'm ranked 12 in the world and 6 in the us? its weird cause iv only been playing plats lately they should just promote me.. Thanks day9 you are the fucking man bro, learned alot from you!