On July 23 2016 20:12 this might work wrote: no u retard atleast we get something against the mutalisk and voidray oracle phoenix early game in HOTS u fuckin shit the ground is just bonus
User was temp banned for this post.
If this is your 3rd post and you only get a temp ban I think they're letting you off easy.
On July 23 2016 20:12 this might work wrote: no u retard atleast we get something against the mutalisk and voidray oracle phoenix early game in HOTS u fuckin shit the ground is just bonus
User was temp banned for this post.
If this is your 3rd post and you only get a temp ban I think they're letting you off easy.
It was his longest post as well.
Has to be a PBU tho, right? With that username... Is that kind of posting ok on the blizzard forums? Suggesting stupid stuff (well, we all do that), get some mild skepticism back, and then resort to unimaginative insults? On reddit? I mean... where do these guys come from where this is common conversation.
I don't get how elenpage (or any such identifiable "public" "figure") can be allowed to be stuck alongside with the word p iss in an id? (not only on tl, any forum really) ?
If i were moderating i'd ban the name as soon as i saw it... reason for perm ban: i don't like the reasoning behind the choice for your id name edit: (add "please choose a sane id name so as to be able to post, and welcome, have/make a nice tl!")
I should ask elsewhere on this forum.. you are right! will do!?
Reason: There are usually low life, low iq people that natural selection should get rid of them!
Since you can't seem to get it, and natural selection is taking too long I think that we're going to have to artificially select you off of this website.
On July 16 2016 17:47 RoomOfMush wrote: Doesnt reflect well on SC2 with all the ex BW players going back. I wonder how the SC2 team at blizzard is feeling when they get news like this. I guess I would be pretty sad if I was in their position.
I guess they give a shit. They already made enough money.
BW is over and this is not a balanced game....T>Z>P
On July 16 2016 17:47 RoomOfMush wrote: Doesnt reflect well on SC2 with all the ex BW players going back. I wonder how the SC2 team at blizzard is feeling when they get news like this. I guess I would be pretty sad if I was in their position.
I guess they give a shit. They already made enough money.
BW is over and this is not a balanced game....T>Z>P
User was temp banned for this post.
surprising that this user got banned but the anti sc2 crowd in that thread had free reign + Show Spoiler +
On July 16 2016 17:47 RoomOfMush wrote: Doesnt reflect well on SC2 with all the ex BW players going back. I wonder how the SC2 team at blizzard is feeling when they get news like this. I guess I would be pretty sad if I was in their position.
SC2 is crap compared to BW as a spectacle. They should feel bad. They should have fired David Kim ages ago. Unfortunately some fansites carried water for them on this.