Don't post in this thread to say "gay gamers are like everyone else, why do they have a special thread?" It is something that has been posted numerous times, and this isn't the place for that discussion.
For regular posters, don't quote the trolls. |
On May 05 2011 12:24 platorepublic wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On May 05 2011 12:11 RedJustice wrote: I am a woman... and plato you are so wrong lulz. Our culture has unfair double standards for women and sex. Women who have sex and enjoy it get label whores. Men who have sex and enjoy it get praised for it. Wtf?
Even worse, our society tells women that they shouldn't enjoy sex, or pursue it. How stupid is that? It's a natural human desire whether you're a man or a woman. Perpetuation of the species much? Women who believe that feel guilty about their natural urges, suppress them, and then end up unsatisfied and unhappy about an important aspect of their lives that they should be enjoying.
I choose to keep my sex in a stable relationship with someone I love, but I don't judge people who do otherwise, men or women. As for me, I have sex regularly with my partner, and it's fucking great. Your assumption that men usually orgasm first and women don't get to, and that men always initiate is rather... last century. Sure it can happen like that for some women, but that sweeping generalization is just not true.
I like to think this is an enlightened thread when it comes to sexuality. Let's accept women /can/ have good sex, and enjoy it, and not be categorized as whorishly flaunting it. I'm just basing my arguments on science. And I do really think that men do enjoy and have more sex than women. Find research that counters my arguments. Men need to put little effort in raising children, especially in the first 9 months. They tend to spread their seed, so to speak, and hence be more promiscuous, to spread their genes. Women don't have that luxury, perhaps more now with safe sex. But I am talking about the majority of people, not developed countries. Ah, please read up...
That's so not true, stop lying. Girls don't like sex as much as guys do. Girls who love sex flaunt it, most of them don't and won't.
Uhhh, a post like this is bullshit not at all related to reading and science, and has no qualifying statements like non-developed countries. This is not a statement about the number of men who have sex, or the amount of sex men have, or how much they enjoy it. It is an ignorant, and sexist statement about women.
I don't need any research to counter a claim like that. "Girls don't like sex as much as guys do." Hoshit I'm a girl and I love sex... immediately makes a blanket statement like that invalid. Whether a woman has sex so often as a man also has absolutely no bearing on how much she may enjoy the sex she has. "Girls who love sex flaunt it"? Orly? What scientific studies are you using there? Or is that just sexism and stereotyping showing? You have basically tried to completely change what you said-- which was a statement about women enjoying the act of sex-- to one comparing the overall sexual behaviors of men and women, and sexual consequences. That's not the same thing. Please start thinking.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and defend Plato somewhat.
While I disagree with some of his arguments like "men enjoy sex more" (I think women enjoy it just as much, if not more), I think male and female sexuality is still different. I think some people that think the genders are completely identical in terms of behaviour are misguided, even if a large part of sexual behaviour is culturally conditioned.
Here's a recent article from the Wall Street Journal:
The Online World of Female Desire For women indulging their curiosity, Internet erotica is less about flesh than about finding Mr. Right By OGI OGAS
It's no secret that hundreds of millions of people around the world now routinely use the Internet to indulge their sexual curiosity. Today you can ogle more naked bodies in a single minute online than the most promiscuous Victorian could have seen in a lifetime. Because this online activity leaves behind a trail of digital crumbs, for the first time we can gather reliable data on the erotic interests of a broad swath of humanity.
My colleague Sai Gaddam and I have analyzed a billion of these web searches, using data sets that firms like AOL and Excite make publicly available, obtaining other data from adult web sites, and using web-analysis techniques to gather additional data.
One of our most interesting findings was that women are very different from men in how they use these online services. All across the planet, what most women seek out, in growing numbers, are not explicit scenes of sexual activity but character-driven stories of romantic relationships.
The female cortex contains a highly developed system for finding and scrutinizing a prospective partner—a system that might be dubbed the Miss Marple Detective Agency. Agatha Christie's fictional sleuth is often dismissed as scatterbrained, but she is actually a shrewd judge of character and harbors deep knowledge of the dark side of human nature. She uses her surprising analytical acumen to solve mysteries that have stumped the police.
Using similar investigative skills, the female brain evaluates all available evidence regarding a potential mate's social, emotional and physical qualities to make an all-important decision: Is he Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong? Only if Miss Marple gives her stamp of approval do physical arousal and psychological arousal harmoniously unite in the female brain.
This unconscious evaluation is the source of "feminine intuition." Though the female brain carefully processes many stimuli simultaneously, it is experienced only as a general feeling of favorability or suspicion toward a potential partner. This feminine intuition is designed to solve a woman's unique challenge of determining whether a man is committed, kind and capable of protecting a family.
Female erotica demonstrates how the detective agency operates—and how it differs from the much simpler male brain. Whereas two-minute video clips are the most popular form of contemporary erotica for men, the most popular form for women remains the romance novel, an artifact that takes many hours to digest. Like pornography, the romance novel has established a strong presence in the digital domain. It is the primary engine behind the electronic book boom. Currently, three of the top 10 books on Kindle are e-romances.
Women account for only one out of 50 purchases of porn-site subscriptions, but they make nine out of 10 purchases of romance novels. (In fact, the main billing company for porn sites flags female names as potential fraud, since so many of these charges result in an angry wife or mother demanding a refund for the misuse of her card.) In 2008, 74.8 million people read an English-language romance novel—close to the number of men who visited online pornography sites that year in the U.S. and Canada.
All romance novels, whether written by the likes of Jane Austen, Nora Roberts or Stephenie Meyer, employ a narrative formula that follows the gradual elucidation of the hero's inner character, leading to an emotional epiphany between hero and heroine. On this journey, the heroine—and the reader—investigates the character of the hero. The goal of a romance novel's heroine is never sex for its own sake, much less impersonal sex with strangers. All romance novels end with a "happily ever after": a marriage or committed long-term partnership.
In addition to providing a new platform for traditional romance tales, the Web has fueled an explosion of stories written by a highly interactive community of female amateurs: a genre called "fan fiction." These pop culture "fandoms" consist of enthusiasts for such familiar franchises as "Harry Potter," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Twilight," as well as for other books, television shows and movies. The most popular fan fiction website—and the world's most popular "erotic" site for women—is FanFiction.net, which boasts more than two million different stories and more than 1.5 million visitors a month. Nor is fan fiction limited to English-speaking countries; there are vibrant fan fiction communities in Russia, Japan, Brazil and China.
Men who are attracted to a particular actress may go online looking for racy photos of her. Women who are attracted to an actor are more likely to seek out personal details about his life or erotic stories featuring one of the characters he portrays. Consider these terms from one woman's AOL search history concerning the actor Orlando Bloom: "orlando bloom as vampire fanfiction," "gossip on orlando bloom," "legolas erotica" (Legolas being Bloom's elfin character in "Lord of the Rings").
Fan fiction also reveals another fundamental difference between male and female sexuality. Men almost always consume pornography alone. But in the fan-fiction community, the online discussion of a story is as important as the story itself. This reflects one of the primary investigative techniques of Miss Marple: soliciting information from other detectives.
Whereas the typical comments beneath videos on websites for men are mostly brief ("Hot!"), women want to discuss in probing detail the emotional qualities of a story, the authenticity of its characters and the nuances of the relationships. Remarking on a story set in the Harry Potter fandom, one fan observes, "Oh, and, on a side note, would Ron really use the expression, 'hooking up'? It sounded very Muggle, very American and very post-early '90s to me." Another fan comments: "I liked his surges of anger every now and again, made for a more compelling and realistic Harry. I also thought his spat with Ginny was done very appropriately."
Some female readers might be thinking, "This doesn't describe me at all!" And, in fact, somewhere between a quarter and a third of the visitors to the major pornography sites are women. Our data suggest that these women probably have a higher sex drive than other women and that they are more socially aggressive and more comfortable taking risks.
For most women, however, Miss Marple is the master sleuth. Her fact-finding mission must be completed before mind and body are united in sexual harmony.
—Mr. Ogas, a computational neuroscientist, is the co-author with Sai Gaddam of the new book, "A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire."
Arguing that females don't like sex is sort of dumb, though.
Oh noes, I think sexuality as it relates to men and women is different (for each individual for that matter)-- I mean... men have a penis and women don't... so already there are physical differences. I just think that original post "Girls don't like sex as much as guys do. Girls who love sex flaunt it, most of them don't and won't." was pretty sexist and is just not true. You can't make blanket statements like that, just like you can't say-- men only like sex with women, and men who don't are lying. Find one guy who doesn't fit that (hello thread :D) and it's false.
On May 05 2011 13:18 RedJustice wrote: Oh noes, I think sexuality as it relates to men and women is different (for each individual for that matter)-- I mean... men have a penis and women don't... so already there are physical differences. I just think that original post "Girls don't like sex as much as guys do. Girls who love sex flaunt it, most of them don't and won't." was pretty sexist and is just not true. You can't make blanket statements like that, just like you can't say-- men only like sex with women, and men who don't are lying. Find one guy who doesn't fit that (hello thread :D) and it's false. This is a gay thread, troll elsewhere. Of course we are sexist.
On May 05 2011 09:21 platorepublic wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2011 08:48 dunc wrote:On May 05 2011 08:37 platorepublic wrote:On May 05 2011 04:06 dunc wrote:On May 05 2011 03:32 Tipsyer wrote: Between my friends that are straight (guys and girls), promiscuity is pretty much equal. One of the only reasons you don't think girls are all about it is because, for the most part, they don't talk so openly about it like most guys. But, I guess I also hear it more often from them because I live with two girls and am gay so not much gets held back.
Unmerited generalizations won't get you very far. This. So much. Pretty much every girl I've met loves sex just as much as guys do and are just as much into one night stands. That's so not true, stop lying. Girls don't like sex as much as guys do. Girls who love sex flaunt it, most of them don't and won't. Eh, it is true. Stop making assumptions based on what you've experienced and think those are the facts. Stop lying. That is also one of the most ridiculous generalizations I've heard so far. Just because someone really enjoys something doesn't always mean they'll flaunt it. It's not hard to have sex(especially as a girl) in college and it makes sense for them to enjoy it just as much as guys. Why wouldn't they? Think about it... men who have sex men almost always ejaculate and have an orgasm. Men who have sex with women: men usually orgasm first. The women? Not always.
I guess you just want to agree to disagree. All I know is is that what he described is pretty much the college culture(over here) because people don't care and people love sex. You don't need an orgasm to enjoy it.
Anyway can we stop arguing about girls in a thread for gays please
On May 05 2011 17:04 pyrohippy wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Just a letter/essay I decided to write to all Starcraft players. I'd love to see it on the front page if that were possible. Dear players of Starcraft, My name is Pyrohippy, I play on the NA servers, if you ever stumble across this thread and play me in game, be sure and greet me with a hearty "glhf" and I'll do my best to reply back with a friendly hello. I am an aspiring writer, among other things, and 19 years old. The reason I am here is simple. It is to explain to you, that, it is important to accept gays within your community. As a straight male Starcraft player, I find it exceedingly offensive witnessing gay discrimination in all forms: Whether the offense is derived from television, spitting an insult, or even ignorance, it is just unacceptable. The gay community has suffered long enough for their loving and open attitudes. It is time to reconsider how you should approach individuals, more specifically gays. Here are three somewhat logical reasons why you should embrace gays within the Starcraft community, and your life. Gay people are fun people. It's a statement. Gays are comparable to zerglings. They share almost the same personality composition: Quick-wit, group-oriented, well-groomed, Starcraft-loving people. Before you consider hating gays, or hating anything else for that matter, ask yourself if you wouldn't rather have a friend? A future Starcraft buddy? Someone you can share your life experiences with? Gays won't judge you. They've already been down that road of judgement. They've seen the glaring eyes. They've witnessed the living hell. So, take a moment and find it within yourself to see them eye to eye. Don't fret, remember, Gays are fun people deep down! You just need to take a moment of your time and meet them. They are energetic, live, sparky, eccentric, creative, artistic, Starcraft-loving individuals! Rudeness is just not within their nature. They love to be loved, and you should too. Having gay friends could even prove to be better for you! they give great advice (especially on women and men). They're also pretty easy going, motivated people. Overall, there is nothing to hate about gays. They're just like you and I. Unfortunately, the sad truth is; gays live rough lives. I have multiple gay friends who see hardship after hardship; it seems like their life is in a state of constant depression. Gays are treated badly by most people for reasons which are perverse. People think that just because someone is different than themselves, they need to make up that difference in suffering. I am here to tell you that is not true. You should absolutely not condone suffering on behalf of anyone! Be as kind and loving and respectful to everyone possible, period. The third reason why it is important to accept gays, is, well, love. Everyone is aware that there are monstrous amounts of hate within the world. Sometimes there is so much hate within the world, it is easy to continue feeding this pattern of hatred. This thread is a reminder for you to continue loving the people who are close to you. Being loving to someone in the form of a friendship, partner, or family member has it's benefits. Not only are you able to share a part of yourself, you tend to discover a world inside of you, you never even knew about. So, please my friends, do not hate each other, but take a moment to love each other.
Damn I wish I was a Zergling In all honesty though, good writeup!
On May 05 2011 14:45 platorepublic wrote: This is a gay thread, troll elsewhere. Of course we are sexist.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic on the Internet...
You are being sarcastic right?
On May 05 2011 18:19 Iyerbeth wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2011 14:45 platorepublic wrote: This is a gay thread, troll elsewhere. Of course we are sexist. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic on the Internet... You are being sarcastic right? I'm not British.
On August 27 2010 21:04 Mora wrote: – that the thought of sticking my tongue inside a dank vagina made me want to puke. That when i would watch straight porn, and see the tits bouncing around, i would lose my erection. .
Sentence wins the internet.
On May 05 2011 21:43 dbkim92 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 27 2010 21:04 Mora wrote: – that the thought of sticking my tongue inside a dank vagina made me want to puke. That when i would watch straight porn, and see the tits bouncing around, i would lose my erection. . Sentence wins the internet. I find it quite dull...
On May 05 2011 17:04 pyrohippy wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Just a letter/essay I decided to write to all Starcraft players. I'd love to see it on the front page if that were possible. Dear players of Starcraft, My name is Pyrohippy, I play on the NA servers, if you ever stumble across this thread and play me in game, be sure and greet me with a hearty "glhf" and I'll do my best to reply back with a friendly hello. I am an aspiring writer, among other things, and 19 years old. The reason I am here is simple. It is to explain to you, that, it is important to accept gays within your community. As a straight male Starcraft player, I find it exceedingly offensive witnessing gay discrimination in all forms: Whether the offense is derived from television, spitting an insult, or even ignorance, it is just unacceptable. The gay community has suffered long enough for their loving and open attitudes. It is time to reconsider how you should approach individuals, more specifically gays. Here are three somewhat logical reasons why you should embrace gays within the Starcraft community, and your life. Gay people are fun people. It's a statement. Gays are comparable to zerglings. They share almost the same personality composition: Quick-wit, group-oriented, well-groomed, Starcraft-loving people. Before you consider hating gays, or hating anything else for that matter, ask yourself if you wouldn't rather have a friend? A future Starcraft buddy? Someone you can share your life experiences with? Gays won't judge you. They've already been down that road of judgement. They've seen the glaring eyes. They've witnessed the living hell. So, take a moment and find it within yourself to see them eye to eye. Don't fret, remember, Gays are fun people deep down! You just need to take a moment of your time and meet them. They are energetic, live, sparky, eccentric, creative, artistic, Starcraft-loving individuals! Rudeness is just not within their nature. They love to be loved, and you should too. Having gay friends could even prove to be better for you! they give great advice (especially on women and men). They're also pretty easy going, motivated people. Overall, there is nothing to hate about gays. They're just like you and I. Unfortunately, the sad truth is; gays live rough lives. I have multiple gay friends who see hardship after hardship; it seems like their life is in a state of constant depression. Gays are treated badly by most people for reasons which are perverse. People think that just because someone is different than themselves, they need to make up that difference in suffering. I am here to tell you that is not true. You should absolutely not condone suffering on behalf of anyone! Be as kind and loving and respectful to everyone possible, period. The third reason why it is important to accept gays, is, well, love. Everyone is aware that there are monstrous amounts of hate within the world. Sometimes there is so much hate within the world, it is easy to continue feeding this pattern of hatred. This thread is a reminder for you to continue loving the people who are close to you. Being loving to someone in the form of a friendship, partner, or family member has it's benefits. Not only are you able to share a part of yourself, you tend to discover a world inside of you, you never even knew about. So, please my friends, do not hate each other, but take a moment to love each other. Nice first post, mate! Although I agree with you, I think that the most important thing to remember is that gay people are people. There are people you like, and people you don't like, nice people, people who are assholes. Some people are great, some people suck. This is true for gay people as well, their sexuality has nothing to do with it and you should not treat them differently because of it.
Also, I want to thank RedJustice for shedding some light on the previous discussion with some sound arguments.
EDIT (I guess I couldn't let it go):
On May 05 2011 14:45 platorepublic wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2011 13:18 RedJustice wrote: Oh noes, I think sexuality as it relates to men and women is different (for each individual for that matter)-- I mean... men have a penis and women don't... so already there are physical differences. I just think that original post "Girls don't like sex as much as guys do. Girls who love sex flaunt it, most of them don't and won't." was pretty sexist and is just not true. You can't make blanket statements like that, just like you can't say-- men only like sex with women, and men who don't are lying. Find one guy who doesn't fit that (hello thread :D) and it's false. This is a gay thread, troll elsewhere. Of course we are sexist. Wtf do you mean by this? :S
On May 05 2011 17:04 pyrohippy wrote:Just a letter/essay I decided to write to all Starcraft players. I'd love to see it on the front page if that were possible. Dear players of Starcraft, My name is Pyrohippy, I play on the NA servers, if you ever stumble across this thread and play me in game, be sure and greet me with a hearty "glhf" and I'll do my best to reply back with a friendly hello. I am an aspiring writer, among other things, and 19 years old. The reason I am here is simple. It is to explain to you, that, it is important to accept gays within your community. As a straight male Starcraft player, I find it exceedingly offensive witnessing gay discrimination in all forms: Whether the offense is derived from television, spitting an insult, or even ignorance, it is just unacceptable. The gay community has suffered long enough for their loving and open attitudes. It is time to reconsider how you should approach individuals, more specifically gays. Here are three somewhat logical reasons why you should embrace gays within the Starcraft community, and your life. Gay people are fun people. It's a statement. Gays are comparable to zerglings. They share almost the same personality composition: Quick-wit, group-oriented, well-groomed, Starcraft-loving people. Before you consider hating gays, or hating anything else for that matter, ask yourself if you wouldn't rather have a friend? A future Starcraft buddy? Someone you can share your life experiences with? Gays won't judge you. They've already been down that road of judgement. They've seen the glaring eyes. They've witnessed the living hell. So, take a moment and find it within yourself to see them eye to eye. Don't fret, remember, Gays are fun people deep down! You just need to take a moment of your time and meet them. They are energetic, live, sparky, eccentric, creative, artistic, Starcraft-loving individuals! Rudeness is just not within their nature. They love to be loved, and you should too. Having gay friends could even prove to be better for you! they give great advice (especially on women and men). They're also pretty easy going, motivated people. Overall, there is nothing to hate about gays. They're just like you and I. Unfortunately, the sad truth is; gays live rough lives. I have multiple gay friends who see hardship after hardship; it seems like their life is in a state of constant depression. Gays are treated badly by most people for reasons which are perverse. People think that just because someone is different than themselves, they need to make up that difference in suffering. I am here to tell you that is not true. You should absolutely not condone suffering on behalf of anyone! Be as kind and loving and respectful to everyone possible, period. The third reason why it is important to accept gays, is, well, love. Everyone is aware that there are monstrous amounts of hate within the world. Sometimes there is so much hate within the world, it is easy to continue feeding this pattern of hatred. This thread is a reminder for you to continue loving the people who are close to you. Being loving to someone in the form of a friendship, partner, or family member has it's benefits. Not only are you able to share a part of yourself, you tend to discover a world inside of you, you never even knew about. So, please my friends, do not hate each other, but take a moment to love each other. I'm really not that fun. Sorry to disappoint. I'm a mean arrogant vain bitch who would criticise what everyone says. Not all gays are fun.
I don't have much fun at all really. I work hard, and strive to succeed.
As long as you're happy, right.
Not all gays are fun.
Finally something we can agree on.
On May 05 2011 22:40 dunc wrote: As long as you're happy, right. Not that happy either.
United Kingdom36156 Posts
On May 05 2011 22:50 platorepublic wrote:Not that happy either.
It's people like you that I want to sub to.
On May 05 2011 22:56 marvellosity wrote:Show nested quote +On May 05 2011 22:50 platorepublic wrote:On May 05 2011 22:40 dunc wrote: As long as you're happy, right. Not that happy either. It's people like you that I want to sub to. I'm not sure what you mean, super
United Kingdom36156 Posts
How would that even work? I don't want to know...
On May 05 2011 23:45 marvellosity wrote: Probably for the best ^^ Submarines, subhuman, subzero...
It can't be good. See I'm not fun at all.