Basically my spare (Starcraft exclusive for the most part) PC has packed in and refuses to boot. It was a very rudimentary job, with minimal RAM and a spare HD of mine, which I was going to upgrade anyway whenever I got the cash. As I am currently without cash for another day or two, I'd like to just rule out certain hardware faults before I add a decent hard drive into the bay.
Over the course of the last two days it has veered between not registering the hard drive at all, to it at least appearing when I go into the diagnostic place or whatever it is. I'm mostly used to Macs, so there might be something retardedly simple I've overlooked.
I have to play/cast the prestigious Team Liquid Live Report Starleague this weekend as well, so anything that would help me out would be greatly appreciated.
I've uploaded some pics I took on my rather ropey smartphone, in vaguely chronological order. It's flipping between not registering the drive and trying to boot through the CD drive, to registering the hard drive, but stalling at a certain stage and not booting up at all.
Pics Here
Thanks in advance anyone who has any ideas,