Yes, this is severe underperformance, I am getting more than 40 average on extreme with an i5 750 / 4gb ram / ati5850. Also note that Extreme only works in singleplayer. In multiplayer, Extreme is the exact same thing as Ultra.
Theres been a lot of these threads popping up lately, im starting to think sc2 has an issue with some specific cards or something along those lines. As for you're question, check you're temps, drivers etc, im getting around you're fps with a 5770 and a phenom II 955 with 4GB of RAM running on ultra if its anything to compare it to.
OC the CPU to about 4.2, OC the GPU and you might get away with it without an RMA? Not that the setup you have would differ much in quality as when you would get a, say, i5-760 with a GTX 460?
Underperforming by a long way, unless you spend most of your time playing mass-macro 4v4s. Check the temperatures of both the GPU and CPU while running SC2 (CPUID HWMonitor will do), as thermal throttling can cause this sort of trouble.
On January 23 2011 09:27 Seth_ wrote: It is a bit lower than I would expect.
What's the resolution you're running at?
1900x1080 currently
That's horrible, I bought my computer last year for about £650 and I can max SC2 on that resolution with similar FPS results. Can't say more than that as I'm no tech expert, but well, confirmed something ain't right :|
On January 23 2011 13:50 Dont Panic wrote: Ummm not to brag but ig et that shit and my budget comp cost me 520 USD like 5 months ago.
Sigh. His graphics card alone costs as much as your entire computer.
Maybe a misplaced heatsink is at fault? Starcraft 2 is very cpu intensive, perhaps it is overheating and causing the cpu to cut back. Try running a stress test like prime95 and find out what your cpu temperatures are. I have the exact same computer honestly, and it runs extreme at about 100 fps. (Although my processor is overlocked). So yeah, something is definitely not going right.
I have just got my internet back so I am going to run these tests which you have reccomended and I have also updated the the original post to more exact detail, also if possible to could someone please point me to a good video or writen guide on how to overclock my processor.
So it's really not too far off, Starcraft 2 isn't really true multicore, so the higher the clock of the processor the better, oc if you can.
Also, the GTX 580 is a pretty new card, so it might take a bit before drivers catch up with it and give it better performance in certain games that it currently has issues with.