According to liquipedia the Cyclone's cooldown is 4 seconds (real time), 6 seconds (blizzard time), and this has been the case since the beta ended (actually, since the beginning of the beta).
However in game it's now 9 (!) seconds. Since it's unlikely that they meant to stealth nerf the unit, I'm pretty sure this is a bug.
Also, the anti-air attack benefits from weapon upgrades even though it's still spell damage and ignores armor.
I don't know how long the unit's been broken, but it seems pretty stupid to try and balance a unit that doesn't even have the correct stats.
Edit: Added some gifs for reference:
UThermal vs Showtime, Dusk Towers, Dreamhack Leipzig 2016, Patch 3.1.1 (before January 29th balance update):
Polt vs Nerchio, Invader, Dusk Towers, WCS Spring Circuit Championship 2016, Patch 3.2.2 (after January 29th balance update):
Current, Patch 3.3.1:
Hmm, will have to test this.
To make sure I wasn't crazy, I tried resuming from an old replay (patch 3.1.1, UThermal vs Showtime on Dusk Towers, Dreamhack Leipzig Open 2016 from january). Lock-on had a 4 second cooldown.
So...yeah, cyclone be busted yo.
Edit: To make extra certain this wasn't a tooltip bug or something silly like that, I timed the lock-on cooldown manually. Definitely 4 seconds in the resume-from-replay. Definitely 9 seconds in game currently.
Edit2: Fixed replay title
Haha I've tried to go mass cyclones a few times in team games, and gotten rocked with them. I distinctly remember thinking "wow they nerfed the cooldown immensely from the beta." Seems like it may have been a mistake, unless you're missing a patch notes somewhere and liquipedia simply hasn't been updated to reflect the new stats, which is very possible.
All in all, with such a short lock on range, I can't imagine cyclones becoming that useful anyways (also a reason mass cyclones will never be too strong, I'm not sure why Blizzard is so worried).
Well, one thing's for sure, we're not going to get an accurate picture of the unit's strength when it's currently running with more than double the intended cooldown.
Tried a newer replay, patch 3.2.2, Polt Vs Nerchio on Invader, WCS Spring Circuit Championship This time the tooltip listed 4 seconds, but started counting down from 8 seconds (actual time 9 seconds).
To summarize:
Currently: Tooltip: 9 seconds, Actual: 9 seconds 3.2.2: Tooltip: 4 seconds, Actual: 9 seconds (after the Jan 29th balance update, before current balance update) 3.1.1: Tooltip: 4 seconds, Actual: 4 seconds (before the Jan 29th balance update)
So it looks like the previous (January 29th) update broke something.
On June 01 2016 10:05 Athenau wrote:Tried a newer replay, patch 3.2.2, Polt Vs Nerchio on Invader, WCS Spring Circuit Championship This time the tooltip listed 4 seconds, but started counting down from 8 seconds (actual time 9 seconds). To summarize: Currently: Tooltip: 9 seconds, Actual: 9 seconds 3.2.2: Tooltip: 4 seconds, Actual: 9 seconds (after the Jan 29th balance update, before current balance update) 3.1.1: Tooltip: 4 seconds, Actual: 4 seconds (before the Jan 29th balance update) So it looks like the previous (January 29th) update broke something. If that's true than it's kind of funny how nobody noticed this yet. Who builds cyclones anyway?
I was looking through the forums to see if it was mentioned anywhere. There was 1 dude that reported it on May 11th of this year, but no other mentions. It wasn't even in its own dedicated thread. Got lost on page like 16 of some balance post. Let me dig it up again.
Edit: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/20743755309?page=8#145
only mention of it I could find on the forums.
Cyclone is still a joke unit. =/
I am surprised Ruff did not notice this. He uses cyclones pretty regularly on his stream.
I was a regular ruff viewer as well--strangely enough, his cyclone play seemed to get less effective after January
Just goes to show how little people use or care about the cyclone.
One of the new terran units has double the intended cooldown on it's primary ability since January and people start noticing in June.
More evidence that the Cyclone is a joke unit and needs a complete redesign.
Well, this is certainly odd and hillarious at the same time >_<
if tooltip showing 9 seconds...then mb its not a bug, but a shadow patch as you mentioned
...but wiki tells it's 4 sec.. ;/
On June 01 2016 15:41 TedBurtle wrote: if tooltip showing 9 seconds...then mb its not a bug, but a shadow patch as you mentioned
The tooltip and the ability weren't updated at the same time though. Which means it's very possible that someone realized the tooltip was wrong later on, and fixed the tooltip without realizing that it was in fact the ability that was off.
This is hilarious though. I'm imagining two interns at Blizzard taking bets as to whether they can sneak minor balance changes by without David Kim (or the community) noticing.
On June 01 2016 15:44 ZigguratOfUr wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2016 15:41 TedBurtle wrote: if tooltip showing 9 seconds...then mb its not a bug, but a shadow patch as you mentioned This is hilarious though. I'm imagining two interns at Blizzard taking bets as to whether they can sneak minor balance changes by without David Kim (or the community) noticing. Time to start double checking battlecruiser stats.
On June 01 2016 16:01 TheWinks wrote:Show nested quote +On June 01 2016 15:44 ZigguratOfUr wrote:On June 01 2016 15:41 TedBurtle wrote: if tooltip showing 9 seconds...then mb its not a bug, but a shadow patch as you mentioned This is hilarious though. I'm imagining two interns at Blizzard taking bets as to whether they can sneak minor balance changes by without David Kim (or the community) noticing. Time to start double checking battlecruiser stats.
It was OP all along!