Ryung, former SlayerS/Axiom Terran, has joined Team MVP.
Korean announcement text on fomos (by kenzi):
'령' 김동원이 MVP에 입단했다.
MVP 게임단은 19일 '령' 김동원이 팀에 합류했다고 공식 발표했다. 스타1 위메이드 출신인 김동원은 스타2로 전향한 뒤 프라임과 슬레이어스(해체)에서 활동했다. 지난 2013년부터 액시옴에서 선수 생활을 한 김동원은 이탈리아 게임단인 TES를 거쳐 MVP에 합류하게 됐다.
MVP는 '해병왕' 이정훈과 함께 '공허의 유산'들어 좋은 모습을 보여주고 있는 김기용, 김동원으로 테란 라인업을 완성시켰다. 이형섭 감독은 "(김)동원이가 나이가 있어서 절실함을 갖고 경기에 임할 것으로 생각된다"며 "차기 프로리그에서 좋은 모습을 보여줬으면 한다"고 말했다.
EDIT: Full roster according to Choya
EDIT 2!!
I had a feeling we already knew about this....
This was announced in December with Choya's roster. There wasn't an official announcement about it, though. This is the first interview.
Other new players: bonobona (P), Natural (T) bonobona is a female player, and the one interview I could find said she was in gold league. Natural is a frequent GSL qualifiers loser.
Well Ryung was already playing for them in Proleague, so it makes sense for him to leave TES since he can't participate in foreign events (which was a main reason for joining TES in the first place).
Other new players: bonobona (P), Natural (T) bonobona is a female player, and the one interview I could find said she was in gold league. Natural is a frequent GSL qualifiers loser.
Other new players: bonobona (P), Natural (T) bonobona is a female player, and the one interview I could find said she was in gold league. Natural is a frequent GSL qualifiers loser.
On January 19 2016 17:02 Phredxor wrote: Doubt he'll get too much game time with Gumi and Forte already there but hope he goes well!
He could become a solid sniper at least.
Also, birthday bros!
Yeah I hope so, I've always liked Ryung. Gumi will presumably be #1 Terran but Ryung could swap in and out with Forte. I'm gonna assume MKC is going to continue not playing :/
Jan 19 good birthday. One of my best friends is also today :D
On January 19 2016 17:02 Phredxor wrote: Doubt he'll get too much game time with Gumi and Forte already there but hope he goes well!
He could become a solid sniper at least.
Also, birthday bros!
Yeah I hope so, I've always liked Ryung. Gumi will presumably be #1 Terran but Ryung could swap in and out with Forte. I'm gonna assume MKC is going to continue not playing :/
Jan 19 good birthday. One of my best friends is also today :D
On January 19 2016 17:02 Phredxor wrote: Doubt he'll get too much game time with Gumi and Forte already there but hope he goes well!
He could become a solid sniper at least.
Also, birthday bros!
Yeah I hope so, I've always liked Ryung. Gumi will presumably be #1 Terran but Ryung could swap in and out with Forte. I'm gonna assume MKC is going to continue not playing :/
Jan 19 good birthday. One of my best friends is also today :D
MKC? MarineKingChicken? :O
But now that's its ChickenMaru that works too. MKCM?
On January 19 2016 19:12 Nepou wrote: Last time I read about MVP's line up Patience seemed to be a part of it, isn't it the case anymore ?
Apparently not. Last time he was listed as a partner (since he's on Dead Pixels), this time Choya doesn't mention him at all. Maybe Patience joins a new team aswell?
Other new players: bonobona (P), Natural (T) bonobona is a female player, and the one interview I could find said she was in gold league. Natural is a frequent GSL qualifiers loser.
On January 19 2016 18:04 thecrazymunchkin wrote: A necessary move given WCS changes, but nice to see it happen anyway
This was a necessary move because of AX closing down... nothing to do with WCS changes.
Well, he was on a foreign team, and there are pretty much no foreign events for him to play in. Maybe not a necessary move, but in light of the WCS changes, it's a sensible move nonetheless.
On January 19 2016 18:04 thecrazymunchkin wrote: A necessary move given WCS changes, but nice to see it happen anyway
This was a necessary move because of AX closing down... nothing to do with WCS changes.
He was on TES previously
Hoping Choya can bring Ryung out of the most painful mediocrity
Ah, I see what you mean. I guess overall he's closer to where he would have been with AX competing in PL, but yeah unfortunate he couldn't continue with TES due to the WCS changes.
I hope he shows some of that potential he showed in beta. Had some good results then went little dark. Ryung and Forte(Salvation) can fight it out for #2 terran on team behind Gumiho(unless MKP can somehow become great again)
gl hf ryung! I am glad he is still around. when I started getting into sc2 in 2012, I remember seeing him featured a lot on husky's youtube channel. good memories. btw, is husky still around?
On January 19 2016 22:52 MrMischelito wrote: gl hf ryung! I am glad he is still around. when I started getting into sc2 in 2012, I remember seeing him featured a lot on husky's youtube channel. good memories. btw, is husky still around?
Not really. He's preoccupied managing Nerdy Nummies.
On January 19 2016 16:07 ClaudeSc2 wrote: Ryung joins MVP, awesome. I'm guessing someone will turn this into Blizzard killing Sc2 though...so thanks Blizzard.
I love SC2 and think 2016 will be a great year for it but I'll take a shot at the negativity. I wonder how many people will take this seriously.
This is troubling news. Every non retirement announcement is just another team move for an already established player. The SC2 scene is basically like a church. Churches these days get a majority of their new membership from people leaving other churches hoping to find growth in their new home. Ryung here is a classic case of a church goer hoping to find the new heights he so desires but little does he know that in a years time he will be at another church or an atheist.
On January 19 2016 16:07 ClaudeSc2 wrote: Ryung joins MVP, awesome. I'm guessing someone will turn this into Blizzard killing Sc2 though...so thanks Blizzard.
Note: Commenting cause I'm that guy
Actually I don't lay this one at the feet of Blizz and WCS Welfare. Ryung was always going to stay in Korea for the most part and just play the occasional international tourney ala what he did with Axiom, WCS just dried up that avenue. But it wasn't a huge loss to him since he had the Proleague deal with MVP anyway. Makes sense for him and MVP.
Don't get me wrong WCS Welfare is still killing SC2 but this isn't one to blame on it
This could be a pretty big deal. Even if he doesn't get trotted out too much in proleague, just getting that level of practice is enormous for him and he could make a comeback.