The good news is I don't think that there are any two players that clearly belong in the round of 32 playing against each other in challenger.
The worst may be Trap versus Life. Aligulac really likes Trap, especially in PvZ. Could Life really go out in challenger? That'd be quite a fall for a guy who looked like the best in the world at the end of 2015 season one.
Anyway, Panic-Sleep in comparison to soO-Leenock looks meh.
On less serious note, what happened to SoulKey?
Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. What on earth happened to SoulKey? Did he go back to BW or something? Because its pretty sure he's not playing in ANY of the Korean leagues open so far, and doesn't have his name on DH Valencia and other foreign tournaments.
Anyway, Panic-Sleep in comparison to soO-Leenock looks meh.
On less serious note, what happened to SoulKey?
Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. What on earth happened to SoulKey? Did he go back to BW or something? Because its pretty sure he's not playing in ANY of the Korean leagues open so far, and doesn't have his name on DH Valencia and other foreign tournaments.
Anyway, Panic-Sleep in comparison to soO-Leenock looks meh.
On less serious note, what happened to SoulKey?
Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. What on earth happened to SoulKey? Did he go back to BW or something? Because its pretty sure he's not playing in ANY of the Korean leagues open so far, and doesn't have his name on DH Valencia and other foreign tournaments.
Anybody know the truth to what SK is doing?
He's on break for this season.
i feel like all the skt boys that left last year had a dream of just destroying wcs eu/am and traveling around kind of like how Hyun/MC did and now they are faced with the new WCS and a lack of DH events. At least PartinG and Rain have found success. Fanta too in small doses.