I doubt we'll see that though, so I doubt I'll buy HotS. There's no real reason to when playing the game isn't enjoyable and you don't need the game to watch a GOM stream.
[Poll] What do you want changed in SC2 the MOST? - Page 7
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United States38 Posts
I doubt we'll see that though, so I doubt I'll buy HotS. There's no real reason to when playing the game isn't enjoyable and you don't need the game to watch a GOM stream. | ||
Sweden27 Posts
On October 24 2012 15:06 Dingobloo wrote: Allowing Global play and trying to fix the latency issue that is around. (10) Allowing you to watch replays with friends. (5) Changing how ladder works and giving you more stats. (2) These three are all announced as coming already, seems like a bit of a pointless exercise to just say "well...do these faster" I heard name change was "coming soon" also... ಠ_ಠ | ||
Australia1903 Posts
On October 24 2012 15:51 Liquid`Sheth wrote: Makes a lot of sense. I think twitch has a way of working their code into games to allow them to embed the twitch stream in game though. I could be completely wrong on this. However that could fix all of the problems that you brought up, and help players revenue a lot. Hey I can dream right? :D This wouldn't really solve anything though, streaming is still resource intensive for the person wanting to stream, it's a huge barrier to have someone watch your games through a stream but it's only worth it for high level players. A proper spectating system like LoL or Dota 2 solves so many issues, I can watch my friend play ladder on a delay because the game gets networked traffic mirrored on delay on blizzard's servers, and it's just multiplayer game traffic, it's not 720p video, suddenly laddering isn't as lonely. SC2 already has a spectator mode but it's limited to 4 players and they join the game direct. The HLTV model, is that a HLTV client joins one of the regular spectator slots, and just mirrors the data out so lots more people can watch without causing issues to the game in progress, it's feasible to do this to EVERY game running on the service whether pro or not and it's an amazing experience to be able to jump into any in progress game to spectate on delay. Embedding a twitch stream is not sufficient. | ||
United States2095 Posts
On October 24 2012 15:57 Dingobloo wrote: This wouldn't really solve anything though, streaming is still resource intensive for the person wanting to stream, it's a huge barrier to have someone watch your games through a stream but it's only worth it for high level players. A proper spectating system like LoL or Dota 2 solves so many issues, I can watch my friend play ladder on a delay because the game gets networked traffic mirrored on delay on blizzard's servers, and it's just multiplayer game traffic, it's not 720p video, suddenly laddering isn't as lonely. Hm you mean riot/valve's servers? I don't completely get your last point. However I do definitely love how in Dota you can watch your friends games. I'd LOVE to see this in sc2. A proper spectating system is what I was trying to imply with that option. Sorry if I wasn't clear or if I've miss phrased it. | ||
United States512 Posts
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Poland61 Posts
Change it from the wasteland. Clan support that could help people find practice without juggling between client, browser, mIRC and VoIP client. Support for in-game tournaments for players within and between said clans, maybe also open. This is not a console game. This is not a tablet game. It is a PC game. Battlenet 2.0 takes it's functionality and esthetics from the former two, wasting all the potential of a mouse and keyboard controlled PC platform. | ||
Australia1286 Posts
On October 24 2012 15:59 Liquid`Sheth wrote: Hm you mean riot/valve's servers? I don't completely get your last point. However I do definitely love how in Dota you can watch your friends games. I'd LOVE to see this in sc2. A proper spectating system is what I was trying to imply with that option. Sorry if I wasn't clear or if I've miss phrased it. This would be relatively hard to code though, dropping in and out of a game as a random observer would be a bit strenuous on the latency if you were a popular player. And considering how long it's taken for name changes ... ![]() | ||
Australia1903 Posts
On October 24 2012 16:01 Maynarde wrote: This would be relatively hard to code though, dropping in and out of a game as a random observer would be a bit strenuous on the latency if you were a popular player. And considering how long it's taken for name changes ... ![]() HLTV has done this since like 2001 and it's what DOTA TV was built on, it takes 1 regular spectator slot and it just mirrors out the network traffic to any number of players who join the server, if that server gets overloaded it can drop from the game, none of the outside observers actually ever join the game in progress, they're just being shown mirrored network traffic. I know people give Blizzard all kinds of shit for being glacially slow, but if they can't take the time out of their schedule to implement a service that their two biggest competitors have, that is essentially a mirroring of their already existing observer data out so that multiple people can join it, then what the hell is the point of this poll? I don't even think this is aiming that high, LoL didn't even have a regular spectator mode when they started implementing their system. Valve is already iterating in innovative ways with integrated casting, replays hosted on the servers with permanent URL links, triggers for item drops based on events observed in game, if they don't get this stuff in they will be SO far behind. It just has so many benefits, you can give your friends tips and just in general makes a very 1v1 focused game so much more social. | ||
United States74 Posts
I am not a high level player so I may be biased, but I feel like my biggest problem here is definitely Battle.net, not design/balance. TBH what I really want is my friends to start playing more SC2 again, and that won't come from making PvZ more exciting, for instance. I voted for the Custom Map thing, as I know that is great for keeping casual players in the scene. In the end I couldn't decide between that and F2P multiplayer, but I figured that short term the custom map situation is more realistic to fix. You are awesome Sheth, as a sidenote ![]() | ||
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Netherlands129 Posts
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1819 Posts
On October 24 2012 15:11 Liquid`Sheth wrote: Could you explain it a little more clearly? I'm on a phone so I'll be concise: Unit pathing. "Terrible, terrible damage" syndrome. Uninspired units and broken abilities/spells. Limited avenues of micromanagement. An absence of positional play, map presence and defender's advantage. Macro mechanics that rocket players up in supply. Game-ending single engagements. In an interview at MLG, Flash, Stork and the like were asked what the biggest difference was now that they were playing Starcraft 2. They almost unanimously answered it was the difficulty in making a comeback after a battle. | ||
United States581 Posts
Particularly the data that is sent over the network for starcraft is actually user input, not state updates for every object. This is required because so many units can be in the game at once, so doing updates for every object in the screen is expensive particularly it woukd require increasing bandwidth for increasing # of units, where as in Dota it has better bounds. This would create syncing issues for joining a game to observe. You would have to repeat all of the actions played up to that time, which would mean that faster computers could catchup fairly quickly whereas slower computers could take much longer. Obviously this can run a bit faster than playing a replay, since you don't have to render, but starcraft is actually a more CPU limited game. It'd be much more reasonable to ask for something like what Tribes has with in client Twitch/Own3d streams embedded. | ||
3 Posts
And of course two very important changes: 1, ingame specat just like CS 2, clan support | ||
Germany1754 Posts
What I want isn't even in the poll: WC3 style tourneys. That's something that's actually useful and fun. | ||
United States512 Posts
On October 24 2012 16:11 rift wrote: I'm on a phone so I'll be concise: Unit pathing. "Terrible, terrible damage" syndrome. Uninspired units and broken abilities/spells. Limited avenues of micromanagement. An absence of positional play, map presence and defender's advantage. Macro mechanics that rocket players up in supply. Game-ending single engagements. In an interview at MLG, Flash, Stork and the like were asked what the biggest difference was now that they were playing Starcraft 2. They almost unanimously answered it was the difficulty in making a comeback after a battle. It struck me that winning or losing a game of Starcraft shouldn't come down to one moment. This! Absolutely agree one hundred percent! ![]() | ||
United States37 Posts
Personally, these, in order of most desired, are what I want or believe are important. 1. Group Replay Viewing and Replay Resume* 2. Casual Play. I'm not sure what's economically suitable for F2P in StarCraft, but it seems to help anything. Make Ladder free but customs premium? What do people think about more modes of play? The only casual play my friends and I have all been able to do—since we're all drastically different leagues in the ladder—is to play MonoMonobattles: everyone gets to make one unit, the same unit; DT's was the most fun. As well, I've made a map—Song Khala, in the forums—whose goal was to try and spread things out and maybe add new meta, but it's still quite standard (and unrefined as of now), but I've also had ideas for other modes of play. What if there were maps that were still fundamentally played by the same sorts of control/micro, but in the later stages of the game your income becomes based on control of the map. In my idea, the map is a small city and the sections' decorations reflect the bonuses, such as a vespene-rich area of the city gives you more vespene. 3. Name Changing. Because this is important to Teams and their Sponsors. Extra: Unlockables. One thing that is known to be a great way to keep people playing, despite community issues is unlockables. I'm not entirely sure how this could be played out. StarCraft 2's current unlockables are far too elite and insignificant to keep more casual people invested, in my mind. I had considered the idea of bringing a Research/Evolution/(LotV Upgrades) tree to multiplayer, giving you added bonuses for things you use most, but I'm not sure how that might affect balance—balance which I currently believe is quite fair; I think most temporary advantages are meta-based, but I might go as far to say Protoss has a slight advantage right now beyond meta. Other ideas for unlockables/micro-transactions would just be skins; if it were more achievement based, you could earn things like the Merc skins because you've achieved XX marine micro achievements. *Features I believe have been said to be in the works. | ||
Australia1286 Posts
On October 24 2012 16:04 Dingobloo wrote: HLTV has done this since like 2001 and it's what DOTA TV was built on, it takes 1 regular spectator slot and it just mirrors out the network traffic to any number of players who join the server, if that server gets overloaded it can drop from the game, none of the outside observers actually ever join the game in progress, they're just being shown mirrored network traffic. I know people give Blizzard all kinds of shit for being glacially slow, but if they can't take the time out of their schedule to implement a service that their two biggest competitors have, that is essentially a mirroring of their already existing observer data out so that multiple people can join it, then what the hell is the point of this poll? I don't even think this is aiming that high, LoL didn't even have a regular spectator mode when they started implementing their system. True that re: DOTA TV, could be a very viable solution. Re: the last part about Blizzard being slow and point of this poll. Chill friend, I was only being half serious in my post. This is absolutely something that's doable and I agree that they should be doing it. Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if they are already working on something similar. Blizzard may be slow but they aren't stupid. EDIT: Spelling. | ||
Austria86 Posts
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South Africa88 Posts
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