I'm off to go play some more LoL, still about 100 heroes that I have yet to try out ;o
Destiny on where he thinks SC2 is heading. - Page 89
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United States904 Posts
I'm off to go play some more LoL, still about 100 heroes that I have yet to try out ;o | ||
2820 Posts
On October 31 2012 13:43 rhs408 wrote: I stopped playing SC2 about a week ago to try out LoL. After my first game, I uninstalled it. Looking back, it was just because there was too much I didn't get (it's a LOT to learn at once) and I don't like being a giant noob in games. I tried it out again (reinstalled) after watching one of the LoL Korean IPL games that Tasteless casted (learned some important stuff on the basics of being good at the game). Having a lot of fun now that I understand the game better. I also definitely look at my once beloved SC2 a bit differently now - I have almost zero desire to play it (the slight bit of desire left wants to play some 4v4, but... I'd rather go play some more LoL for now). Last season was my best too, finally got diamond in 1v1, rank 4 masters in 4v4 with a nice win%. Seems kind of meaningless to me now. I'm off to go play some more LoL, still about 100 heroes that I have yet to try out ;o I actually had a different approach to LoL. After installing it a few weeks back and trying out the game and did not seem very interesting at all. Also it started to make me appreciate starcraft 2 more since it seem like the better game in my opinion. I immediately uninstalled LoL once I heard about the UI changes coming to HOTS. Honestly good riddance I uninstalled that game. | ||
United States2503 Posts
On October 30 2012 11:25 muzzy wrote: This whole argument is so lame. Let's make a competitive game non-competitive. That's what it all boils down to. OK, sure. Let's enable a "Checkers Mode" in Chess. I just want to fuck around with some mates while I play Chess. Chess is a failure because it's always about competing! My friend and I actually did play a "casual version" of chess when we got bored of playing the more grueling traditional matches. We called it Take-Away. Basically the rules say that if you can capture a piece, you must capture a piece. If you capture a piece, then you have to go again. The first person to give away all of their units to the other player, wins! It's actually really fun to try and set up some epic combos, and it's funny to see both players racing to get rid of their queens. The games only last about 10-15 mins at most, so they are quite quick. | ||
Singapore1674 Posts
On October 31 2012 13:12 Decado wrote: I think people fail to realize how much more money Blizzard makes from WoW and Diablo 3 than SC2. Any investment into esports they make is going to lose them money. Also, don't forget most of their resources are dedicated to a huge MMO named Titan. Blizzard became rich from WoW, not starcraft. The amount of players that play this game is laughably small in comparison to many other games. I think they will just milk what money they can from HotS and LotV and be done with it. They even said that half the players only play the campaign. If they KNOW they will make billions of dollars from MMO's, why take a risk in esports that won't even return your investment for, what at least a decade?, if it even does. Any dev-team (who are mostly artists and engineers) do everything they can when their pride is on the table. They care the most when their artistic/technical abilities are being questioned. Don't underestimate it. its far more important than money. We just need to help them, show them their little mistakes that they overlook, suggest them improvements here and there. But don't criticize their work. | ||
139 Posts
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United States904 Posts
On October 31 2012 13:48 Danzo wrote: I actually had a different approach to LoL. After installing it a few weeks back and trying out the game and did not seem very interesting at all. Also it started to make me appreciate starcraft 2 more since it seem like the better game in my opinion. I immediately uninstalled LoL once I heard about the UI changes coming to HOTS. Honestly good riddance I uninstalled that game. Who knows, I may have the same attitude as you do in a few more weeks. As of now the game still feels "new" to me, and it is always easier to have fun playing a "new" game - there is always so much more to discover, so much more to improve upon. But I might get sick of it after a while... not sure if I can play LoL for as long as I did SC2 without it getting boring - my guess would be no. Everything else aside, I do still very much enjoy watching SC2 (GSL especially). Watching LoL games though? Get boring after about a few minutes, even when watching the highest level of play. | ||
Canada1180 Posts
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4410 Posts
On October 31 2012 14:12 rhs408 wrote: Everything else aside, I do still very much enjoy watching SC2 (GSL especially). Watching LoL games though? Get boring after about a few minutes, even when watching the highest level of play. I agree that RTS is a better viewer experience. I started watching BW english OSL and MSL casts before I'd ever played starcraft at all! (Thanks Klazart Diggity Moletrap etc.). I really enjoy Dota2 but I still can't get into watching it. Maybe once I get a bit better I'll appreciate what's going on more. About all the "I uninstalled that game, phew!" posts. What the fuck are you on about. | ||
Singapore1674 Posts
There is no thread in TL, which consolidates all suggestions from community. How about we make one? And gather everything into one structured, well-written form? Call it "SC2 improvement project". Is here anyone good at making thread? Who has good writing skills and can manage OP with updates? Its much better than random suggestion threads popping up all the time. Same as designated balance discussion thread. Ofc, useless and meaningless suggestions will not be included in OP. | ||
United States456 Posts
On October 31 2012 15:12 bokeevboke wrote: Lets stop complaining and discussing useless drama. Lets make something as a community. There is no thread in TL, which consolidates all suggestions from community. How about we make one? And gather everything into one structured, well-written form? Call it "SC2 improvement project". Is here anyone good at making thread? Who has good writing skills and can manage OP with updates? Its much better than random suggestion threads popping up all the time. Same as designated balance discussion thread. Ofc, useless and meaningless suggestions will not be included in OP. This thread is such a fucking unreal waste of time it is sick. OP points out nothing new. Causes a shitload of drama, then quits the game...to play LOL! I Would like to see more of what said quote suggests. Stop whining and think, you drama whoring noobs! /Death to this thread. /Abandon thread. | ||
Croatia1612 Posts
On October 31 2012 15:41 Moochlol wrote: This thread is such a fucking unreal waste of time it is sick. OP points out nothing new. Causes a shitload of drama, then quits the game...to play LOL! I Would like to see more of what said quote suggests. Stop whining and think, you drama whoring noobs! /Death to this thread. /Abandon thread. I think this thread is fantastic. | ||
Canada50 Posts
Also LOL is dope for a completely arbitrary argument. | ||
Sweden917 Posts
However i can't actually understand how LoL can get popular at all when it's Diet hon/dota. It's a really crappy game in comparison, i played about 15 games and it's just so much more boring than hon ever was. No denies, horrible gfx, boring heroes and also rewards for winning games (coins) are so much more fun to spend in Hon. Only reason pro players play lol must be because of the money, which is understandable from their pov. How so much money can go into such a bad game, is not. | ||
Norway1737 Posts
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United States3294 Posts
On October 31 2012 17:12 Mellon wrote: Never thought about this really but i completely agree! It's not a fun game, the only fun part is to improve.. Only played to get better, not to have fun, except maybe the first month. However i can't actually understand how LoL can get popular at all when it's Diet hon/dota. It's a really crappy game in comparison, i played about 15 games and it's just so much more boring than hon ever was. No denies, horrible gfx, boring heroes and also rewards for winning games (coins) are so much more fun to spend in Hon. Only reason pro players play lol must be because of the money, which is understandable from their pov. How so much money can go into such a bad game, is not. That's the nature of any competitive game. You played because it was fun because u win. Then you started to lose. Then it's not fun.. So you play to improve to win again, so you can have fun. That's just the nature of it. Enjoy your wins and enjoy your loses while learning from them and you will still have fun. Or maybe you just lost the competitive drive. who knows. | ||
United States904 Posts
On October 18 2012 08:03 ChoiSulli wrote: SCII isnt fun to watch. I will expand on this but it will probably turn out to be an incoherent emotionally fueld ramble that will lead to a ban. I just wish that someoen would just force BW mechanics on SCII. I want to see if we would still see that fucking giant army move across the screen in 15 seconds and enter a guys base and destory his shit. Do you know what % of BW game reached 200/200 I would say less then 20%. It would happen in TVT because of how fucking hard it is to kill the other person. Yes Flash would also do his insane 200/200 mech push in TVP. But you know how fucking magical that shit is in BW, its an art to see someoen control an entire army in BW and the best part was that you knew that nobody else could do it like him. In SCII man you move across the map in 15 sec on top of that u like instantly reinforce so obviously its 1 giant battle and GG. In BW even if you won a battle. You could ahve 4 control groups of MNM infront of the zergs natural and you couldnt touch them because of 2 lurkers and a defiler. In BW to reinforce took fuckign time adn by the time u did and then advanced to the guys base he would be able to defend most of the time. In BW managing bases and territory was important, actual fucking strategy planning on securing crucial locations on the map. Like people dont seem to know this but BW was like constant fighting and almost never two maxed armies. It was just hard to control so youd have shit happening all over the map. ZvP in BW was fuckign sexy constant engagements, trading armies, reinforcing. In BW you can fucking making zerglings vs toss in the late game and win. Or hydras. Or ultras. No units was off limits. In SCII ur forced to make the fucking gay units and in mass them. Has anyone ever massed guardians unless it was BGH?? I honestly can write pages and pages of shit I hate about SCII and I have watched SCII from the begining. At first because it was obviously new and I hoped it to be like BW. Also you had many community figures switch like Artosis, Day9 etc. LIke you see kids complain about commentary in SCII they cant enjoy it because of bad commentary. Isnt that the ultimate sign that hey maybe this shit isnt that fun to watch. BW was fun to watch and we had no english casters. I actually prefer to watch BW with kroean commentary. Cause you dont need to fucking have people make it exciting what you are seeing wiht your eyes is just that damn beautiful. There is fucking nothing in SCII that does that to me. No Flashes macro does not impress me. There is no muta micro that amazes me. There are no godly storms (lol). There is no insane bio control. I say all that because everything is easy to fucking copy. Yes flashes macro is still good but its so much easier to duplicate, he is selecting all the raxes fuckign holding down a key. I can duplicate in BW to if I use oblivion but then I dont feel good about myself and its not impressive to anyone. See what I ment by rambing. To get back to why I do watch SCII. After the novelty of all the TL members switching left me, I watchedc casue there were all these new kids on TL talking about foreigners beating koreans. (im white) So I would just get pleasure out of seeing their heroes get raped, and reading their disapointing comments. i dont know if that makes me a dick or a bad person but thats just how I felt. Now I just watch cause of the Gom/Kespa rivlary and cause of the acutaly Kespa guys that I love. Cause all these guys tell me that BW B-teamers are better then BW A-teamers at SCII. So I just want to get to that point where they are all proven wrong. After that I will probably only stick around if Flash is raping the scene like in BW. Im passionate about starcraft and TL, but I honestly wish SCII had never come out, yes it allowed some people in our community to make a good living and im happy for them but it did nothing for me but ruin one of the joys of my life. Just happened upon this... great post. | ||
United States4 Posts
Saying the Scene is dying though, is outright wrong. Broodwar fans are attached to their favorite players, unless the players stop playing, the fans will not stop watching their favorite players. I would PAY to see iloveoov again, but I will still watch the likes of Bisu and such, and I've started to begin to enjoy some of the Sc2 hot-shots, like MVP, and I feel for MKP because of his forever kong line curse. This has turned into a long rant, but I feel like Destiny has a lot of good points, but is overdramaticizing it a tad bit. | ||
Australia914 Posts
thanks for the repost.. i agree it's a great post. at first i thought it was a troll because of what i thought could only be intentional typos, and the wall of text makes it a tough read. so i broke it up into paragraphs ^_^ | ||
Canada92 Posts
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Singapore1674 Posts
On November 01 2012 22:45 echobong wrote: SaveHOTS is working thanks to Destiny and his rant Indeed ![]() | ||
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