Yea, and the faithful shall in thee beginning construct a Forge
And then he shall build a Nexus that this Forge shall protect
As our Lord and Savior HongUn protects the Protoss race.
A second Nexus shall now be built,
So that its Probes and Chrono Boosts shall rain prosperity upon your main.
And the Zealots shall dance, and the Probes shall frolic in the Mineral Line, and all shall be well and good in the world.
Then ye shall construct a Twilight Council, and as many Gateways as thou hast Assimilators.
With this building, ye shall teach thy Stalkers of the Almighty Blink,
So that ye may construct thy third base and defend thyself against all creatures of little faith.
With now holding two more Vespene Geysers than you have Nexi,
Thou shalt now construct a Stargate.
When this Stargate is complete, build a Fleet Beacon and two more Stargates.
And now, with Stargates numbering half your Gateways,
Ye shall build Carriers, the truest and most holy of all units.
Go forth with thy Carriers, and claim victory as only the devout can claim it.
And then he shall build a Nexus that this Forge shall protect
As our Lord and Savior HongUn protects the Protoss race.
A second Nexus shall now be built,
So that its Probes and Chrono Boosts shall rain prosperity upon your main.
And the Zealots shall dance, and the Probes shall frolic in the Mineral Line, and all shall be well and good in the world.
Then ye shall construct a Twilight Council, and as many Gateways as thou hast Assimilators.
With this building, ye shall teach thy Stalkers of the Almighty Blink,
So that ye may construct thy third base and defend thyself against all creatures of little faith.
With now holding two more Vespene Geysers than you have Nexi,
Thou shalt now construct a Stargate.
When this Stargate is complete, build a Fleet Beacon and two more Stargates.
And now, with Stargates numbering half your Gateways,
Ye shall build Carriers, the truest and most holy of all units.
Go forth with thy Carriers, and claim victory as only the devout can claim it.
It is said that should this build ever win a game in GSL Code S, the Rapture will happen and the faithful will be Recalled to heaven, to play Starcraft and discuss build orders for all eternity.