스타테일, 레드불과 후원 계약 체결 한국에서 스타크래프트2와 리그오브레전드 팀을 운영 중인 프로게임단 스타테일(StarTale, 감독 원종욱)이 레드불과의 후원 계약 체결을 발표했다. 레드불은 세계적으로 널리 알려진 에너지 드링크 회사로 각종 스포츠 및 문화 행사를 주관하며 익스트림 스포츠 선수의 후원을 해왔었다. 지금까지 개인 선수만 후원해 오던 레드불이 팀단위 후원을 체결한 것은 그만큼 이례적인 일이다. 스타테일은 이번 레드불과의 후원 계약으로 향후 1년 동안 후원금 및 해외 대회 경기, 레드불 음료등의 지원을 받게 되며, 이와는 별개로 최지성(Bomber, 테란), 원이삭(Parting, 프로토스)에 한해 일정 금액의 후원금과 인센티브를 제공하는 것으로 알려졌다. 원종욱 감독은 “레드불 역사상 개인선수만 후원을 했던 레드불이 팀단위 최초의 후원을 결정해준 것 자체가 빅뉴스라고 생각 한다. 큰 결정을 해주신 레드불에 감사 드리며, 레드불이 우리에게 날개를 달아줬기에 더 높이 올라가 세계 최고의 팀으로 거듭나겠다”고 소감을 전했다.
Source: http://leveltory.com/11510
Australia54783 Posts
no incentive for squirtle? T_T
On July 06 2012 23:29 opterown wrote: no incentive for squirtle? T_T Bomber and Parting have been to a lot of the Redbull training or w/e right? Kinda expected this cuz ST players were swigging Redbull a lot in GSL booths.
awesome for ST! Surprised there's no initial support for Squirtle though, seems more deserving of it than bomber as of late
Oh, that is pretty awesome to hear.
Thats some great news! I'm so happy for ST
Nice, good to know large corporations still taking an interest in sc.
On July 06 2012 23:31 RyanRushia wrote: awesome for ST! Surprised there's no initial support for Squirtle though, seems more deserving of it than bomber as of late I thought the same. But does squirtle stream? I know bomber runs a decently popular stream which may make him more marketable compared to squirtle, even though the latter has better results.
That could be the reason, but i don't know.
Edit: nvm squirtle streams too. And has more viewers as well. Now I have no idea :p
Beast uniform, great to see the Korean teams getting some sponsor love for once.
Hell, it's about time. Bomber Squirtle Parting fighting!
Prettttttty cool.
Bomber is a total boss and has been for a while. The 'what have you done for me lately' attitude in this community is so funny. Certain players get put on blast while other players skirt by on their reputation from a game no one even plays anymore.
RedBull as a sponsor is pretty huge! :O
I guess StarTale makes the most sense since they're also running a LoL team, RedBull gets to double dip in both games.
Does this sponsorship also extend to their LoL team? Nevertheless, this is great news for all of Startale. It's a great SC2 team with great representation in many tournaments.
Actually really big news. Nice to see ST doing well.
sick pick up!Never thought that RedBull will sponsor anyone.
Grtz to StarTale and Redbull.
Incentive to Bomber and Parting for them to get to Squirtle's level
Bomber already had a personal sponsorship with red bull I think...
this is huge! gz to Startale!