On August 23 2013 12:16 Jombozeus wrote: Hacker name Natalie Server NA League High Master Description Admitted to it when I called him out. Pretty obvious considering 90 apm in high masters and not sjow, vikings whereever, and scans ground where mines are for no reason. Also the admitting part, yeah.
Hacker name: barcode Server: NA League: Masters Rank 5, Norad Dixie division Description: Mostly stuff that might just be dumb luck or good awareness, but a few points are extremely suspicious
10:30 Sends entire army back to main right as warp prism completes, a few seconds BEFORE the warp prism crosses overlord vision. Keep in mind he has not scouted since his first overlord and has no vision of any tech 5:50 cancels original ling path and intercepts probe with no vision 14:00 splits hydras around main right as warp prism is moved
Always scouts probes/pylons almost immediately. This normally isn't really suspicious, except there wasn't a single time where he scouted for a probe/pylon and guessed wrong
Aren't really suspicious on their own: 7:20 continually looks down about where zlot is without any vision of it being there 10:10 knows second pylon is there 4:15/5:20/8:15 scouts probe/pylons immediately
Blindly builds hydra den and spire right as stargate/colossi are being produced
http://drop.sc/355219 (drop.sc's profile is wrong. go to his battle.net profile instead)
EDIT: I don't use sc2gears, so I don't have action logs
On August 25 2013 09:01 xpPoseidon wrote: Hey i played [Outset] Blade a grandmaster zerg on NA, i think he is using some kinda cheat. So please take a look at this replay
On August 25 2013 09:01 xpPoseidon wrote: Hey i played [Outset] Blade a grandmaster zerg on NA, i think he is using some kinda cheat. So please take a look at this replay
On August 25 2013 09:01 xpPoseidon wrote: Hey i played [Outset] Blade a grandmaster zerg on NA, i think he is using some kinda cheat. So please take a look at this replay
On August 25 2013 09:01 xpPoseidon wrote: Hey i played [Outset] Blade a grandmaster zerg on NA, i think he is using some kinda cheat. So please take a look at this replay
He got no hotkeys on Queens, he never look minimap or anything when he set rallys with lings for hidden probe/ pylons & blindly counter.
Watched game because sounded funny. Still looked funny. What did you expect him to do, sit on his nat all game? It's as if he wasn't scouting the entire map with multiple lings the entire time hmmm oh wait... and not everyone hotkeys queens. I sure don't. Guess I'm a maphacker too.
[02:04:39] Matthew RemarK Kramer: i think u cant auto inject if u dont [02:04:42] Matthew RemarK Kramer: hotkey queens [02:04:51] Matthew RemarK Kramer: or at least, every maphacker zerg who autoinjects hotkeys his queens haha
On August 25 2013 09:09 Teoita wrote: Speaking of which,
[02:04:39] Matthew RemarK Kramer: i think u cant auto inject if u dont [02:04:42] Matthew RemarK Kramer: hotkey queens [02:04:51] Matthew RemarK Kramer: or at least, every maphacker zerg who autoinjects hotkeys his queens haha
Ah yes I remeber Daisuki had to do this in order for his queens to auto inject.
@Poseidon Almost every top korean doesnt hotkey their queens. They individually hotkey their hatcheries to inject. Most people say its a habit from broodwar. Also hotkey hatchery isnt even the right way to inject because if you inject all your hatcheries with all your queens then your queens go all over the place and you dont want that. Im suprised you dont know this.
On August 25 2013 09:01 xpPoseidon wrote: Hey i played [Outset] Blade a grandmaster zerg on NA, i think he is using some kinda cheat. So please take a look at this replay
He got no hotkeys on Queens, he never look minimap or anything when he set rallys with lings for hidden probe/ pylons & blindly counter.
Blade is a TL veteran, blue poster, TL strategy staff member, and a friend of mine.
Accusing him of hacking is beyond stupid. He doesn't hack.
Unless of course there is valid evidence against him which would prove otherwise. Of course, this replay does not and the d00d is just mad, but you still shouldn't use the above as an argument in a rather important thread to decide if someone is or is not hacking.
Didn't scout the entire game vs 2 random players, and from the vod you can see other obvious signs: moving void to ninja expand just as it's completed (11:50), not having a single unit at the central watchtower but moving in to take it just as we are going there as well (12:18), moving pheonixes to intercept a doom drop that wasn't scouted at all (14:57) and then coming back to lift a mine near the same location (15:25) not to mention his pheonixes "mirraculously" avoided all the mines i had placed in strategic spots.
Team games are not that important to me, i play them for fun, but seeing as they were diamond/masters at 1v1 and one even had 1k random 1v1 wins portrait, do you really think they won't hack there as well?
Commentary is in Romanian (i do it in English when i play 1v1 or when there are other viewers on who want it), but the actions on the screen can be universally understood
Hacker name: dTefel Server: EU League: GML 16 rank Description: i don't believe he can be gm with dat "spider-sense" http://drop.sc/355428 1) 0 scouting 2) 0 xel'naga control 3) 0 lings until zealot push 3) 0 protection from dts everywhere except 3rd 4) ~10 mins 0 information about toss base and units 5) "magic" overseer move exactly to place where dts are warping.
On August 26 2013 01:30 negativ wrote: Hacker name: dTefel Server: EU League: GML 16 rank Description: i don't believe he can be gm with dat "spider-sense" http://drop.sc/355428 1) 0 scouting 2) 0 xel'naga control 3) 0 lings until zealot push 3) 0 protection from dts everywhere expect 3rd 4) ~10 mins 0 information about toss base and units 5) "magic" overseer move exactly to place where dts are warping.
well, he knew you didn´t go stargate, because nothing attacked his overlords. against all the other stuff toss can do, he´s kinda safe with his roach-ling build. also having an overseer in warpin pylon area is not that suspicious. on the other hand, not scouting your main is quite strange. do you often play dt? maybe he remembered you and your playstyle.
On August 26 2013 01:30 negativ wrote: Hacker name: dTefel Server: EU League: GML 16 rank Description: i don't believe he can be gm with dat "spider-sense" http://drop.sc/355428 1) 0 scouting 2) 0 xel'naga control 3) 0 lings until zealot push 3) 0 protection from dts everywhere expect 3rd 4) ~10 mins 0 information about toss base and units 5) "magic" overseer move exactly to place where dts are warping.
well, he knew you didn´t go stargate, because nothing attacked his overlords. against all the other stuff toss can do, he´s kinda safe with his roach-ling build. also having an overseer in warpin pylon area is not that suspicious. on the other hand, not scouting your main is quite strange. do you often play dt? maybe he remembered you and your playstyle.
1) Starts pool as soon as i start my proxy 2rax 2) Builds a spine in his base without knowing about it still 3) Evacuates the Overlord in front of his base still without knowing what i am doing 3) Attacks my proxy with his first lings 4) I then float my buildings everywhere because i knew he was hacking and to annoy him a little. he knew where they were and attacked them whenever i landed. 5) Flies his muta straight to my floating buildings without knowing where they are.
It should be VERY obvious from the replay.
disregard my bad play, i played unranked offrace^^
No scouting, direct movement to my reapers, etc... Just watch the replay. The only time he started scanning / semi-scouting was after I said he was hacking.
played the protoss player named Tarpaud on EU server today, going to agree with the general consensus that he is a maphacker
His complete lack of multitask for a single drop ship+1 widow mine also makes me think this.
Just small things here and there that were definitely fishy, but the one glaring action that I can see was when he recalls his entire army to his secret expo when he has no map vision at all+didn't see my doom drop coming+isn't even prepared for potential push-out by me. He doesn't cap watch towers, has no observers the entire game.