Name.Character Code: MrHighlight.736 Server: NA Race: Protoss League: Top plat What you are hoping to achieve: General improvement. Time you're free to learn: After 1AM est or before 3PM EST Brief description about you: I'm 21, love SC2 but find myself unable to improve efficiently as most others do. Always watching streams and viewing TL forums and all.
Looking for a coach:
Name: Zagajev Code: 826 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Top Gold What are you hoping to achieve: my goal is to get to master till HotS comes out Time you´re free to learn: 19CET-21CET Brief Description of you: I´m 15, love SC2 and really want to improve and achieve my goal
Student ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Inconistent.991
Server: EU
Race: Zerg/Protoss
League: Diamond Zerg, silver/gold-ish toss
What you are hoping to achieve: I want to learn some basics about protoss vs X, I like switching between the two but my toss isn't good enough to play in diamond  Also, if some master/grandmaster zerg wants I can take some coaching on ZvP or ZvZ as well 
Time you're free to learn: Just about everyday after 5PM(17.00) GMT+1 (except on tuesdays and thursdays, band practice) and almost all the time during weekends.
Brief description about you: I am a newfag to sc2, I did play scbw campaign when I was about 6, but never online. Get placed in silver first season (yes, the very first season with steppes of war...), then proceeded to climb up to diamond. Been stuck in diamond the last two seasons and want to break the barrier, or learn to play decent level toss. I guess you could say I'm slightly competetive (and get angry when I lose, mostly). I have a total of 927 league wins (I would say 50% are from teamies), this season I have 106 wins in 1v1. I can speak pretty good english, understand spanish (kind of), and taking german classes in school and ofc I can speak norwegian ^^ (I also understand danish and swedish)
Would be nice to have someone better than me help me with some small stuff, my friends are mostly diamonds, but they all play terran, and one plays toss, not a single zerg
Name Character Code: QoGxManifesT #968 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Top 25 Masters Experience coaching If any: I coached some low league players and helped some people in my clan Range of players willing to coach: bronze-low masters (Terran Players) Time you're free to coach:My times are usually random, but I'm usually free everyday. Brief description about you:I am a top masters player looking to start helping people improve their game.
twitch.tv/almartiros this is my stream you can check out some of the vods of my ladder games.
Student ---------------------------------------- Name:Character Code: Lunden.164 Server: EU Race: Terran League: Mid-top diamond
What you are hoping to achieve:
I have a clear goal of reaching ml in the future! i. I recently made a thread where i asked for coaching, you can take a look if you want: EU terran looking for coaching
Time you're free to learn: I am online every day, very flexible times
Brief description about you: i am very patient and willing to learn! im 22 and im a studying law
Name: Shlikky Character Code: 246 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Platinum What Are You Hoping To Achieve: Become a better player, get into Masters league! Time You're Free To Learn: Usually on most nights and on Thursdays and Sundays all day. Brief Description About You: Student and works full time, usually on SC when not doing either of those two things
Name.Character Code: SpaceCore.941 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Diamond What you are hoping to achieve: Master League, general improvement Time you're free to learn: Pretty much every afternoon from 3-11PM PST, provided I'm not out Brief description about you: Senior in High School, decided to dedicate most of my free time until college to improving at this game. I usually leave my SCII client idling when I'm not playing so I'm usually easily reached.
If anyone would be willing to teach me a thing or two, I'd very much appreciate it.
I think this thread is awesome!
I wonder if any of the people here have heard of ESBN.tv? It's a platform that essentially connects coaches with students. It's pretty damn legit. If anyone here is serious about coaching, I'd suggest you check it out. http://www.esbn.tv
On March 19 2012 12:43 eSportLive wrote:I think this thread is awesome! I wonder if any of the people here have heard of ESBN.tv? It's a platform that essentially connects coaches with students. It's pretty damn legit. If anyone here is serious about coaching, I'd suggest you check it out. http://www.esbn.tv
i`m diamond, it would be awesome if i could apply for student position first =\
but looks like a awesome site.
Name.Character Code: Voir.178 Server: NA Race: Terran League: Plat What you are hoping to achieve: Diamond Time you're free to learn: 9 PM PST and onwards most evenings Brief description about you: I am a Blizzard fan and have played all the RTS titles from Blizzard as well as the Diablo series and WoW. The two games I play currently are SC2 and League of Legends. I achieved Diamond in Season One but have fallen down to Plat and have been firmly stuck ever since. I am hoping to have some coaching from someone who can help me get over the league hump.
Looking for a coach / Coaching (if somebody really wants)
Name:AFǂbzhWisa Code: #293 Server: EU Race: Zerg League: Top Diamond
What I'm trying to achieve: I am currently focussing pretty hard on my ZvP, dealing with Air openers, learning the toss-gas timings and trying to get the best possible response out of it. So if a Master Z or P wants to help me, i would be glad.
How i can help you improving: I already introduced 2 of my mates (without rts experience) into the game and brought them to Gold and Plat in 1 seasons time, Im not a great fan of laddering alone all the time, so im looking forward to have a nice talk, and help people improving. Im pretty much available the whole March. Currently i would coach every Race, tho prefering Z. Just pm me guys, we'll be fine, dont be shy!
Thank god, TL is awesome.
Looking for a coach Name.Character Code: Dash//757 Server: NA Race: Zerg!  League: Plat What you are hoping to achieve: To be come a better at the game, but i really wanna make new friends along the way Time you're free to learn: Well im in Australian time zone, and free most of the nights. Brief description about you: I used to be a diamond player in season 1 and 2, in the realm seas and na during season 1 and 2, but recently made the switch to zerg after taking a long break from starcraft. Now, I'm plat =,=. ( Haha i guess zergs harder to play). I actually got demoted all the way down silver and worked my way up to plat, but now I'm stuck. My aim: Trying out something new , and be a better gamer!
Free Protoss Coaching!!!
Name. MafiaCheese/428 Server: North America Race: Protoss League: Top 8 Masters Experience coaching If any: Have Coached Various Silver-Low masters friends and Thier friends, and a few random people as well. Range of players willing to coach: Any Time you're free to coach: Right After Na Playhem Except for Saturdays Brief description about you: Ive Been Playing SC2 for 3 ladder seasons now, and am an aspiring pro player. I have placed as high as ro16 many times in playhem since beginining, and am going to participate in IPL 4 and MLGS throughout this season. Id love to start taking up coaching as teaching is one of my true passions and i feel i can offer so much more than just a build or 2 to repeat during the coaching process.
Student ------------------------------------------ Name.Character Code: Success.581 Server: North America Race: Zerg League: Platinum What you are hoping to achieve: Just more knowledge of the game is what I feel that is lacking from me. Time you're free to learn: All day before 8:00pm EST Brief description about you: I've been playing this game as a competitive game now for a little over a month now(started when Season 6 started). I just really feel that I have the skills to improve, I just don't know in what direction. I use SC2 Gears to check up my progress, averaging about 200 APM and 135 EAPM. Of course I can still improve in my APM and EAPM, but sometimes I just don't know what to click/do.
Lookin' for a coach!
Name: Zaune Character Code: 692 Server: NA Race: Zerg League: Gold What Are You Hoping To Achieve: My main goal at the moment is to get into master's league. Once I achieve that I'll be looking to enter tournaments. Time You're Free To Learn: I'm usually free after ~5PM EST on weekdays and most of the day over weekends. Brief Description About You: I started back in season 1 (made plat in S1 and S2), but kind of fell off the wagon. Now I'm looking to make up for lost time. I'm far too addicted to this game to still be so bad at it. I'm looking forward to your help.
Looking for coach!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: NgKobBenN.478 Server: EU Race: Terran League: Top Plat What you are hoping to achieve:
I'd really like to improve my game as much as possible and become really good.
Time you're free to learn: I'm free almost every evening around 19.00 Brief description about you: I'm a person that has a lot of goals in Starcraft 2 and I think it would be so awesome with free coaching. I got skype and is online almost every evening; Kobbenn
Looking for coach! _________________________________________________________
Name: Wasp.768 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: Top Gold
What I'm hoping to achieve: I've been kind of stuck in Gold for a while, even with my greatest efforts to get myself out of it. My hopes are to get out of gold, and to be able to improve my skills to the level when I can keep on climping the laddersystem.
Time when I'm free to learn: Pretty much most afternoons (CET). As I am a student I need to study from time to time, but I usually will be able to create some time.
Brief description about me: I have a desire to be better at everythinng I try, and right now SC2 is my main hobby. I think that my mechanics are a little bit over average for gold and my main problem is gamereading, but I have a ton to learn withing every area of the game.
I have Skype and a good mike
Willing to coach!
Name: Rosstock.568
Server: EU
Race: Zerg
League: Diamond playing master league opponents atm.
Experience coaching If any: Friends and buddies on battle.net
Range of players willing to coach: Bronze-Platinum
Time you're free to coach: Recently i've gotten alot of free time on my hands, so just contact me and im sure we can sort somthing out!
Brief description about you: Im a 22 y/o diamond zerg player, wanting to give back to the community as a thanks to the people who helped me get better.
Other: I feel that i can help the lower-league players, giving them some pointers and directions in the right way. Either contact me here on TL or on B.net! <3
Name code:theRNG 496 Server: Amarican Race: Zerg League: high silver What I am hoping to achieve I want know a good solid pro strategy I want to win a game agents a gold in ladder And win fare not like with a rush strategy
Looking for coach --------------------------------------- Name: inflecto - 172 Server: EU Race: Protoss League: 1v1 Gold (approaching plat), 2v2 fixed plat, 2v2 random diamond Hoping to achieve: Diamond league (1v1), better multitasking and learning a wide variety of builds (mainly macro). Time free to learn: Usually i'm free in the evenings and weekends, but my scheduele from uni changes from week to week.
Description: Dutch SC2 player (19 years old) who studies healthcaresience. played for a couple of months now mainly 2v2 with a friend of mine, decided that i wanted to play more 1v1 as it seems that is what this game is designed for most. Hoping to learn alot!