What the hell kind of misogynist shit is this? Call me a hater if you will, as I've proudly earned the title. I'm also fairly glad I'm not a mod, otherwise I'd be forced to tolerate this sort of nonsense.
Apologies to everyone else in this thread for this distraction.
In any case, my fear about the Original Poster's idea is that this is extremely cost-prohibitive. More-so when you factor in the number of people they would need theme songs for. 24 players in pool play? Most of whom will see the main stage at some point over the weekend? That seems extremely difficult for StarCraft, much less for Halo: Reach or Call of Duty: Black Ops, which are 4-person teams.
Given the length of League of Legends games, however, it might be feasible for that game.
On September 24 2011 07:17 Athrun wrote: Pride, Dream and K1 have the most badass entrances. UFC entrances have always been so bland. This SICK DUDE alone trumps any UFC entrance I've seen, and he does it multiple times.
Of course, a lot of the additional costs as well as the effort has to be has to be taken up by the player and/or his sponsors. Not probably doable, but one can only dream.
Heh, at the NASL finals they had entrance music and one of the players (might've been Select but I'm not sure) came out to Fedor's walkout song in Pride, I was SC nerding and MMA nerding at the same time.
What the hell kind of misogynist shit is this? Call me a hater if you will, as I've proudly earned the title. I'm also fairly glad I'm not a mod, otherwise I'd be forced to tolerate this sort of nonsense.
Apologies to everyone else in this thread for this distraction.
On September 24 2011 04:05 Kennigit wrote: You should really investigate the costs of licensing music for broadcast before suggesting this. Its incredibly expensive.
Even after what Kennigit said I like the idea. Maybe the MLG could look out for musicians/producers who are willing to allow the use of their music. It`s good publicity for them and enrichens the MLG experience for players and fans.
On September 24 2011 04:33 mossing wrote: To bad the cost of this will be soo fucking high, because im getting really tired of the current MLG song that goes on and on and on!
At least the MLG song is better than having to listen to WCG's "Beyond the Game" ad nauseum.