Incontrol's general posting mentality summed up: "me me me me! It's all about meeee!"
Its actually insane that a spokesperson (self-declared through actions or official I am not sure) for the richest team in Esports (?) gets in petty childish ad hom arguments on internet forums.
Although he is more famous as a personality than a player, it really isn't the best image to cultivate as an indiviual or team.
As regards the NA requirements, maybe a Ukrainian team simply wants a european or korean based roster? It isnt so difficult to understand that having players in the US is less desirable when your fan base and headquarters are in Europe - and Korean performances speaks for themselves .
I thought that too, surely they would be more inclined to have say, Ukrainians and Russians on the team than North Americans. And Koreans are ofcourse the best.
Same with North American teams, would probably be more inclined to have a North American if they had the choice. Most people dig homegrown talent.
regarding the bias, I'd go as far as saying top 20 NA is the same as top 100 KOR and that top 100 EU is obviously regional bias for a team that wants to be situated in EU.
On September 24 2011 04:05 iNcontroL wrote: you guys need to cool it with the ladder shit.
NA isn't as good yep. But you guys trying to attribute extremely random numbers like "top 100 EU is the same as bottom 500 NA" or w/e is dumb. Most of us play / smurf on EU and place actually right around the same level with what we try and do on the ladder.
Recruiting via ladder rank for a team of Na'vi's prestige is insanely dumb. They should be approaching players of interest and asking them if they are interested in discussions post contracts being up / buy out options.
Mr eg, could it possibly be that they want to build a good team from scratch with unscouted talents rather than just trying to poach players that reached excellence by training with a different team? Cause the second option is proving to be somewhat unsustainable when the amazing acquired stars start to falter under their new inferior practice environment.
Bad timing I guess but 2 posts after yours it becomes evident why you are better off not arguing with progamers about progaming and just listening a bit more.
I'm sure if a pro player approached them they would take him seriously, regardless of his ladder record. You should know this. Also, last time I checked, progamers won a few games now and then. Big talkers who can't perform is just humorous and slightly sad.
Seriously? You want to call me out for my performance in MLG seeding and progaming when you are a scrub who sits on the forum and shit talks people that put their lives into this game? Really?
When was the last time you won ANY match that people care about? In my worst slump I beat choya / drewbie and others.. these are people you couldn't get a game with because nobody cares about you. but if you could you'd go 0-100 against them.
Sorry to bust out the thunder stick on you but you seem to be a special form of bad so I needed to put you in your place real quick.
Incontrol's general posting mentality summed up: "me me me me! It's all about meeee!"
its more like "youre an idiot so stfu"
the "me me me" part comes from the fact that hes better than 99% of people on the forums
He might be better at playing a game that 99% of us simply play/are interested in as a hobby. Who gives a shit? He's not any more entitled to his opinion by generally being in the lower top 200 NA than anyone else here. His opinion on Na'vi and their recruitment methods aren't any more "correct" even though he is unfairly seeded in a major tournament. He obviously thinks anyone who disagrees with him are "idiots" but that has more to do with his inflated ego than anything else. The guy is obviously a borderline case of narcissistic personality disorder, if not actually full-blown.
On September 24 2011 19:10 JustPassingBy wrote: regarding the bias, I'd go as far as saying top 20 NA is the same as top 100 KOR and that top 100 EU is obviously regional bias for a team that wants to be situated in EU.
Do you really think someone like Faith Artist Optikzero or whatever even Idra Demuslim to be in top 100 KR? lol.
I mean any solid code B player in Korea can get to top 20NA easily.
And regarding the talk on EU vs NA, Demuslim stated himself that EU ladder is much harder than NA. Naniwa who dominated in EU for a long time come to Korea now, saying that top 100 KR is far beyond top 1 EU/US.
Just simply compare the position on ladder and winrate of Demuslin on NA and EU server and you can understand all.
on your regional bias, 1 example: oGsNada who have 83.84% winrate on NA ladder, had like 54% winrate on Korean ladder
On September 24 2011 10:48 VirgilSC2 wrote: I wouldn't be surprised to see SaSe end up with these guys. I think Na'vi fielding a SC2 can only mean good things for e-Sports. Glad to see more teams cropping up, now if we could only solve the visa problems with Chinese teams, e-Sports would take a huge leap.
SaSe has said he wouldn't join a foreign team even if it would give him millions, unless he could stay in Korea.
As such, he won't join any team unless it means he can continue playing from Korea (for a very long time).
Probably one of the biggest and best orgs out there in the gaming world, can afford to buy anyone they want. Lets hope for some TOP level koreans to get the chance... buy IM !
On September 24 2011 04:05 iNcontroL wrote: you guys need to cool it with the ladder shit.
NA isn't as good yep. But you guys trying to attribute extremely random numbers like "top 100 EU is the same as bottom 500 NA" or w/e is dumb. Most of us play / smurf on EU and place actually right around the same level with what we try and do on the ladder.
Recruiting via ladder rank for a team of Na'vi's prestige is insanely dumb. They should be approaching players of interest and asking them if they are interested in discussions post contracts being up / buy out options.
Mr eg, could it possibly be that they want to build a good team from scratch with unscouted talents rather than just trying to poach players that reached excellence by training with a different team? Cause the second option is proving to be somewhat unsustainable when the amazing acquired stars start to falter under their new inferior practice environment.
Bad timing I guess but 2 posts after yours it becomes evident why you are better off not arguing with progamers about progaming and just listening a bit more.
I wouldn't argue with you over the game itself in a million years but all the things surrounding pro-gaming and the scene I wouldn't necessarily take your word as absolute truth. Opinions differ between pro's, don't they? Appeal to authority ftw.
I didn't say you can only listen to progamers. I said you might benefit from listening a bit more.. this is evident here. You tried to be a dick and take a jab at EG when I said this method of recruiting was bad. They (Na'vi) clarified that indeed I was correct, ladder rank is a bottom line not the defining factor).
It gets old each time I post on this forum some random dude can't just address my point but instead has to attack my team, me, my performance etc.. this place was my home before you knew what SC was. I hate that I share it with a bunch of 13 year old haters now.
This message really speaks to me. I wish I was on TL during the golden age. But Sadly, now we have to deal with these pricks. And about the original post and everyones argument on it. I just think some Europeans ( not all ) need to get off their elitist ass and stop acting like EU being better gives you the right to throw it into peoples faces and categorize them as "Angry Americans". It saddens me to be labeled as the assholes when in reality, I'm being attacked. I believe in my American players, respect and acknowledge the skill of the European players, and a certain amount of admiration for the extreme skill of the koreans. So stop kicking down the American Server just cause were overall 3rd in the skill range. Second place doesn't mean shit when first is still way way ahead.Any other real competitor would tell you the same.Don't forget it. And to Navi, I'm excited that there making a team. GL!
P.S. And i apologize that if my message my seem like I'm aiming at Europeans because it really isn't. Its aimed at your trolls (maybe people who are even serious about it) taking advantage of EU being better than AM to put people down, We all got our idiots on our servers haha.
Ok it's hard to take this seriously about 'angry Americans' when you have iNcontroL, who's only even notable for BW and not results at all, coming into threads and acting like a dick to everyone repeatedly. Telling people to listen to progamers more by which he means himself. A progamer that can get beaten more than half of the time by total unknowns on the ladder let alone other pro's. Of course you get attacked when you come into threads with a total horrible attitude constantly, he alone is causing an us vs them mentality in a lot of people; it's sad really whats the point.
How i wish there was more gm people like say, Mondragon, representing eSports in that side of the world. Rather super gm than unwarranted arrogance. Off-topic i realize this was but like this has happened loads of times now.
Ontopic i'm interested to see what players end up with them, hopefully some lesser known guys with good potential can be given the financial help to dedicate themselves and do well.
On September 24 2011 19:10 JustPassingBy wrote: regarding the bias, I'd go as far as saying top 20 NA is the same as top 100 KOR and that top 100 EU is obviously regional bias for a team that wants to be situated in EU.
Actually you are very wrong. EU yes, Korea no. But well be interesting which players get in the team gl to everyone who tries!
If their CS team is any indication of how good their SC(CS-SC lulz), it`s going to be sick. Godly CS team.
Probably gonna pick up some of the ukranian guys, but seeing how they`re on pretty decent teams allready I feel like they are going to bring some unknown talent on the team and raise them as their own, dunno.
You guys should really calm down with 'supposed' disparity between NA and EU. There's no noticeable difference in skill gap between NA and EU. For example, I have same points (~1060), same win rate (~68%) and same rank (43 and 44 GM respectively) in both EU AND NA.