On August 12 2011 06:33 Xinder wrote: Clearly the pools are fake. Incontrol is always supposed to face Machine in group play. Just like the SC2 patches, its not real w/o bunker changes, this isn't real w/o machine vs incontrol in group play.
In all seriousness I hope the foreigners do well and maybe take a spot in top 5? Maybe too wishful?
Oh yeah I cant wait for the High level gameplay. We are going to get from that epic epic Match-up that is InControl vs Machine
On August 12 2011 06:33 Xinder wrote: Clearly the pools are fake. Incontrol is always supposed to face Machine in group play. Just like the SC2 patches, its not real w/o bunker changes, this isn't real w/o machine vs incontrol in group play.
In all seriousness I hope the foreigners do well and maybe take a spot in top 5? Maybe too wishful?
Oh yeah I cant wait for the High level gameplay. We are going to get from that epic epic Match-up that is InControl vs Machine
/ sarcasm
He was joking about the fact that iNc and Machine almost always have to teamkill each other. Leave the player-bashing out of it.
So if I'm reading this right a foreigner pretty much just has to finish above DRG to get the code-s spot?? and whatever koreans come from the open bracket of course
I think this MLG will have great foreigner hopes. We don't have slayers Terrans coming over and no IM monsters. Nada didn't play well at assembly or NASL so he may struggle with the foreign play style. Coca doesn't seem that impressive outside of ZvP and his failures in tl opens suggests he may have trouble. Tester hasn't impressed me lately. Bomber is going to win the tournament unless DRG knocks him out.
Gom is making it obvious that they want DRG in code S by inviting pure code S players so no other code B player is going to take his prize.
On August 12 2011 06:33 Encrypto wrote: Tester's gonna be there! No Tyler?
Tyler is 2 spots short of a spot in Raleigh unfortunately.
On August 12 2011 06:37 elbooN wrote: So if I'm reading this right a foreigner pretty much just has to finish above DRG to get the code-s spot?? and whatever koreans come from the open bracket of course
Only Korean players can earn a code S spot at MLG.
How can people think Ret is going to beat NaDa. like whaaaa?
NaDa...the guy who gets Ro8 or Ro4 pretty much EVERY GSL. The most consistent SC1 player and one of, if not the most consistent SC2 player is going to blow away his group easy.
On August 12 2011 06:29 TalonSix2000 wrote: Is T-ZaiN ever competing in an MLG again?
Open bracket apparently is run so it is pretty hard to get adequate toilet and refreshment breaks, problems with getting food because you have to be on standby, and just generally really bad playing conditions. That's the impression I've got from reading a few blogs about it.
I think he has overreacted to one bad experience and it's a shame.
Awesome job Gom and MLG Nice to see DRG again as well as some "new blood" in Coca. I'm also really really curious to see how is Tester going to do... Cannot wait for the next MLG!
On August 12 2011 06:33 Xinder wrote: Clearly the pools are fake. Incontrol is always supposed to face Machine in group play. Just like the SC2 patches, its not real w/o bunker changes, this isn't real w/o machine vs incontrol in group play.
In all seriousness I hope the foreigners do well and maybe take a spot in top 5? Maybe too wishful?
Oh yeah I cant wait for the High level gameplay. We are going to get from that epic epic Match-up that is InControl vs Machine
/ sarcasm
He was joking about the fact that iNc and Machine almost always have to teamkill each other. Leave the player-bashing out of it.
Player bashing? I dunno what you read but wher did I bash on any player! I find it weird that when looking at the player pool and all the talent there is he would want to see a InControl vs Machine match. Thats just imho
On August 12 2011 06:37 elbooN wrote: So if I'm reading this right a foreigner pretty much just has to finish above DRG to get the code-s spot??
Pretty Much or another Korean that isn't in Code S(Liquid Hero). Every other Korean will already be in Code S assuming Tester doesn't play in the up/down matches and Rain is banned from GSL for *1 more season.
It's going to be all but impossible for a foreigner to finish even in the top 3 at this MLG, I believe!! Still, we should have some amazing games. It's going to be a really nice spread of good zergs, terrans, and quite a few protoss competing.
On August 12 2011 06:38 SidianTheBard wrote: How can people think Ret is going to beat NaDa. like whaaaa?
NaDa...the guy who gets Ro8 or Ro4 pretty much EVERY GSL. The most consistent SC1 player and one of, if not the most consistent SC2 player is going to blow away his group easy.
He lost two Elfi and Mana in Assembly, so him losing to a good zerg isn't that far fetched, don't you think
Its sad that the foreigner scene is poorly represented, its basically EG + Liquid (those that still have seeds) and whoever else has been to an MLG in the past. Other than Dignitas there is a huge dearth of European players not on those two teams, who arguably would give better competition at the moment than some of the seeded players.
I feel like there is a big penalty still lingering from season 1 of Starcraft when European teams couldn't afford to send and home players for these events, at least not en masse, and its still punishing them to this day. It's pretty silly to invest $1,000+ in sending each player from europe just to enter an open bracket too.
I understand the need for seeding, but really the end result has to be that the best players are seeded and not the result we have at the moment - just seedings for those on the richest teams who have a history of placing in the bottom half on multipe events and have sub 40% winrates in their pro careers.
Its not a personal attack on anyone or team, but I would love to see the best foreigners play the korean invites, and that simply isn't happening.
On August 12 2011 06:37 elbooN wrote: So if I'm reading this right a foreigner pretty much just has to finish above DRG to get the code-s spot??
Pretty Much or another Korean that isn't in Code S(Liquid Hero). Every other Korean will already be in Code S assuming Tester doesn't play in the up/down matches and Rain is banned from GSL for 1 year.