On October 12 2011 02:16 cydial wrote: Destiny, someday he will win something big.
Slayers_Dragon, he hasn't won anything yet but he is one of the best terrans in korea.
How can you honestly make a claim like that? Just how big is this pool of the "best Terrans?" Dragon may be entertaining to watch him faceroll Gold scrubs on the NA ladder with 90 rax builds but he is far from one of the "best Terrans" in Korea. He hasn't even managed to enter Code A yet and doesn't even live at SlayerS.
But dude, his stream is awesome and he does really funny stuff. I can only think of LITERALLY two or three DOZEN Terrans that are better than him in Korea right now.
Dragon really isnt that bad. If he can get on a team that will practice with him consistently, im sure he could atleast get up to terrans around the level of Ryung and Ganzi.
On another note, I think my darkhorse is Clide. He is going to win 230897208713 GSL championships before the year is over.
Ryung and Ganzi are top terrans...>_>
Dragon is entertaining as all hell, but that doesn't make him good. He's easily outclassed by top tier terrans in Korea right now. There are more than 2 dozen korean terrans better than him, and even foreign terrans that are better than Dragon. No offense to him, I watch his stream all the time.
Something is wrong with your definition of 'top' if you don't think GanZi is easily one of the best terrans in the world. I think that AnnYeong, TheSTC, Polt ><, and Titan are all underrated players that have been performing quite well lately.
CombatEx. And I'm not trolling. Also Tslpolt. That guy is so unbelievable good. But he is way too boaster. For example when he talks about terran being op. All races are op if they are on the right hands.
On October 12 2011 02:16 cydial wrote: Destiny, someday he will win something big.
Slayers_Dragon, he hasn't won anything yet but he is one of the best terrans in korea.
How can you honestly make a claim like that? Just how big is this pool of the "best Terrans?" Dragon may be entertaining to watch him faceroll Gold scrubs on the NA ladder with 90 rax builds but he is far from one of the "best Terrans" in Korea. He hasn't even managed to enter Code A yet and doesn't even live at SlayerS.
But dude, his stream is awesome and he does really funny stuff. I can only think of LITERALLY two or three DOZEN Terrans that are better than him in Korea right now.
Dragon really isnt that bad. If he can get on a team that will practice with him consistently, im sure he could atleast get up to terrans around the level of Ryung and Ganzi.
On another note, I think my darkhorse is Clide. He is going to win 230897208713 GSL championships before the year is over.
lol Ganzi is like a tier above Ryung at this point in time, and Ryung is like two tiers above Dragon.
On October 12 2011 02:16 cydial wrote: Destiny, someday he will win something big.
Slayers_Dragon, he hasn't won anything yet but he is one of the best terrans in korea.
How can you honestly make a claim like that? Just how big is this pool of the "best Terrans?" Dragon may be entertaining to watch him faceroll Gold scrubs on the NA ladder with 90 rax builds but he is far from one of the "best Terrans" in Korea. He hasn't even managed to enter Code A yet and doesn't even live at SlayerS.
But dude, his stream is awesome and he does really funny stuff. I can only think of LITERALLY two or three DOZEN Terrans that are better than him in Korea right now.
Dragon really isnt that bad. If he can get on a team that will practice with him consistently, im sure he could atleast get up to terrans around the level of Ryung and Ganzi.
On another note, I think my darkhorse is Clide. He is going to win 230897208713 GSL championships before the year is over.
Ryung and Ganzi are top terrans...>_>
Dragon is entertaining as all hell, but that doesn't make him good. He's easily outclassed by top tier terrans in Korea right now. There are more than 2 dozen korean terrans better than him, and even foreign terrans that are better than Dragon. No offense to him, I watch his stream all the time.
Something is wrong with your definition of 'top' if you don't think GanZi is easily one of the best terrans in the world. I think that AnnYeong, TheSTC, Polt ><, and Titan are all underrated players that have been performing quite well lately.
With Koreans it's more a question of being "unknown" in the foreign scene than being "underrated". Beyond his appearance at MLG you wouldn't know about TheStC unless you followed the Korean scene hardcore. There are plenty of good unknowns like MVPFinale, IMTrue, etc. etc. that have yet to make it big in GSL.
Polt would be underrated. Yugioh would be underrated. Inca is definitely underrated.
TSLaLive. He's really good and finished really high in GSL November. Problem is that he isn't attending Foreign event and he is in the shadow of all the korean terrans (even though he is one of the best of them). Which means he doesn't get much recognition.
MvPNoblesse is really good in team leagues, dunno why he doesn't get much attention either. (Probably because Teamleagues has fewer viewers but oh well).
ST_PartinG (the fanbias is strong with this one) watch out for this guy in GSL January <3
Grubby, and if artosis were to practive more I would put him on my list, also axlav. Grubby i have the most faith in though, he's has a macro style play which i think as soon as the people start to get better and are able to hold off early game pressure much better i feel that grubby's style of play will really put him ahead.
I would say Axslav. Watch his stream sometime, he commentates all his games while playing at a high level. not to mention mid game hes like "we will have some downtime i'll check chat for some questions".
he has a high understanding of the game just maybe not always the best execution. hes definitely overlooked most the time.
On January 16 2012 09:54 fcgog wrote: slider and snute's over rated
How are either of those players overrated? Haha, I bet a lot of people on here have never even heard of them. I have watched Snute play and he is quite good. Not to mention his 2v2 streaming is quite fun to watch.
On October 12 2011 02:16 cydial wrote: Destiny, someday he will win something big.
Slayers_Dragon, he hasn't won anything yet but he is one of the best terrans in korea.
How can you honestly make a claim like that? Just how big is this pool of the "best Terrans?" Dragon may be entertaining to watch him faceroll Gold scrubs on the NA ladder with 90 rax builds but he is far from one of the "best Terrans" in Korea. He hasn't even managed to enter Code A yet and doesn't even live at SlayerS.
But dude, his stream is awesome and he does really funny stuff. I can only think of LITERALLY two or three DOZEN Terrans that are better than him in Korea right now.
Dragon really isnt that bad. If he can get on a team that will practice with him consistently, im sure he could atleast get up to terrans around the level of Ryung and Ganzi.
On another note, I think my darkhorse is Clide. He is going to win 230897208713 GSL championships before the year is over.
Ryung and Ganzi are top terrans...>_>
Dragon is entertaining as all hell, but that doesn't make him good. He's easily outclassed by top tier terrans in Korea right now. There are more than 2 dozen korean terrans better than him, and even foreign terrans that are better than Dragon. No offense to him, I watch his stream all the time.
Something is wrong with your definition of 'top' if you don't think GanZi is easily one of the best terrans in the world. I think that AnnYeong, TheSTC, Polt ><, and Titan are all underrated players that have been performing quite well lately.
Where did I say that Ganzi wasn't one of the best terrans? I said Ryung and Ganzi are top terrans in Korea. Whoever I'm responding to says that if Dragon just practices he can just get to their level, but their level is significantly higher than the average korean terran.