On July 01 2011 19:36 Harmonious wrote:Show nested quote +On July 01 2011 19:33 sunneh wrote:
Besides, wouldn't her reactions be enough for 'real information'? It's not so much about that reporter, as it is letter Boxer know that he doesn't need to win to prove anything to us. If he wants to play he can do it unburdened by his accomplishments in the past. And we don't really need an excuse to be nice to people.
Internet trolls need a reason. :D LOL
and you summed it up quite nicely there.
Well in my opinion is that in recent GSTL when The Emperor stood up to play and everyone went completely nuts proves enough how much he still and always will be loved regardless of his results from now, and that trashtalking guy should shut up.
I never watched Brood War. I never heard of Boxer until 10 months ago. I was a fan of TLO in Supreme Commander, so I wanted to follow my favorite player into SC2.
Now, my favorite player is Boxer, sorry TLO.
Boxer, we <3 you
I hope he would take time to recover from his injury and come back as an unstoppable force. Whatever you choose to do, your fans will support you!
BoxeR fighting! Hail to the Emperor!
Don't know what to say really. Always happy to see him play, and have cheered for him since I saw him play for the first time (quite some time ago by now).
All love to the emperor, hope he can overcome both this and his injury!
Boxer fighting!
Boxer hwaitin´!!!!
Keep your head up!! I wish you a fast recovery with your shoulder!
Please come back hard and show those young kids how to play it emperor-style!!
best wishes from Germany!
It's low to hate on a pro gamer who is struggling with injury. Code A is a harsh environment to compete in and it's only natural for someone with pains to drop down. Boxer shows courage and determination by staying in the game despite the injury so he can give Starcraft fans more games.
Boxer should be admired for his courage, determination and will to keep playing for his fans. He has done so much for Starcraft and I always enjoy watching Boxer and Slayers compete.
<3 from Holland and a speedy recovery!
Lim yo-hwan FIGHTING~~!!! Emperor for live, he and lee young-ho are THE inspirational role models in my esport-life, they are basically all the reason i actually have a sc2 work ethic.
I have more respect for BoxeR than I have for most people. He's on my list of people I would really like to meet some day. (At the very least would love to get something autographed by him xD) He's amazing. He's walking a road that most of us as gamers would love to be able to. He's the main person who sparked my interest in competitive gaming. Competitive gaming in general, not just StarCraft. He goes out of his way to entertain his fans, he has a great attitude about life in general from everything I've seen and read and he stays humble. He's a great person and I wish there were more people like him. BoxeR is the reason I play SC2, BoxeR is the reason I play Terran and BoxeR is the reason that I practiced hard and entered a tournament for a completely different competitive game that I enjoy.
I was so happy when I found out he was going to play StarCraft 2. It doesn't matter to me if he wins or loses, I just like watching him play. As a StarCraft fan it doesn't matter if BoxeR wins or loses as long as he's playing the fans are winning. I hope he keeps playing as long as he's able to, as long as he wants to, and I hope afterwards he still is part of the eSports scene.
Don't let the haters get you down, BoxeR. There will always be people who are ignorant, and there will always be people like me that appreciate all of your contributions to eSports and all of your hard work. Thanks to you I learned to keep my composure when I lose and stay humble when I win. <3 BoxeR
We all love you BoxeR! Its always a good day when you are playing, you always give exciting games with strategies noone else would even consider!
You have done so much for esports and I'm sure you will continue to do so - Long live the Emperor!
no matter where Boxer is at in his career, i'll always deeply respect him because of the humility i've seen in him. almost any time i've seen him lose, he's gone over and congratulated his opponent and that alone, regardless of the countless other ways in which he commands respect, makes him my favorite player. YOU'RE A LEGEND BOXER, DON'T FORGET IT. we don't.
The Emperor is an inspiration to us all, and it's terrible to see anyone downplay him. Even while he's not performing at the very top, his will to keep going and practise hard with his shoulder problem is something that comes from a real champion. ♥
Fight on, BoxeR! And a speedy recovery to you!
Boxer fighting! Media will have its ups and downs. Believe in yourself, as we believe in you!
Boxer, you are still the biggest of all time :D brought me into sc bw, thanks for this ♥♥♥♥♥♥
gogo boxer youre better than that
hope you make it back up there soon always a pleasure watching you games ♥♥♥
The first sc game I ever watched Boxer crushed his opponent with some super well thought out hellion drops on scrap station. I've always been very excited to watch his games ever since!
I have too encountered someone bad mouthing me for something i put my heart and soul into! Just keep fighting!
Keep your chin up Boxer. Do whatever will make you the happiest. Take care of that shoulder though, we are fans but we do not want to see you play games while sacrificing your health.
I never followed the broodwar scene but let me just say this.
The first, and I mean FIRST thing I was ever told to see in reference to the starcraft pro scene was a youtube search of "boxer marine." (aside from PLAGUUUUU )
If that doesn't say boxer is the epitome of epic, I don't know what does.
Boxer is an ESports hero ^^
Long live his passion for gaming