On April 23 2011 05:53 [F_]aths wrote: The SCC (http://classic.battle.net/scc/zerg/units/zergling.shtml) states "Their DNA structure is so simple that two Zerglings can be created from a single Larva."
Alright, but just note that blizzard's explanation makes no sense. It's like saying cars in Japan are painted black because your local car dealer became a goth and loves black. No where in real life is the splitting into 2 or more individuals due to the "complexity"/"simplicity" of DNA structure. It is simply due to the genome's instructions.
On April 25 2011 01:12 [F_]aths wrote:Show nested quote +On April 25 2011 01:01 BigJoe wrote: Interesting read... instead of the minerals being magically produced into something for the army... I always figured it was used to pay the soldiers for doing the dirty work (kinda like mining for gold and selling it for moneyz then paying people the moneyz for labor).
Zergs are mining resources for the queen of blades... now as to why they actually need money for larva to morph into a unit I have no idea. Could have to do with some combination of a compound in the minerals.
But for Terran and Protoss I always imagined the resources being gathered to hire the army etc. In the campaign, Terrans actually can hire soldiers. Other than that I think the minerals are needed to outfit recruits. As the larva is very small compared to the zerg unit, it needs to eat a lot. The nutrition is made from minerals and vespene. (The larva is not actually chewing a rock of the mineral crystal, but is given an organic substance which requires minerals and vespene to be made.) As far as I know, Protoss don't "hire" their soldiers, they are trained to follow the Khala and then warped into the battlefield to serve.
if you go to the wiki page for minerals you will see terran a protoss us mineral (becaus of this hardness and other rich qualities) as material to make ships and armor. and vespine gas is used just like we use gasoline today. and zerg use minerals to harden their carapaces and develop strong teeth. and gas is so they can adapted themselves to use raw vespene as a source of nourishment to drive their greatly accelerated metabolisms.
OP: i feel like you are trying to do a lot of "lore" work that blizzard has already done. A lot of these things are explained in detailed on the Starcraft wiki page.
On April 24 2011 20:47 Scryedo89 wrote:Show nested quote +On April 24 2011 13:25 Jhohok wrote:The part about the extractor trick made me ROFL. In fact any part that referenced the physical impossibilities of the race mechanics made me ROFL. Anyways, Suggestion: On April 23 2011 05:53 [F_]aths wrote:
The radiation as a weapon versus zerg was used in SC1, so I will include it. Doesn't the SC2 Campaign's Psi Disruptor (slows Zergies down) use gamma radiation? Stetmann's final log in the Zerg research tube mentions that he dosed the Zerg samples with gamma rays and it greatly inhibited growth. Maybe you could mention that as well? Source: Campaign's research lab. Sending you a link to the psi disruptor it sends out "sigma" radiation. You might be thinking of the Hive mind emulator but that again is a sort of "mind control" that emulates the Zerg overmind. Hive mind emulatorhttp://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Psi_disruptor#StarCraft_II
Gah, you're right about the sigma radiation! Went back into the campaign research lab. Says "sigma".
But "The slowing properties of the radiation" was not "discovered by the United Earth Directorate" alone, the ones used in SC2 were developed by Stetmann, independent of the UED. So SC1 by UED scientists, and SC2 by Stetmann?
Pretty cool, interesting , and a good read.
Keep up the good work!
This thread... is completely win
Keep it up!
Please give this man a forum star.
Win post, I just hope that you didn't spend too much time that you should'v been spending on something else on this.
Like the Zerg stuff. Small note: you might want to replace "lotion" with "gel" under the section on Extractors. Lotion is something you use to soften your skin, a gel is a partially solidified chemical. I realize you are not a native English speaker but I think this is what you meant
nice read and good job@! :D
...wow, read all that, and that was awesome. Looking forward to the Protoss stuff.
On April 25 2011 13:06 colanderman wrote:Like the Zerg stuff. Small note: you might want to replace "lotion" with "gel" under the section on Extractors. Lotion is something you use to soften your skin, a gel is a partially solidified chemical. I realize you are not a native English speaker but I think this is what you meant Thank you for the suggestion.
Question for Protoss experts:
For the Protoss part I would assume that some actual construction is done in the field, requiring the cybernetics core to have hub for further cybernetic (robotic) facilities and using the robotics bay to assemble robotic fighters (and implant injured Zealots into Immortals.) Is this compatible with the lore or are robotic units warped-in like the other units? The lore I found so far is not very specific.
The robotics facilities build the units, according to the manual. I suppose they could be warped, just like anything else, but it is explicity stated that the facilities build some of the protoss war machines.
Good job on the zerg section.
I always looked at zerg a little differently. I assume that at the start of a game my zerg pieces are toned for space travel and/or the previous conquered planet/environment and, the zerg upgrades tweak the anatomy of the zerg, to be best suited to the knew environment, giving the units faster speed on icy surfaces etc.
Dude, if BP hired you as their sole PR agent, their US sales would have increased twofold over the past year.
Fantastic post.
Thanks to everyone who finds the OP useful. It takes a bit more effort that originally expected, but with the positive reactions it looks like it worth it.
On April 25 2011 01:40 julianto wrote:Show nested quote +On April 23 2011 05:53 [F_]aths wrote: The SCC (http://classic.battle.net/scc/zerg/units/zergling.shtml) states "Their DNA structure is so simple that two Zerglings can be created from a single Larva."
Alright, but just note that blizzard's explanation makes no sense. It's like saying cars in Japan are painted black because your local car dealer became a goth and loves black. No where in real life is the splitting into 2 or more individuals due to the "complexity"/"simplicity" of DNA structure. It is simply due to the genome's instructions. I now changed it and put it to the zergling's small frame that a cocoon fits two of them.
On April 24 2011 23:21 [F_]aths wrote: Please correct me about RNA and DNA. As far as I know, RNA is DNA with the mirror part left and used to copy the DNA.
SOrry for not elaborating, had to run out at the time.
RNA and DNA are similar in concept but they are extremely chemically different. You used the phrase "translated" but translation refers to RNA -> protein (no need to get into detail). If you want to use your explanation the correct term for RNA -> DNA is reverse transcription via an reverse transcriptase protein.
Still... organs are like actual massive tissues that perform a specific physiological function (ie lungs) while DNA tells a given cell how to operate. DNA is much smaller than organs so I don't see how an organ can direct changes in the DNA and then proceed to inject them into stem cells in order to develop a new structure.. instead I'd imagine epithelial stem cells in a given region would recombine their own DNA (recombine = shuffle around DNA) after receiving the signal from the overlord (ie a specific type of radiation) to do so which then would cause the physiological changes to occur.
I now rephrased it to "The Overlords air the additional gene sequence to all underlings which have the ability to recombine given deoxyribonucleic acids in their epithelial stem cells the in proper order. Those cells replicate the new DNA for further cell division."
As you see I avoid too much detail to keep this part short; is it now at least possible or still nonsense from a biological point of view?
Awesome :D Keep up the good work.
How do mutalisk fly in space?
There is no air in space, so even if they can breath without air they can't fly without air. If they use telepathic powers to move themselves like overlords or guardians/broodlords then why do they even have wings?