Introduction + Show Spoiler +Owning a pet Ultralisk can be hard work. Not only are these animals come from Char, they have killer instincts. In order to not die from your pet Ultralisk, you want to make sure the Ultralisk is content, happy and clean! There are many ways to keep your Ultralisk happy and I will explain those ways in this Ultralisk Pet Owner Guide. Feeding Your Pet Ultralisk + Show Spoiler +![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/5/5f/Ultralisk.png/200px-Ultralisk.png) Feeding your pet Ultralisk can be tough work. You have to go out and find all sorts of animals that they like to eat! Ultralisks like to snack on the following Animals: •Zealots •Marines •Banelings •Mutalisk Wings If you want to be a good owner, be sure to feed your Ultralisk a variety of the above meals and not feed him the same thing everyday. Next, we will talk about what your pet Ultralisk likes to drink. Preferably, the Ultralisk likes to drink the acid from a Spawning Pool This acid is very healthy for the Ultralisk. He also likes to drink the slime that an Infestor produces as it walks. That should keep the Ultralisk content when it comes to Feeding. Playing With Your Pet Ultralisk + Show Spoiler +Playing with your pet Ultralisk can be tough work, considering that the animal is a tough, muscular, violent and loving creature! You can ride the Ultralisk, you can play catch with the Ultralisk and you can pet your Ultralisk. All of these things will gain you affection from the Ultralisk as you two create a stronger bond throughout the course of your life. Some people have been observed swimming with their Ultralisk. The Ultralisk loves to swim, so make sure to take it to the local beach where you can show off your pet AND play with it! Cleaning Your Pet Ultralisk + Show Spoiler +Cleaning your pet Ultralisk can be tough work. You will first need to acquire a ladder and a giant squeegee. First, chain your Ultralisk to the ground so he doesn't run away. Next, set up your giant ladder. After that, climb your ladder. Finally, begin washing your Ultralisk with the squeegee using soap and water. If you splash some acid from a spawning pool on him, he will enjoy that as well. After you wash him, make sure you dry him off by sending him to his doghouse in your backyard. This is the doghouse that you SHOULD have obtained when buying the Ultralisk. In Conclusion + Show Spoiler +In conclusion, owning your pet Ultralisk takes a lot of work. However, it is well worth it in the end because this gentle, loving creature is the best of all animals. He is valuable companion (as long as you are not a Protoss) and he will guard you with his tusks if any intruders should arise. Good luck in owning your very own Pet Ultralisk and if you have any concerns, please post below! If you have any comments, questions or concerns about owning your very own Pet Ultralisk, please post below!
I cant figure out how to play fetch with my ultralisk.. It doesn't have the dexterity to pick up tennis balls or any object that i can throw reasonably far. I guess i could get a trebuchet and throw cars for it, but the reload time seems a little excessive. I don't think fetch is going to work out..
*Mind blown*
o_O Nice post. For a few seconds there, I was expecting to find a link to an actual Ultralisk Petting game...
this thread is tough work
SC2 is tough work
my work is tough work
ultras are tough work!
I shall name him Squishy and he shall be MY squishy.
Ooh where can I purchase my very own Ultralisk? :D
i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts?
United States12546 Posts
On February 25 2011 05:40 BetterFasterStronger wrote: i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts? Well, you don't have to worry about feeding him anymore.
sigh.. now i want a pet that i can never have
I'd rather have a mutalisk so I can ride it to work =)
United States4307 Posts
On February 25 2011 05:40 BetterFasterStronger wrote: i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts? Don't buy corporate pet store ultralisks. They usually only carry poorly bred pets, such as ultralisks without chitinous plating.
On February 25 2011 05:44 uncarlo wrote: I'd rather have a mutalisk so I can ride it to work =)
How is an ultra not rideable? You can just crush other people on your way in :D
On February 25 2011 05:42 motbob wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 05:40 BetterFasterStronger wrote: i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts? Well, you don't have to worry about feeding him anymore.
ROFL... well played sir
Sounds like ALOT OF WORK.
On February 25 2011 05:38 JerKy wrote: Ooh where can I purchase my very own Ultralisk? :D You can purchase an Ultralisk from the Tiamat Brood (http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Tiamat_Brood) for a small price of $1999.99
I need me one of them pet ultralisks... I have been trying to find ways to get inside Mordor but my attempts have been proven futile, despite my most assiduous efforts. Perhaps if I grow my ultralisk big and strong according to your guide, I can simply ride my pet ultralisk into Mordor.
But how do I dispose of Ultralisk poop? It looks like Ultradung doesn't fit in my garbage bin. It doesn't even fit in my Mega Super duty full bed pickup truck.
someone with some time on his hands should program an ultralisk tamagotchi right now.
On February 25 2011 05:52 RageQuitter wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 05:38 JerKy wrote: Ooh where can I purchase my very own Ultralisk? :D You can purchase an Ultralisk from the Tiamat Brood (http://starcraft.wikia.com/wiki/Tiamat_Brood) for a small price of $1999.99
Aw man, I think that's out of my budget T_T Maybe I'll go buy a zergling instead
On February 25 2011 05:42 motbob wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 05:40 BetterFasterStronger wrote: i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts? Well, you don't have to worry about feeding him anymore.
can we feed him the silly jokes you're dishing out?
edit: what kind of troll post is this anyway? If it's RP, then nevermind, but i thought it was either a custom game or a plushy pet (like th baneling one)
What about protecting him from immortals? :< My ultra i recently bought has died to a marauding band of immortals and i need help protecting the next one i get!
[searches for +rep button]
I don't like zerg pets since I already owned a baneling. This one time I was playing with him and the poor bastard farted. Now I only have on arm... ^^
where does the shit go, we want to know!
someone need to make this into a custom game
My ultralisk tried to give me a hug and chopped me in half mid-torso 
How do I avoid this?
On February 25 2011 07:47 nitdkim wrote: where does the shit go, we want to know! normally it is absorbed into the creep and used to nourish the zerg buildings, the same way all zerg excrement is (same thing with bio-materia), but if you do not have creep in your 1mile by 1mile backyard (else it is way too small and your neighbors will call PETA due to you, as they call it, "torturing your pet") there is no known method of keeping it clean.
Would my pet ultralisk enjoy sharing some alcoholic beverages over the evening? How much would he want.
The shit should decompose but if it doesn't, the Ultralisk is Coprophagia
Healthy and strong ultralisks fear nothing. Not even those evil marauders. Keep him away from void rays and immortals tho! Instead feed him stalkers.
My ultralisks likes to play with queens and infestors, it makes him so happy. A real ladiesman.
I think something wrong with my ultralisk, it seems really stupid and gets stuck all the time.
I like the OP's Signature more than the ultralisk. Expensive units but cute nevertheless~
Australia8532 Posts
Mine go really fat.. so i put it down and got myself a mutalisk.. watch me fly
On February 25 2011 08:26 bkrow wrote:Mine go really fat.. so i put it down and got myself a mutalisk.. watch me fly  How dare you put down this innocent, fun-loving creature!
@Keitzer Maybe, you know, its supposed to be funny. The world needs that now and then.
I asked Artosis what he thought my Ulrtalisk would like. he said "SO MANY BANELINGS"
I guess i gave him to many banelings......
He was a happy one R.I.P Bruski
I personally think a roach would be an excellent pet. It would be so easy to store/shelter as it can simply burrow anywhere it wishes to sleep!
Any tips for Brood Lord owners? Heard I'd need to keep him away from the neighbors Viking.
On February 25 2011 08:31 MeteorRise wrote: I personally think a roach would be an excellent pet. It would be so easy to store/shelter as it can simply burrow anywhere it wishes to sleep! But Roaches literaly .... like Rabbits it will be an Infestation in no time.
If i wanted a zergling, would it get sad because it don't have his twin? two zerglings seem too much responsibility and ultras are really expensive...
nawww SO CUTE!! XD
I want one. =(
Would I have to neuter my Ultralisk, or the effort used to get a Pygalisk worth the labour?
Someone should make a UMS.
Also, how big would you wager an ultralisk turd to be?
Ultralisk turds aren't that big because the Ultralisk actually eats the turd ASAP because the Ultralisk is a Corophagia
I got two things from this:
-they should make baneling style gushers (someone get on that, stat!) -ultralisks won't fit in a doghouse, even if it's themed like an ultra cavern
They are robots they have no souls xD anyways ultras are great pets but I want a pet ghost. Just like mengsk.
United Kingdom1381 Posts
How do I train my Ultralisk to stop bringing dead marines home and leaving them on the doorstep?
His cleave makes Chef Tony's knives seem like rubber toys. I love my Pet Ultralisk and skewering live cows for meals :3
my ultralisk cleaved by homework...
As a supplement to washing your pet ultralisk, it's necessary that you buff it's carapace regularly to keep it's shiny quality.
Strangely, buffing your zerg creature can even help keep its balance in stressful situations, therefore it's of the utmost importance that this routine be observed regularly. Seriously, folks...
Blizzard sure isn't going to do it for you.
I hear ultralisks love giving hugs too.
Except for everything it hugs dies. It doesn't hold on long enough to be a hug. D:
I have a concern! What should I do when my Ultralisk comes into his mating period? Will it get violent and how should I go about acquiring a female should the need for one arise?
ive been looking for this man! hes been raging so hard at me this tottally helped we are so close he doesnt even try to eat me anymore ! and u should try feeding him banelings there like pop rocks to him
On February 25 2011 05:19 theBullFrog wrote: I'm gonna name it stampy
Argh you stole the joke I was going to make. ugh now I don't have a name for my ultralisk OR my elephant.
Can you dance your Ultralisk? Or will this make it grow into a BM pet?
This reminds me, I bought a Broodling Pet once, but when I got home from the Petshop, it already died...
Can't believe no one has posted this yet:
Wow, that picture is epic. :D
Fun thread! ^__^
Just remember that for every 0.8 Ultralisk that you own you need to get an accompanying overlord, and boy do these guys have stomach problems.
For only 450 minerals and 450 gas, you can make your ultralisk SUPER STRONG! It can eat through marines in two hits! Join the obedience Evolution School now!
lolol this is so cute/funny awesome guide!
Help! My Ultralisk escaped!
![[image loading]](http://www.sc2blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/starcraft_samwise038c.jpg)
He was last seen near Lost Temple, any info is appreciated! Thanks!
An overlord would puke all over your carpet, its hard to clean that stuff out!
Don't forget that he needs plenty of exercise preferrably zergling chasing :>
On February 25 2011 13:47 Gao Xi wrote: An overlord would puke all over your carpet, its hard to clean that stuff out!
Your carpet now makes you go 33% faster so you can raid the fridge before the commercial break ends.
And remember keep your pet ultralisk away from immortals and thors and collosi and banshees and voidrays.
I would be happy to program an ultralisk tamagatchi in flash if someone wants to do the art
pm me if you are interested
if you have a hydralisk, you can have it ride on top of your ultralisk! they'll have a lot of fun hunting together
I was inspired by this post and created this:
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/JlJxa.jpg)
Ultra art credit to Mr. Jack.
@SpiNN Haha, very cool man. Im surprised a simple thread like this sparked some previous posters to consider making it an actual game
I find that throwing a tree is better than throwing a twig when playing fetch
I took my pet ultralisk for a walk, but I found out that even though he was running full speed, he was slower than me. It's so frustrating. I wish I could give him some anabolic synthesis or something.
On February 25 2011 16:05 Leeto wrote: I took my pet ultralisk for a walk, but I found out that even though he was running full speed, he was slower than me. It's so frustrating. I wish I could give him some anabolic synthesis or something.
I had a similar problem when i took mine for a walk, it got stuck between all the trees and when someone was crossing the road, it simply couldn't walk that way anymore, same with trashcans and even birds.
I think my ultralisk is broken.
On February 25 2011 12:23 Antisocialmunky wrote:Can't believe no one has posted this yet: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LrrZB.jpg)
Oh god this is hilarious! Nice guide, super funny!
On February 25 2011 18:43 Bagonad wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 16:05 Leeto wrote: I took my pet ultralisk for a walk, but I found out that even though he was running full speed, he was slower than me. It's so frustrating. I wish I could give him some anabolic synthesis or something. I had a similar problem when i took mine for a walk, it got stuck between all the trees and when someone was crossing the road, it simply couldn't walk that way anymore, same with trashcans and even birds. I think my ultralisk is broken.
I had another problem, I took my Utralisk for a walk, walked through the door...and the Ultralisk simply walked after me. Gotta rebuild one wall of my house :S
Also, I had to take an overlord too, so he can spawn creep. Takes more then a day to take a walk with my Ultra if I don't have creep. You should see the face of my neighbours when they stap out of the door and see the whole street creeped.
This thread is disappoint! ULTRALISKS SHOULD ROAM THE WILD WITH ITS BRETHREN ON REAL CREEP, eating FRESH minerals and vespene. You should all be ashamed.
Those of you that "own" (read: enslave) an ultralisk - when is the last time you fed a live zealot to an ultralisk? I know when: NEVER! Nowadays they come in cans after draining their shields, removing their personal psi crystals, and then ground up with preservatives. There's barely any mineral content left by then. That's the same crap they put in dragoons, and they discontinued that product line, didn't they? Smart decision, those things are so stupid they can barely walk straight. How about vespene? I'll tell you right now: baneling juice is NOT the same as a live baneling. The crap that you find at the stores can't even begin to compare with the purity of fresh vespene, plucked straight from the nearest extractor. When is the last time you saw baneling splatter just lying on the ground for more than a few seconds? I don't know what they put in that bottle but I know it's not made with real baneling.
Sigh. You know what the problem is? This damn generation of lazy kids. I remember back in my day, I'd carry 8 minerals on my back alllll day long. Nowadays, you're crazy if you think you can find one who can even do 6. I've never seen one. Workers are only about 2/3 the men they used to be. The work hasn't changed, so it's definitely the person that makes the difference. And the vespene industry has become so infused with fakes and fillers. I think the purity of the vespene's only about half of it used to be. To compensate for the profits, they've probably bribed every official and bypassed every environmental law relevant to vespene conservation. Vespene used to be a renewable resource. Now, they overextend their efforts and leave the geysers barren.
When's the last time you saw a little critter roaming the map? Now there's just those retard birds that fly in a pattern 8 for no reason. You kids screwed it up and you know it.
Lol, good read  All the Tier 3 ground units would make good pets. Hi Thorboy, which house are we breaking today?
its so fluffy is indeed a adequat comment
On February 25 2011 20:20 ddrddrddrddr wrote:+ Show Spoiler +This thread is disappoint! ULTRALISKS SHOULD ROAM THE WILD WITH ITS BRETHREN ON REAL CREEP, eating FRESH minerals and vespene. You should all be ashamed.
Those of you that "own" (read: enslave) an ultralisk - when is the last time you fed a live zealot to an ultralisk? I know when: NEVER! Nowadays they come in cans after draining their shields, removing their personal psi crystals, and then ground up with preservatives. There's barely any mineral content left by then. That's the same crap they put in dragoons, and they discontinued that product line, didn't they? Smart decision, those things are so stupid they can barely walk straight. How about vespene? I'll tell you right now: baneling juice is NOT the same as a live baneling. The crap that you find at the stores can't even begin to compare with the purity of fresh vespene, plucked straight from the nearest extractor. When is the last time you saw baneling splatter just lying on the ground for more than a few seconds? I don't know what they put in that bottle but I know it's not made with real baneling.
Sigh. You know what the problem is? This damn generation of lazy kids. I remember back in my day, I'd carry 8 minerals on my back alllll day long. Nowadays, you're crazy if you think you can find one who can even do 6. I've never seen one. Workers are only about 2/3 the men they used to be. The work hasn't changed, so it's definitely the person that makes the difference. And the vespene industry has become so infused with fakes and fillers. I think the purity of the vespene's only about half of it used to be. To compensate for the profits, they've probably bribed every official and bypassed every environmental law relevant to vespene conservation. Vespene used to be a renewable resource. Now, they overextend their efforts and leave the geysers barren.
When's the last time you saw a little critter roaming the map? Now there's just those retard birds that fly in a pattern 8 for no reason. You kids screwed it up and you know it. Can't. Stop. Laughing.
On February 25 2011 12:23 Antisocialmunky wrote:Can't believe no one has posted this yet: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/LrrZB.jpg)
oh fuck i can't stop laughing, best picture ever!
On February 25 2011 05:16 TrainFX wrote: Whoops, I let mine die. ROFL, so true/great first response...
On February 26 2011 02:40 Vei wrote:ROFL, so true/great first response...
On February 26 2011 01:55 RageQuitter wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 20:20 ddrddrddrddr wrote:+ Show Spoiler +This thread is disappoint! ULTRALISKS SHOULD ROAM THE WILD WITH ITS BRETHREN ON REAL CREEP, eating FRESH minerals and vespene. You should all be ashamed.
Those of you that "own" (read: enslave) an ultralisk - when is the last time you fed a live zealot to an ultralisk? I know when: NEVER! Nowadays they come in cans after draining their shields, removing their personal psi crystals, and then ground up with preservatives. There's barely any mineral content left by then. That's the same crap they put in dragoons, and they discontinued that product line, didn't they? Smart decision, those things are so stupid they can barely walk straight. How about vespene? I'll tell you right now: baneling juice is NOT the same as a live baneling. The crap that you find at the stores can't even begin to compare with the purity of fresh vespene, plucked straight from the nearest extractor. When is the last time you saw baneling splatter just lying on the ground for more than a few seconds? I don't know what they put in that bottle but I know it's not made with real baneling.
Sigh. You know what the problem is? This damn generation of lazy kids. I remember back in my day, I'd carry 8 minerals on my back alllll day long. Nowadays, you're crazy if you think you can find one who can even do 6. I've never seen one. Workers are only about 2/3 the men they used to be. The work hasn't changed, so it's definitely the person that makes the difference. And the vespene industry has become so infused with fakes and fillers. I think the purity of the vespene's only about half of it used to be. To compensate for the profits, they've probably bribed every official and bypassed every environmental law relevant to vespene conservation. Vespene used to be a renewable resource. Now, they overextend their efforts and leave the geysers barren.
When's the last time you saw a little critter roaming the map? Now there's just those retard birds that fly in a pattern 8 for no reason. You kids screwed it up and you know it. Can't. Stop. Laughing. A+
+ Show Spoiler +On February 25 2011 20:20 ddrddrddrddr wrote: This thread is disappoint! ULTRALISKS SHOULD ROAM THE WILD WITH ITS BRETHREN ON REAL CREEP, eating FRESH minerals and vespene. You should all be ashamed.
Those of you that "own" (read: enslave) an ultralisk - when is the last time you fed a live zealot to an ultralisk? I know when: NEVER! Nowadays they come in cans after draining their shields, removing their personal psi crystals, and then ground up with preservatives. There's barely any mineral content left by then. That's the same crap they put in dragoons, and they discontinued that product line, didn't they? Smart decision, those things are so stupid they can barely walk straight. How about vespene? I'll tell you right now: baneling juice is NOT the same as a live baneling. The crap that you find at the stores can't even begin to compare with the purity of fresh vespene, plucked straight from the nearest extractor. When is the last time you saw baneling splatter just lying on the ground for more than a few seconds? I don't know what they put in that bottle but I know it's not made with real baneling.
Sigh. You know what the problem is? This damn generation of lazy kids. I remember back in my day, I'd carry 8 minerals on my back alllll day long. Nowadays, you're crazy if you think you can find one who can even do 6. I've never seen one. Workers are only about 2/3 the men they used to be. The work hasn't changed, so it's definitely the person that makes the difference. And the vespene industry has become so infused with fakes and fillers. I think the purity of the vespene's only about half of it used to be. To compensate for the profits, they've probably bribed every official and bypassed every environmental law relevant to vespene conservation. Vespene used to be a renewable resource. Now, they overextend their efforts and leave the geysers barren.
When's the last time you saw a little critter roaming the map? Now there's just those retard birds that fly in a pattern 8 for no reason. You kids screwed it up and you know it.
Omg this is absolutely hysterical hahahah. "I remember back in my day, I'd carry 8 minerals on my back alllll day long. Nowadays, you're crazy if you think you can find one who can even do 6." So good. I love this thread.
I LOL'd pretty hard, and it was tough work. great read :p i'd pay that 2k for an ultra!
I can't find mine's bellybutton.
On February 25 2011 05:42 motbob wrote:Show nested quote +On February 25 2011 05:40 BetterFasterStronger wrote: i tried to feed my ultralisk marines, but they were 3-3 marines so they killed the ultralisk. Thoughts? Well, you don't have to worry about feeding him anymore. Loloolololol. This is epic . Very creative. I'll bring him to school to show off. And ill make sure i dont feed him that day.
How can I tell the gender of my Ultralisk so I can name him/her appropriately??
On February 26 2011 03:21 YourMom wrote: How can I tell the gender of my Ultralisk so I can name him/her appropriately?? If it has six tusks, it's a male. If it has four tusks, it is a girl.
Blizzard should implement a 'pets' thing in HOTS. Would be a cool addition/replacement to the current portrait system.
I want a pet pyglisk
My ultralisk destroyed my neighbor's wall-in. How do I stop him from behaving in such a way in the future?
I'm looking to buy a baby ultralisk if anyone has any newly born babies. Gender doesnt matter to me but cannot be the colour blue. I am willing to pay 1500$ for it.
On February 25 2011 07:49 miragev2 wrote: someone need to make this into a custom game I posted the idea on sc2mapster. Hopefuly someone will like it.