Hello all, this is a quick informational guide to the community on how to properly mineral split. It is also a way for me (if I may) to continue to encourage TLers to watch my short, 10 minute show that I stream for TL readers (meaning not advertised or popularized on any other site)!
The premise of the mineral split in this context is to get the most minerals out of the split from the opening seconds of the game. In episode 4 I detail this in the beginning, so if you were to watch anything it would be the beginning of episode 4, where I go through the basics of my (Sidereal) particular mineral split vs a very common 3-3 split. It is a 4-1-1 split, where after the quick clicks each starting probe is on the closest mineral patches to the nexus, in the case of my race. By doing this, even though all players, especially in mirror matches, are identical up until usually the 12th probe, this split will put you ahead against other versions of mineral splitting.
I believe this split is superior. I, however, am a simple human and am capable of showing humility, so if it is actually not as good, please let me know! Also, if there are any comments (positive or negative, don't matta), please leave them on the TL thread for the stream! I am constantly reviewing it and trying to get better, so any feedback is def appreciated!
Link to stream: http://www.livestream.com/tehemp
Link directly to episode 3, the beginning of which is the mineral split discussion: http://www.livestream.com/tehemp/video?clipId=pla_8a9de969-ae7d-4e91-ab12-9519ada279d2
Link to stream thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=185138
Happy hunting, jeee ouse.
The type of split does, I've seen that post that you linked and I have demonstrated that my split does in fact net higher gains, and it makes sense why it does as well. My split is different from the 3 done in the test, which wasn't very thorough to begin with. It doesn't even include where to add the 7th or 8th drone and why it matters where you add them.
I encourage you to try it out, I wouldn't post unless I was sure.
It's been a while since I read that thread, but I don't remember it ever discussing the whole "send workers to the closer patches" idea; rather, it just let the auto-split work its magic.
Did you say your name was Cytheria? Because if it is, I hope you still have that free name change floating around..
I do not believe in the ep 3 the opponent splitted his probes. It looks like her just sent to one patch and ai did the rest. Anyone else agree?
EDIT: Also tlo gets pairs on closest mineral patches as soon as possible I've noticed.
I think it's not so much about the initial split, but where your probes end up mining from after they are split. each mineral patch can support 2 probes without the probes having to skip around to other patches. in this aspect, you ideally want 2 probes on the nearest mineral patches and zero probes on the furthest mineral patches. doing so will obviously give you a higher mining rate
Just send all 6 to the closest patch then split 2 or 3 to a different section (depending on the patch set-up) in a way that all will mine without having to overlap each other and travel all the way to the other side. Very simple ^^
Its already been mathematically proven that the split's gains are so negligible (literally 5-10 minerals with no increase after 2 minutes) to make it completely worthless as the risk of misclick would cost you more.
Just send all 6 to the middle patch and 3 minutes in you'll have the same money no matter what
Hi I watched the vod, and I'll have to disagree on the way you proved how your way was better. Basically, you pulled up the income tab, and then paused it the moment your income spiked the highest (right when workers sent in their minerals). As you can notice before, the icome fluctuates, going up and down, and you simply noted the highest point, then compared it to your opponents income, which is also in a state of fluctuation.
The best way to really see how effective your split is would be to not build any buildings and compare how many minerals you have compared to a 3-3 split at a certain time in the game.
Anyways, the split certainly looks nice, doesnt seem to bad, but i doubt it is a significant improvemnt to worker splitting (and i dont think 3-3 helps that much either)
It was mathematically proven over 1000s of iterations in beta - build workers first, send all to closest patch is the fastest way to start ones economy.
On February 02 2011 16:54 SichuanPanda wrote: It was mathematically proven over 1000s of iterations in beta - build workers first, send all to closest patch is the fastest way to start ones economy.
Way to read the post bro. Or even the topic title.
On February 02 2011 16:57 ch33psh33p wrote:Show nested quote +On February 02 2011 16:54 SichuanPanda wrote: It was mathematically proven over 1000s of iterations in beta - build workers first, send all to closest patch is the fastest way to start ones economy. Way to read the post bro. Or even the topic title.
I did and the poster was proposing a way of faster worker splitting and/or how to start ones economy as fast as possible, (as stated in the post before mine (the one you quoted), he used a flawed method of obtaining data) not to mention that in addition to that its been proven worker splitting slows you down, thus making this whole topic redundant. Perhaps you should re-read the topic to make sure you retained everything, bro.
I started watching the video... there's a couple of things I noticed that make me immediately not trust this.
1: You're playing at different spawns of the map. We've seen many times that blizzard's maps aren't symmetrical and have positional imbalances (scrap station zvz, the base structure in steppes, etc). The difference could purely be a result of that. You need to test it either in seperate games on the same spawn, or also do a "control" test where you both 3-3 split and see if they're the same on the different spawns.
2: Now when I see that it's based on whether you got your probes to the close minerals or the far ones means it's just based on which mineral patches you click on, and also on the map.
3: Hard to tell but tbh from the video it looked like the bottom left guy didn't even 3-3 split, looks like he just sent them all to one patch and they spread out themselves (I say that as I don't see the left 3 all go to the same patch and then spread... they go straight to their split up patches)
5 more minerals aren't really going to benefit you to any slightest significance, so I don't even see the point in discussing this.
I also don't get how people can even think this would give an advantage in the mid or even late game. If you send your workers out half a second later than normal, or do some sort of failing split causing them to not mine effective for half a second, all this will do is set you behind half a second. How hard is it to realise that?
On February 02 2011 13:02 tehemperorer wrote: I, however, am a simple human and am capable of showing humility
The first 60 seconds of your video proved that part wrong.
Also, it's been proven time and time again that it makes no difference whether you 3-3 split, 4-1-1 split or don't manually split at all. It's a nice warm-up and micro exercise and that's about it.
Talk about beating a dead horse.
Ive done auto/3-3-/2-2-2 it seems like the only difference from 3-3/2-2-2 and auto is the 3-3/2-2-2 allows all five workers to finish there first mineral drop at the exact same time witch allows for 50 minerals to build your first scv. Auto seems to always give me 45 minerals and there's a slight delay in between 45-50minerals where i can't build the scv. So i dunnno if this helps or if the mineral difference would even matter but it's nice to split for micro practice.
I usually just do the 3-3 drone split, then set my mining rally points each time I make a drone or two, moving it across the patches in a line... the AI seems to do a bunch of work for me...
The only thing I'm worrying about right now is which is the best way to get my second overlord out... 9OL, 11 extractor trick, DOUBLE extractor trick, 10OL?
On February 02 2011 17:36 Shockk wrote:Show nested quote +On February 02 2011 13:02 tehemperorer wrote: I, however, am a simple human and am capable of showing humility The first 60 seconds of your video proved that part wrong. Also, it's been proven time and time again that it makes no difference whether you 3-3 split, 4-1-1 split or don't manually split at all. It's a nice warm-up and micro exercise and that's about it.
Technically, there is a difference. We just don't have infinite APM, so we can't abuse the difference >.<
Also, I still can't remember if they tested actual mineral distances (i.e. individually sending each worker to a closer patch or whatever); the only thing I remember is people saying auto-mine is just as effective as any other split. I'll have to look through the thread again, though.
Although I've seen plenty of people do REALLY stupid splits, forcing some workers to move much more than they should (i.e. sending the whole stack to a far patch, not leaving enough patches between two groups to have "flawless" mining, etc.). It's expected, though, since it's pretty much random.
However, that is not to say that splitting doesn't matter; if you're terrible at 3-3, then don't do it (and so on).