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Livestreams on
German livestream which is usually co-casted by a popular top German player or manager of a major team. The stream consists of casual and pro–casting material, tournaments and replay analysis as well as spontaneously organized community events.
My personal castingstyle is conidered to be "Like a reporter", which generally means that I ask my co-caster a lot of questions that are of interest for casual and advanced players. You can always interact with us while the stream is online @ our Irc-Chat (quakenet.org) #frodoshatchery.
For further informations visit: http://www.derfrodo.de
For VODs http://www.sc-streams.de/user/DerFrodo
For Youtube VODs http://www.Youtube.com/user/derfrodo0715
Facebook “DerFrodo” http://www.facebook.com/pages/DerFrodo/112140292175760