I'll give the guy(s) the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn't hack to get there. If it was multiple guys, so what? They accomplished a goal they set out to do, and probably had fun doing it. Grats to them.
I don't get people bashing with the "what a waste of time" or "achievements are meaningless". Here's a news flash, all video games are "meaningless" unless you're getting paid. Your 1600 diamond rating is just as meaningless. It's all a form of entertainment. Maybe your entertainment comes from trying to get a higher rating, maybe their entrainment comes from completing achievements.
I'll never understand people who play videogames bashing on people who play the same game just in a different way.
lol, talk about completionist obsession...
Can somebody who speaks Korean check this guy on sc2ranks.com and give me the link? I would love to see when this guy promoted to diamond in 1vs1 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4.
Maybe he promoted only in his last 50 games from bronze to diamond.
yeh, the "achievements are meaningless" guys are comical.. All games are meaningless.
I like achievements for the most part, fun little side-game to the super intense 1v1 sessions I play. So while I have 4250 achievement score, I also have 1700 in diamond 1v1, disproving the "people who get achievements only do it cause they suck at the game" bullcrap.
Anyways, Yeh, im pretty sure this was a team of people. thats the only way. I feel like ive wasted WAY too much time on sc2 so far and im not even anywhere near close to this guys hourly rate. Insane.
On October 11 2010 22:46 Koshi wrote: Can somebody who speaks Korean check this guy on sc2ranks.com and give me the link? I would love to see when this guy promoted to diamond in 1vs1 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4.
Maybe he promoted only in his last 50 games from bronze to diamond.
If you really care, why not check for yourself? He played legit in 1v1. In 2v2, he played with various people so sometimes he was in bronze, sometimes he was in gold, and I guess for 1 he was in diamond. But that was in 2v2.
Someone above pointed it out best, Some of us are just "completionists".. When I start something, I want to finish it. That is what drives me to finish all the achievements.
Although Im drawing the line at 1000 solo wins for each race.. Just gonna do my main race, and thats mainly because I dont want to do the worker rush crap, it'd take forever/totally fuck my rating if I played 1000 games of T and Z lol
How do you say poopsock in korean?
Getting all of the achievements that fast is sort of an anti-achievement. Just shows how much time he's wasted.
On October 11 2010 23:12 out4blood wrote: Getting all of the achievements that fast is sort of an anti-achievement. Just shows how much time he's wasted.
Well the same could be said for every SC2 "progamer" who hasnt won any cash tournaments so far. people like Machine, Inka, InControl, etc. Even people who've only won like $100 so far, have most likely spent over 40 hours a week for that.. Times 40 hours a week by what; ~12 weeks the games been out? Not including beta.
My point is, sure its "wasted time", but if you are going to spend that kind of time, mise well "achieve" something.. being the first person to max out on achievements is pretty huge.
How can you kill that which has no life? :O
On October 11 2010 18:17 superbabosheki wrote: I can't believe people actually care about achievements, he's probably like "shit, now what?"
Shrug, people who don't play games can't believe we actually watch streams of pros playing games. Different strokes for different folks.
Nice Job, congrats to him.. I'm not so much into the achievement thing so I dont think I will ever achieve this
what an achievement, got my respect.
On October 11 2010 22:28 Jayme wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 21:52 Skeyser wrote:On October 11 2010 19:02 Starfox wrote: The envyness in most of the posts in this thread seems so reach critical levels.
What is there to envy? It's just useless achievements that took hundreds of hours to get. Not anymore useless than being diamond on a ladder that means nothing.
So you envy people in the diamond league(lol) or what? Not sure why you're bringing that up.
On October 11 2010 18:38 kawatan wrote: so, what exactly did the dude get in return? A whole bunch of posters calling him a no life and an achievement whore out of jealousy
I'm surprised that he isn't ranked higher given the fact that he's played so many games. I'd like to think that if I played that much, I'd be a pro.
On October 11 2010 18:36 yongming wrote: He's diamond on 1v1,2v2,3v3 and 4v4 too. T_T ....that was probably the easiest part of his achievement.
On October 11 2010 18:17 superbabosheki wrote: I can't believe people actually care about achievements, he's probably like "shit, now what?"
"I can't believe people actually care about what league they're in"
These kind of arguments are irrelevant and don't serve much than to be condescending towards people who are better than you/more devoted to something than others. Achievements are a fun addition and don't do any bad to anyone.
I would guess this guy shares his account. Really, thats the only thing that makes sense.
Meaningless or not, playing 1v1 and getting better is actually a lot of fun for me atleast. And to massing 3000 games to get an achivement some random blizzard employee came up with during his coffee break doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
But maybe he enjoyed it.
On October 11 2010 22:48 Skyze wrote: yeh, the "achievements are meaningless" guys are comical.. All games are meaningless.
I like achievements for the most part, fun little side-game to the super intense 1v1 sessions I play. So while I have 4250 achievement score, I also have 1700 in diamond 1v1, disproving the "people who get achievements only do it cause they suck at the game" bullcrap.
Anyways, Yeh, im pretty sure this was a team of people. thats the only way. I feel like ive wasted WAY too much time on sc2 so far and im not even anywhere near close to this guys hourly rate. Insane.
Who are you to say what is meaningless and what is meaningfull, except for yourself? Games aren't meaningless for me.